Alan C Scotch
Two of PragerU's largest donors are the hydraulic
fracturing billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks. Two
members of the Wilks family are on PragerU's
board. The next-largest donor is the Lynde and
Harry Bradley Foundation. Other donors include the
Morgan Family Foundation, Fidelity Charitable Gift
Fund, Donors Trust, and the Minnesota-based Sid
and Carol Verdoorn Foundation, led by former C.H.
Robinson CEO Sid Verdoorn. https://factualnews.org/.../Republican_Propaganda_Mills.htm
Jones Murphy
John Nudge what is
your level of education in math(esp
stats) & science, compared with the
overwhelming majority of scientists
who agree that global warming is
real? Is evolution real? How about
Covid? Are you vaccinated for Covid?
Is Obama a US citizen?
Steven Kincaid
Murphy What level of
education is required to look at graphs
prepared by scientists and understand
them? You question others but provide no
evidence at all to back your position.
What's your position on 440 ppm of co2
in the atmosphere? Is it on the
borderline of ending all life on earth?
Do you know what co2 starvation is? What
would earth be like if we had 3,000 ppm
of co2 in the atmosphere? Does the
climate model you're using to reinforce
your stance go back more than 2,000
years? Do you know the scientific method
for proving a deviation in cycles? I
do. https://sciencefiles.org/.../2019/07/Historic-Co2-levels.png
George Mason
Steven Kincaid At the
annual peak in May of this year, the
atmospheric CO2 level reached 424ppm.
Life on earth can withstand CO2 levels
exceeding 3,000 ppm. It also has been
able to withstand the warming that comes
with it. Just not in it's present forms.
At least two past mass extinction events
were caused by a massive release of CO2
from trap eruptions.
Plants can optimize growth with CO2
levels as low as 200ppm. The limiting
factor in a plant's ability to sequester
CO2 isn't the CO2 itself, it is the
presence of Phosphorus in a usable form
(Calvin Cycle). CO2 forcing in
greenhouse only works if massive amounts
of water and fertilizer are also used.
In terms of the graph you posted,
GEOCARB III is quite an old model and is
limited to inputs based on volcanic
deposits and CaCO3 deposits over time. A
Useful tool as a very rough estimate and
still used.
Better for our current discussions are
the ice core data going back 800,000
years, the timeframe for the explosion
of Homo Sapiens across the planet. This
May we exceeded the highest measured CO2
concentration in that timeframe (306ppm)
by 118 ppm.
Instead of using GEOCARB III data, I
recommend the reference below. It only
goes back 50 million years, but since
the first Hominid appeared on the planet
3.5 million years ago, it should suffice
as a deep time reference for the world
with humans in it. Interesting that the
latest research indicates a drastic drop
in CO2 at about the 3 million year BP
A simple linear regression of the data
from daily measurements since 1958
yields an atmospheric CO2 level of over
500 ppm by 2025.
CO2 re-radiates infrared energy at 15
CO2's lifespan in the atmosphere is at
least 100 to 200 years.
George Mason
This site also has daily measurement
data for CH4, N2O, and SF6:
Alan C Scotch
John Nudge Scientific
consensus: Climate is warming from
man-made change.
I wish it weren't true but I'd be very
silly not to believe 99% of
Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian
Jon Dodge
Since the planet was first formed the climate
has been changing. If it had not changed then
no life as we know it would exist. The day the
climate stops changing all life will cease to
exist. What happens in the meantime? The
lifeforms that adapt and evolve continue and
the ones that don't simply fade away
Doug Percival
Meanwhile the global warming deniers just keep
regurgitating the same tired old lies, the
same old ignorant nonsense, and the same old
crackpot conspiracy theories that the fossil
fuel industry has been spoon-feeding to
weak-minded, gullible dupes for decades. They
neither know nor care whether anything they
post here is true. They only know that it is
their DUTY as "conservatives" to repeat
whatever the fake "right-wing" media tells
them, like trained parrots.
Doug Percival
Florida is now mandating that school children
be forcibly indoctrinated with the fossil fuel
industry's lies. Florida will soon be
uninhabitable because much of the state will
be under water for much of the year, much of
its infrastructure will be irreperably
destroyed by ultraviolent megastorms, and it
will be too hot for human beings to live
there, and too hot for agriculture. So it
Rand Barthel
Watch this PragerU video for the crude
one-sided emotional manipulation it engages
in. It's rank fossil fuel industry propaganda.
I would love to know the funding sources
behind this rubbish. And this is what DeSantis
wants to make all school children sit through
as captive audiences.
Michael Thurston
The sad part is we can drastically reduce
pollution with one simple law. We need an
equality tax on all imports from places not
meeting our EPA and labor standards. A large
enough tax to make it cheaper to produce in
country without mass pollution and child/slave
Lester Taylor
Why do some scientists get a stage to stand on
while other scientists with opposite views get
silenced? Who is to say which ones have the
correct view , the ones with the largest voice
or the ones with less backing? We can go back
many years ago and find scientific facts and
studies that were the holy grail but time has
proven them wrong.
Jere Hook
So far in over 50 years the Liberal Climate
Nuts have not had it correct yet. We did not
die of CO2 poisoning, we did not have a new
ice age in the 70s to 80s, we did not die in
10 years like predicted in the 80s, 90s, and
10 years ago, Florida is not…
See more
Derosnec Niaga
-Propaganda headline should have read, "Watch
a master propagandist lie to the world while
pretending to be a 'Climate Scientist.'"
Robert Billman
Strange how 97% of all scientists agree with
those providing the funding! You see, I tried
following the science but it just wasn't
there. Then I started to follow the money and
it was there I found the science! I f you
remember correctly Al Gore began with this
"global warming" back in the 60's & 70's.
(Didn't work then? Won't work now!) In the
60's it was also your concern that the "oil
reserves" will be depleted in 10 years, we're
all gonna die. Then in the 70's it was another
ice age within the next 10 years, We could all
perish! Now, on to the 80's. At that time all
the rage was acid rain will kill all the crops
in another 10 years and thousands of humans
and animals will die.............. never
happened! That brings us to the
90's............ oh yeah, now the big scare is
the Ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years
and we could all die...... again, never
happened. Now in the early 2000's it was the
disappearing ice caps, remember that one?
Torch that one why don't you! That brings us
back to square one, but the names have
changed! It's no longer Global Warming, it's
now Climate change! (Or as normal human beings
would call it, the seasons, spring, summer,
fall and winter! Now, none of these
catastrophes actually occurred however, all
resulted in more regulations and more taxes!
If you're not old enough to remember these
environmental scams of the past you're not old
enough to understand how the game is played!
Robert Billman
Bob Holly Jr. Yeah
and those pesky scientists who
receive no gov't funding
what-so-ever expressing their
different points of view too huh?
Now, if you have some sort of issue
with those scientists taking what
you express as nothing but
taking kickbacks, maybe you could
contact them and show them the
errors of their ways!
Bob Holly Jr.
Those paid entirely by "the
Those in the employ of the fossil
fuel industry
and... who is it that funds "those
pesky scientists who receive no
gov't funding what-so-ever"?
A question about those paid entire
by "the government": which
Michael Thurston
Who can you trust? As it is impossible to
prove what a climate scientist thinks. So far
they have struck out every single time at bat.
Ivy Moser
These PragerU videos are the worst. Equating
environmentalist to Nazis?!?!?
Terry Hendrickson
"Climate Scientist"?  You mean a
weatherman? Yeah, they're so scientifically
Christine Meleg
Landon Facts are
pieces of information, thoroughly tested
and reviewed, once established they
remain true. They can either be accepted
or not. In this case the fact were never
seen, just a load of bull sh-t handed
out to appease the brainless governor.
Dan Lockerman
This is SOOOOOO Stupid , looking back at this
is going to be fun for our Grandkids to laugh
at !
Lori Johnston-Arthur
We are the carbon they want to reduce. When
you see the phrase "sustainable development"
think depopulation and feudalism. That
so-called bought-and-paid-for "climate
scientist" is a propagandist for the
globalists, and the "Climate
Change/Global Warming Crisis" is a lie. It's
all about money, power and control.
Christine Meleg
Approved for Florida schools, nothing more
needs to be said. Anything even remotely
resembling the truth was wiped off before it
was recorded.
Todd Dunning
We all agree that the Left gets their science
from Mother Jones
Wade Clark
Dunning There are no
such things as "the left" or "we all
agree". Your entire world view is a
Meneer Sjoerd
Wasted 10 minutes and watched this purported
Doctorate Climate Terrorist 'fact check'. She
simply refutes without facts... just a Climate
Terrorist lying as they do so well.
Jerry L. Head
Union of Concerned Scientist = liberal
globalist propaganda
Terry L. Brown
Desantis is going to “stupid” us right out of
existence! He was Alfred E. Neuman last night
in look and communications!
Roger Rader
Let's not forget all the Climate Change
alarmists that keep buying oceanfront
property, lol
Joe Creaney
Most of the green extremes see humanity as the
basic problem. Until they declare war and go
and attack China and India they do not truly
care about this issue and do not believe it.
They are the ones flying on private jets
virtue signaling because of their depravity.
Ed Matheson
The science / reality deniers sure enjoy
attacking reality with their deafening
Holly Scott
Tommy Lucas
Propaganda post pushing fear for politics its
all democrats know. America is tired of
democrats lies and corruption.
Peter Klein
Should change their name to Union of Fake
Erica Byrne
Every climate scientist in the world is
wrong, and Trump is right? Got it.
Bert Sandlin
Butcher - So true! Joe
Biden is the only president in the 50 plus
year history of the EPA to FIRE the entire
EPA Science Advisory Board and replace them
with his ECO-SCAMMERS. YES Joe fired all 42
that is every member and replaced them with
his climate cronies. Next time you comment
on the tainted science mention this. JOE
the World.
Per the attached Tuesday, May 25, 2021
article from the Washington Times
“the Biden administration decided to
terminate all 42 members of the EPA Science
Advisory Board (SAB ). For the first time in
SAB’s 42-year history, a new EPA
administrator will receive scientific advice
only from scientists that they personally
appoint. It is a clear political move that
truly is unprecedented.” So in less than 5
Months in office Biden fired all 42 members
of the EPA Science Advisory Board and
replaced all of them with his climate
cronies. See attached below
Steven Stevens
If ignorance is bliss, they are promoting a
state of ecstasy
Rocky Johnson
I love it when they say the forest fires are a
direct climate change event. Yet ask the fire
investigators and they say 75% are purposeful
arson. Then there are web sites that track
wild fires that go back 30 years. Guess what?
2023 is average. Also look at the weather news
- they use 5 times the amount of red just from
2 years ago. When the temperatures shown are
lower than two years ago, but are in red zones
now, this is alarmist BS. I'm not a climate
denier, but I will point out alarmists using
every dishonest tools they think they can get
away with before getting busted again when
global warming numbers were fudged and they
were caught. The US carbon footprint has
fallen and I think we are doing well. China is
far ahead on the polluting scale. They make up
half of the entire world's carbon. No single
country should be allowed to be so reckless.
The US is going in the right direction, but
watch out for alarmists that attack and lie
too. We all saw the "Hottest Day in 120,000
Years report last week or so ago. Total BS -
we have no data to draw from to make such a
stupid statement. PragerU is typically level
headed and that rubs the lefties the wrong way
because when shown truth, they start name
calling instead of proving the case. Hint when
you demand to change words & meanings you lose
the culture discussion. I won't call a he a
her or them. When you try to pass laws
mandating that, you have laws mandating
slavery thought and not free thought. If we
allow you to start a discussion where a he is
a her and by law a fact, then we all lose the
common sense discussion on anything.
Bob Smith
Never could've imagined Mother Jones would be
in the establishment (statist) camp..... lol
Neal Dirk
Anyone who claims we have a climate crisis is
a moron or a Communist Radical Lefty who's
only passion in life is to see America
destroyed from within. The damage done to our
children by lying about a phony climate crisis
has caused millions of young people to become
sad and depressed to the point that they don't
want to marry or have children or live and the
only thing that keeps them alive is therapy
and anxiety/depression medication. Remember
what Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet Union
Communist leader, said in the early 1960s
about burying America from within without
firing a shot. Open your eyes America before
it's too late.
Steve Cordell
200 years ago---"settled science" held that
the best treatment for most diseases was
Desanguination--and you dont know what that is
OH NO have to read
“Science” held Disease allegedly was caused by
“miasma”--bad smells…
See more
Timothy Terzin
Weird how the enemy of the free world benefits
from the actions of Climate Science.
Tim Banis
“Climate scientist”. Haha. That’s a good one.
Barry Shildneck
Who's fact-checking the fact-checkers? I
didn't look at the video, simply because there
have been far too many cases where (other)
"fact-checkers" have been proven wrong. It
could be that this one of the exceptions, but
I refuse to be "bullied" into believing every
supposed "expert", when I've seen so many
instances to the contrary. 
Tony Wright
Since the climate alarmists are the chciken
littles with fraudulent predictions. I suggest
the SUN is the cause of all global warming and
CO2 is an NPC. It happens to be the building
block of all life which if you are anti
population you would deprive the atmosphere of
it, which you policies would do.
Bob Holly Jr.
Wright if the sun is
the cause of global warming, wouldn't
that mean that Mercury, the planet
closest to the sun, should be hotter
than Venus, the second closest planet to
the sun, right?
Chris Gustav Halverson
Jeff Harper: Dr.
Steven Koonin, an atmospheric
physicist who was a member of the
Obama administration, is considered
the world’s leading authority on the
way energy radiates from Earth’s
atmosphere, exactly the mechanism of
greenhouse gases, which cause
warming by reducing the amount of
solar energy radiating back into
space. I found it very enlightening.
It makes me worry even less than
before about global warming. For
example, it turns out that even
doubling the current amount of
carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere
will increase the amount of solar
energy the atmosphere retains by
only 1%. Did you watch the video
before criticizing it?
Chris Gustav Halverson
Interesting comment, Christine.
Haiku is one of my favorite poetic
forms and I do feature it in my
teaching. What do you have against
Christine Meleg
Gustav Halverson Here's
the thing about science deniers', they
scream the loudest and can never
understand they are the problem. go
ahead and accept the "facts from an
entertainment site" it proves what I
stated, science deniers are mentally
ill. Teaching writing is a far cry from
being a scientist, I am a scientist and
have studied the effects of Global
Warming for decades, findings published
with further studies from the national
Audubon Society.
Facts Rock
PragerU is a joke. They use vague, misleading,
divisive posts to promote far right propaganda
and are now asking for donations to promote
more biased products in schools. It's
Dave Harpe
Prager DOES NOT belong in our schools!
By the way, what does that "U" mean anyway,
uninformed, untrue, underhanded, or what?
Donna Santiago
Floriduh is going to have some really stupid
Paul Airola
Fact, weren't scientists paid by people like
Al Gore and others to push the climate change
Dave Harpe
Airola Here are some
real facts. Al Gore is not a
billionaire, and has nothing to gain if
people buy a car from Elon Musk. Big oil
has a lot to gain if we believe what you
are saying, and spent billions to
promote such ideas.
John Roy Sr
I strongly suspect the Union of Concerned
Scientists to be just one
more covert single issue special interest
group owned & operated by
the Democrat-Bolshevik intelligentsia. If they
were honest, if they had
any "science" they would have told us what
mankind did, just what
anthropogenic activity or biological impact
ended that last ice age
12,000-10,000 years ago.
*** I call it the
because over the decades their has varied from
one extreme to
the other. Each a crisis.
Doug Percival
Roy Sr is a mental
slave of the fossil fuel industry's
propanda machine. In this post he
robotically regurgitates several of the
crude, clumsy, clownish lies and
crackpot conspiracy theories that they
spoon-feed to weak-minded, ignorant,
gullible dupes who like to think they
are smarter than all the scientists in
the world.
Marlene Pettine
PragerU is a farce. Perfect for De Santis ,the
Ultimate Farce! And, that is the nicest thing
one could say about this waana be dictator!
Jim Karlock
Here is the evidence you are ignoring:
5000 years ago, there was the Egyptian 1st Unified
Kingdom warm period
4400 years ago, there was the Egyptian old kingdom
warm period.
3000 years ago, there was the Minoan Warm period.
It was warmer than now WITHOUT fossil fuels.
Then 1000 years later, there was the Roman warm
period. It was warmer than now WITHOUT fossil
Then 1000 years later, there was the Medieval warm
period. It was warmer than now WITHOUT fossil
1000 years later, came our current warm period.
Climate alarmists are claiming that whatever
caused those earlier warm periods suddenly quit
causing warm periods, only to be replaced by man's
CO2, perfectly in time for the cycle of warmth
every 1000 years to stay on schedule. Not very
The entire climate scam crumbles on this one
observation because it shows that there is nothing
unusual about today's temperature and thus CO2 is
not causing warming or any unusual climate effects
that are frequently blamed on warming.
Evidence that those warm periods actually
Evidence that the Roman & Medieval warm periods
were global:
1. Our current climate started warming 200 years
BEFORE man’s CO2 emissions started to rise . NOT
2. Previous Holocene warm periods were warmer than
3. Solar fits climate better than CO2
4. There is nothing unusual about today’s climate
compared to before man emitted CO2.
5. Recent warming is a same rate as the late 1800s
but now with much more of man’s CO2. (More of a
cause should cause more effect.)
6. Man’s CO2 has never been proven to cause
dangerous warming.
7. Man emits only 5% of annual CO2. Plus CO2 only
causes 9-26% of greenhouse effect.
1. The IPCC says the earth warmed less than 0.8
degree from 1850 up to 2012. See Pg. 209 of the
IPCC WG1AR5_all_final.pdf
2. Man only emits 6% of total annual CO2 emissions
(Nature emits 94%). Add the numbers on the NASA
diagram of the carbon cycle.
3. CO2 only causes 26-32% of the greenhouse
effect. (H2O is 60-75%) see wikipedia
greenhouse_effect page and Table 3 of: Bulletin of
the American Meteorological Society Vol. 78, No.
2, February 1997
4. We do not have enough data to say that
hurricanes have increased. pg 178 of
5. We do not have enough data to say that storms
have increased. pg 178 of WG1AR5_all_final.pdf
6. Sea level has been rising for centuries, it HAS
NOT RISEN FASTER recently. Page 306
7. There is little, if any, global scale changes
in the magnitude or frequency of floods. pg 230 of
8. Confidence is low for a global-scale observed
trend in drought or dryness pg 178 of
9. Long-term prediction of future climate states
is not possible. Page 774 of IPCC third Assessment
Report (2001) Section
In view of this, why does anyone think we have a
climate problem?
Here is the climate truth from genuine scientists:
Will happer & Richard Lindzen:
Jim Karlock
Harper --Do any of
those contain actual evidence that man's
CO2 is causing SERIOUS global warming?
If so , please post it here.
Your second graph presumes that the
failed climate models are accurate and
that we KNOW ALL THINGS that affect
climate (we DO NOT)
Jim Karlock
WOW!!! You didn't even bother to
read my post before criticizing it!!
READ THE POST - the evidence is
linked in the first section. Each
claim after that has links to
evidence. But you have to learn how
to click …
See more
Jeff Harper
From a scientific point of view,
skeptics judge ideas on many
criteria, including falsifiability,[16]
Occam's Razor,[17] Morgan's
Canon[18] and explanatory power, as
well as the degree to which their
predictions match experimental
Jim Karlock
How does that image prove that man's
CO2 is causing serious global
Jim Karlock
How does that prove that man's CO2
is causing serious global warming?
Jack Voelker
"Climate scientist"??? I.e., expert at landing
big-dollar grants and spouting the party line.
Erica Byrne
Trump supporters think that PragerU and
TrumpU are just like real universities.
Jeanette Doane
Bunch of rich Epstein island lovers telling me
about climate change. 
Scott Stillwell
LOL! Complete BS from the plantation's
certified propaganda experts. "Renewables" are
in fact expensive, unreliable and cannot power
a modern free world.
Tony Abramski
Climate Scam It's about the money they could
care less about the kids
Michael Driskill
I would believe Prager U long before I would
believe a left wing union of "scientists".
Jeff Harper
Michael Driskill therein
lies the problem. Prager U is not
science and has produced no evidence.
You have decided that truth is not worth
looking for anymore. Sad.
Eva Armstrong
This is scary. Other southern states are
starting to follow. Why do they insist on
dumbing down students? Better to control?
Don Beeman
Armstrong The dumbing down
of students was done by making more airtight
schools with higher exhaled CO2 inside with
poor ventilation.
Search for Berkley Labs 1,000 ppm CO2
impairs learning.
The “class size” crap should give everyone a
clue. Most schools with a class of 20
students has the CO2 concentration as if 46
students were present. There are 26
phantoms. I guess that’s a class size
Students are taught what to think not how to
think it seems. How much climate lie
indoctrination goes on?
Curious facts - in the 1970s when global
warming suddenly appeared to force tighter
homes, schools, etc. on us with higher
exhaled CO2 inside and poor ventilation,
“peer review” was instituted to stifle the
The energy savings from tighter buildings is
a false savings. More energy use actually
results. I explain why in what I wrote about
the CDC.
Global warming has all the markings of a
classic con job. “Look up there,” at the
atmosphere, while the real problem is in
your nose.
What is the most important thing about CO2
humans need to know? The common answer just
shows what almost fifty years of
brainwashing, of repeating a lie over and
over, can do.
No gas makes a greenhouse warm. That is done
by the greenhouse GLASS. No gas has the
properties of glass. The atmosphere expands
with heat leaving more space for snow, rain,
and cold air to blow through the CO2
molecules. Not so with greenhouse GLASS. The
atmosphere expanding also puts more of the
air higher where it is colder for more
The most important thing for humans to know
about CO2 is that it is a waste product of
our bodies, and we don’t like any of them in
our noses in greater concentrations and for
longer periods of time. No matter the
source, all CO2 can have the same adverse
effects on our physical and mental health.
The valuable lessons that prompted the
Tenement House Acts and a revolution in
building construction have been reversed and
are now used to cripple Americans and
undermine America with our own exhaled CO2.
The lies about the climate are the club that
is used to force Americans to accept and
endure higher exhaled CO2 indoors in tighter
poorly ventilated buildings. More energy use
actually results.
Over forty years of CDC and government
crimes against humanity. Millions of indoor
exhaled CO2 damaged and dead children and
Time to revisit Nuremberg!
Suzy Qu
Don Beeman we
can’t fix stupid but the conspiracy
theories make it easier to spot. 
Kelly Pennypacker
Not everything we're told about "climate
change" by the "experts" is true. What
Prager U is saying probably has far more
truth to it than what this person is
saying. I know that's hard to believe
because people like to think they can
trust these people but they can't.
Kelly Pennypacker
Suzy Qu rather
than responding to someone's comment
the way you and other climate change
believers do, why not try saying
something intelligent with actual
meaning? It's worth a try. Then
maybe you'd have some credibility.
As it is you seem to be ju…
See more
Bob Holly Jr.
Kelly Pennypacker Prager
U has never intentionally told the
truth in any of their videos.
You have to be motivatedly stupid to
believe otherwise.
Michael Driskill
Armstrong Southern
states aren't being dumbed down. Our
parents have had enough of left wing
efforts to groom and control students.
Prager U speaks the truth as opposed to
"leftists with a tree" fear mongering.
Lolly Morrow
Michael Driskill you
mean you have had enough of Teaching
facts and truth? I guess you are all
happy with your made up stuff. What
exactly have the left wing been
grooming students for.? higher
education perhaps? Maybe how to make
a decision based on r…
See more
Erica Byrne
Most parents in Southern states want
their children to receive a first-rate
education, but Republicans see that as a
threat, especially if critical-thinking
skills were to be taught.
Rich Sahlin
LMFAO, Mother Jones is so far to the left it's
a miracle they haven't tipped over yet.
Tom Ruppen
Why are China and India exempt from the Paris
Climate Accords?
What was the Carbon Footprint of the 1000
private Jets that flew to Davos for the
Climate Conference?
Richard L Webb
UOCS are the ones pushing a hoax.They use
their own twisted ideas as proof of their
position, when basic physical science and back
yard weather reporting disproves them.
Don Beeman
Alarming, eh? Fact check this -
Curious facts - in the 1970s when global warming
suddenly appeared to force tighter homes, schools,
etc. on us with higher exhaled CO2 inside and poor
ventilation, “peer review” was instituted to
stifle the truth.
The energy savings from tighter buildings is a
false savings. More energy use actually results. I
explain why in what I wrote about the CDC.
Global warming has all the markings of a classic
con job. “Look up there,” at the atmosphere, while
the real problem is in your nose.
What is the most important thing about CO2 humans
need to know? The common answer just shows what
almost fifty years of brainwashing, of repeating a
lie over and over, can do.
No gas makes a greenhouse warm. That is done by
the greenhouse GLASS. No gas has the properties of
glass. The atmosphere expands with heat leaving
more space for snow, rain, and cold air to blow
through the CO2 molecules. Not so with greenhouse
GLASS. The atmosphere expanding also puts more of
the air higher where it is colder for more
The most important thing for humans to know about
CO2 is that it is a waste product of our bodies,
and we don’t like any of them in our noses in
greater concentrations and for longer periods of
time. No matter the source, all CO2 can have the
same adverse effects on our physical and mental
health. The valuable lessons that prompted the
Tenement House Acts and a revolution in building
construction have been reversed and are now used
to cripple Americans and undermine America with
our own exhaled CO2.
The lies about the climate are the club that is
used to force Americans to accept and endure
higher exhaled CO2 indoors in tighter poorly
ventilated buildings. More energy use actually
Over forty years of CDC and government crimes
against humanity. Millions of indoor exhaled CO2
damaged and dead children and adults
Time to revisit Nuremberg!
Mark Egdall
Please teach the children what the
measurements tell us. Global warming is real.
The planet is getting hotter and hotter. At a
magnitude and speed which is unprecedented in
human history. Measurements show the unique
chemical signature of fossil fuel burning and
the resultant increase in heat-trapping carbon
dioxide in our atmosphere. We see the effects
in more and more extreme weather events across
our planet -- flooding, droughts, wildfires,
rising oceans and seas, heat waves.
Terry Doyle
Egdall it is the start
of the 2nd coming when all the elements
are rebelling against our wickedness- so
there is nothing we can do to prevent
this. even if america reduced our co2 to
zero, it wouldnt make up for china,
russia, and india. they are not going to
do it because it would ruin their
Bill Gillespie
Ah, 49 comments, but fb has selected the "most
relevant" for me - which amount to just my own
three comments! Is fb concerned I'd dismantle
the goofball comments, and derail the climate
alarmist narrative? How pathetic, but so like
the Left.
Glenn Braun
Bill Gillespie you should be able to
click on "All Comments" and see
everything again. But so like the Right
to jump to conclusions and blame
everyone else.
Bill Gillespie
How laughable. Ms. Dahl first attacks the
video because it's protagonist is - white! It
gets more goofy from there. But no hard
science is presented. A desperate Leftist try
to maintain its goofy narrative which is
falling apart because it lacks factual
Les Arbuckle
There is absolutely no money in saying that there
is not a climate crisis.
Bill Gillespie
Climate hustling is almost as lucrative as
race hustling.
Stephen Erwin
Too much misinformation to know what to
believe from the climate alarmists.
George Mason
Sundling I have
received three grants for doing
scientific research:
1. Department of energy researching
waste streams as sources of energy. That
one paid for groceries and misc.
2. Soil Conservation Service researching
Phosphorus and Nitrogen loading in river
sediments. That one paid for a little
bit more.
In both cases, I had to have another job
as well as my National Guard pay.
The third was funded through the SEPM by
the US oil industry working on
micropaleontology (conodont asemblages)
to determin the age of shale bearing
rock formations. I rebuilt my house on
that one.
Anyone who thinks that scientists are
getting rich off of government research
is living in fantasy land.
Brad Goff
Mother Jones? AYFKM? The posterchild for
extremism, immediately destroys any
Michael Lennerth
Climate change is thee biggest scam our
government is running right now.wake up people
they going enslave you by not letting
outside,absolute control
Jones Murphy
Michael Lennerth what
is your level of education in math(esp
stats) & science, compared with the
overwhelming majority of scientists who
agree that global warming is real? Is
evolution real? How about Covid? Are you
vaccinated for Covid? Is Obama a US
Sage Anderson
Lennerth , Ohhhh, Did you
miss Out on your premium membership in the
(1960's) John BIRCH Society and the Storming
of Our Nation's Capitol 》The Dangerous
Weaponization of Radical Rabid reich-wing
proto-fascist Rhetoric Is &- has been a
core element of Trump’s Demagoguery from
Every race-baiting, scapegoating,
progressive-demonizing word that’s ever come
out of Trumpf’s mouth—every insane,
right-wing conspiracy theory let loose on
social platforms, or promoted by
morally-bankrupted media scumbags like
Carlson, Ingraham or Bannon—have all been
intended to make the
pathetically-brainwashed, embarrassing
clowns shown in this meme’s photo as ANGRY
as possible, in the hopes of inciting
wide-scale violence in this country.
EACH of them are poisoning the present-day
social fabric our nation with the same
relentless, hate-filled propaganda that set
Germany afire in 1933 with unimaginable
cruelty and hatefulness towards the same
groups of innocent human beings targeted by
present-day MAGA cultists.
What an utter dishonor to every brave
soldier who bled to death on the shores of
Normandy to fight the evils of fascism which
present-day Republicans are shamelessly
inciting us towards as they lose their grip
on power—the very same soldiers referred to
as “losers” by a five-time draft-dodging,
multiply-indicted ex-President—whose
appalling rhetoric has sparked a massive,
positive outrage amongst a decent, sensible
and growing majority in this nation no
longer burdened with complacency. 》 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-jan-6-2664004726/...
John Nudge
"Climate scientist." This is the kind of
person Al Gore cited for his global warming
scam, and who provided Gore with his bogus
Sage Anderson
Nudge-""trickle Down"-
economics &- science are Bogus,
Bloviating bullllsshht Bombast from the
Bizarre basement Bunker Brigade of
Alex-Jones, Smucker Carlson, &- The
Radical Rabid reich-wing of Prager U the
Koch Foundation &- every
Oil&-Gas Billionaire- Power Broker-
Contributor to the Ethically DEVOID &-
Corrupt Retrumplican Tribulation Tribal
Cult 》
Steven Kincaid
Sage Anderson That's
a whole lot of stupid in one run-on
sentence especially from a Nazi. Run
along an fight the Russians little
Sage Anderson
Steven Kincaid -
Are you a Bizarre basement Bunker
Brigade::bullyBoy"- of Alex-Jones,
or Sniveling, shuffling syncophant
of Smucker Carlson:- Your profile
has NOTHING but a Monster Truck- to
get your cognitive Incapacitaties-
occupied &' As I am a Veteran, and
NOTHING of your Faux- Bullshhtt
profile has any credibility- your
Troll.Azzz-is - 
Steven Kincaid
Sage Anderson Remember
when they asked Zelensky if the Azov
were nazis and he said "they are who
they are". I'll bet you believe that
means they're not nazis...
Jones Murphy
Nudge what is your
level of education in math(esp stats) &
science, compared with the overwhelming
majority of scientists who agree that
global warming is real? Is evolution
real? How about Covid? Are you
vaccinated for Covid? Is Obama a US
Thomas Alan Hanson
What an absurd video! The narrator often throws in
the word "right" at the end of a sentence, making
her sound like an inarticulate adolescent. She
ignores that fact that many esteemed scientists
disagree strongly with the "consensus," and that
the best-known of them are professors emeritus,
who don't depend on funding and who don't care
what their erstwhile colleagues think. (Lindzen at
M.I.T. and Happer at Princeton come to mind.) --
There is no climate crisis: annual deaths from
natural disasters, most of which are
climate-related, have plummeted by more than 90%
in the past 100 years: https://ourworldindata.org/natural-disasters --
And the climate has very often changed FAR more
rapidly than it is changing now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dansgaard-Oeschger_event -
This professor has been successfully indoctrinated
-- "right"?
Jones Murphy
Thomas Alan Hanson what is your level of
education in math(esp stats) & science,
compared with the overwhelming majority
of scientists who agree that global
warming is real? Is evolution real? How
about Covid? Are you vaccinated for
Covid? Is Obama a US citizen?
George Mason
Thomas Alan Hanson Happer
and Lindzen, the poster children for the
denialism movement. Neither one a
climatologist, both one-trick ponies.
Happer for spectroscopy and Lindzen for
photochemistry. Both received damning
reviews from their peers. Both were…
See more
Thomas Alan Hanson
George Mason There
are too many errors in your comment
to warrant rebuttal. Lindzen and
Happer are very well-respected
scientists who have done research on
the climate for several decades.
When science is robust, no one cares
who funds it. No one ever …
See more
Scott Stillwell
Folks have an interest in oil;
because it is a product that works
extremely well in free
transportation and elsewhere, that
no other tech can provide. It's only
natural that threats to the market,
like carbon offsets and propaganda
would be met and countered by folks
defending the market and their
Scott Stillwell
Incorrect. The CO2 concentration has
increased to over 400ppm from ~280ppm
due to burning by man. The temperature(T)
has risen ~0.34% and continues to climb
for the reason just stated. That 0.3%
rise represents the increase in energy
available in weather events, ice
melting, ect... except where phase
change and precipitation is involved,
which amounts to a ~4% increase in
energy and total precipitation, which is
an added 2MPH wind to a 100MPH wind that
otherwise would have occurred and
0.04"water per inch that otherwise would
have fell had man burnt nothing. So the
hyperbole of, "crisis, catastrophic,
devastating, ect...", does not apply;
but the need to switch to power sources
that will not contribute to the warming,
such as nuclear is needed yesterday.
Thomas Alan Hanson
Scott Stillwell I
agree that we should switch to
nuclear. Where I live, solar would
not work (it snows almost every
night in winter), and wind is
unreliable. -- CO2 cannot be as
potent as the so-called consensus
claims -- there is a very
weak correlation between CO2 levels
and global temperatures. During the
previous interglacial period (the
Eemian), there was less atmospheric
CO2 than there is now. But the earth
was hotter than it is currently, and
sea levels were extremely high -- so
high that Scandinavia was an island.
Many other examples could be
George Mason
Scott Stillwell Yup,
annual atmospheric CO2 peaked at 424
ppm this May. Temperature, however,
has actually increased by 1.1
degrees C since reliable measurement
started in the late 1800s.
George Mason
Thomas Alan Hanson And
the rise of the global temperature
in the Eemian of 1 to 2 degrees C
took almost 8,000 years based on ice
core data. As did every other spike
and fall in 800,000 years of ice
core records. We've had a 1.1 degree
C increase in less than 150 years.
So please explain what natural
process changed to alter a
temperature rise of 8,000 years into
on of hundreds of years. What could
it be?
Scott Stillwell
The ~8000 year cycles covered a
change an order of magnitude higher,
Rod Pile
Alan Hanson Wrong The
worldwide consensus is overwhelming.
Scientific organizations that hold the
position that Climate Change has been caused
by human action:
Eric Matthew
You right wingers always seem to be so proud
of your ignorance
David C Allison
Eric Matthew Maybe they'll take the
horse trank recommended by their orange
fuhrer . If those scientists were real
and looked at the same data, they
couldn’t disagree. 99% is a big and
dated number mr einstein. Why not just
FOff and leave the problems for the Big
David C Allison
John Nudge At 70 kid will you be
like this? Or will you always be a
misogynous bot?
Les Arbuckle
C Allison It wasn't a
"Horse Trank" dummy. And Ivermectin was
originall made for HUMANS.
How did you get so dumb? Practice?
Koreen AW
Matthew You left
wingers always seem to be so proud of
your alarmist predictions that never
come to fruition.
Scott Stillwell
Left wingers are oblivious to theirs and
arrogant about it too.
Jones Murphy
Einhaus what is your
level of education in math(esp stats) &
science, compared with the overwhelming
majority of scientists who agree that
global warming is real? Is evolution
real? How about Covid? Are you
vaccinated for Covid? Is Obama a US
Jones Murphy
Sam Davis bro I
taught myself calculus as a kid. At
what age did you teach yourself
calculus? Do you have any idea how
scientists even think? You think we
sit around waiting for Al Gore to
tell us about the universe?
Sam Davis
Jones Murphy yes
scientist think how can I get more
money from any kind of agenda that
they can milk????
Jones Murphy
Sam Davis no
worries. Big Oil, Gas, Coal CEO's
will save us from the greedy, evil
Rich Branch
You idiots just cannot get over that this
whole "climate change" crap is just
that...CRAP!!! It's a globalist SCAM you
John Nudge
Branch These losers
still can't admit that Al Gore scammed
them big time, and is still scamming
them. There never was a concensus., and
none of his dire predictions have come
true. Gore was smart to target the
shallow end of the gene pool.
The ultimate science deniers.