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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 1
Sloppy: LSL data store with Google App

Hi, I've implemented a demonstration data
store accessible to LSL scripts that works like Silo, but instead of being
hosted by your ISP is instead hosted on the Google App Engine
servers. I would be particularly interested in hearing from anyone
who uses Silo currently and would be willing to test their script against
my code. I'm sorry, I won't be providing more support than is the README
file for getting your own server up and running. All the code for
the server and client is freely available and released under a permissive
BSD-style license. Everything is here: Here is the demo client you can
drop into a script to access my test server. EDIT: I've been told
there was an issue with the script that was formatted here. I'm not sure
what happened, but this version is now the correct one. Really, though,
you'd be better off grabbing one from my svn repository with the spacing
[php] //
[Snipped license for legibility in forums -- please see referenced
LICENSE file for license
information. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Configuration variables.
// NOTE: This server is only for use
for this demonstration. Do not use this // server for any
production purposes. I reserve the right to sabotage // your data
in entertaining ways if you do. :) string url =
string demo_key =
"fnord"; float request_timeout = 15.0; // in my experience these
never get close to this number. float idle_check = 60.0; // Check
for a new message every idle_check seconds. This is pretty
spammy. integer listen_channel = 3;
// No real need to
touch these. integer HTTP_REQUEST_NONE = 0; integer
integer http_last_request = HTTP_REQUEST_NONE; key
http_key = NULL_KEY; string last_message = ""; integer touched
get_current_message() { if (http_key == NULL_KEY)
{ //llWhisper(0, "Requesting current message from demo
server."); http_key = llHTTPRequest( url + demo_key, [ ],
""); http_last_request =
HTTP_REQUEST_GET; llSetTimerEvent(request_timeout); } else
{ llWhisper(0, "There is already a request pending,
sorry."); } }
{ llSetText(last_message, <1.0,0.8,0.8>,
1.0); }
send_message(string name, string message) { if
(http_key == NULL_KEY) { //llWhisper(0, "Sending message: " +
message); http_key = llHTTPRequest(url + demo_key, [ HTTP_METHOD,
"PUT" ], name + ": " + message); http_last_request =
HTTP_REQUEST_PUT; llSetTimerEvent(request_timeout); } else
{ llWhisper(0, "There is already a request pending,
sorry."); } }
reset_state() { http_last_request =
HTTP_REQUEST_NONE; http_key = NULL_KEY; touched =
say_hello() { if (http_key == NULL_KEY)
{ last_message = ""; llWhisper(0, "Demo client for Sloppy --
Touch to check for a new message at any time."); llWhisper(0,
"Any message set here will be seen by everyone who is running this
script, anywhere in
SL."); get_current_message(); } }
default { state_entry() { say_hello(); llListen(listen_channel,
"", NULL_KEY, ""); }
on_rez(integer param)
{ reset_state(); say_hello();
listen( integer
channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if (channel ==
listen_channel) { send_message(name,
message); } }
total_number) { touched =
TRUE; get_current_message(); }
timer() { if
(http_key != NULL_KEY) { // This is a request
timeout. llSetTimerEvent(idle_check); reset_state(); llWhisper(0,
"Timed out request."); } else { // This is an idle message
check. llSetTimerEvent(0.0); get_current_message();
} }
req, integer status, list meta, string content) { if (req !=
http_key) { //llWhisper(0, "Unexpected
response..."); return; }
if (http_last_request ==
HTTP_REQUEST_GET) { llSetTimerEvent(idle_check); if (status ==
200) { if (last_message != content) { llWhisper(0, "New
message: " + content); llWhisper(0, "You can always set a new one
by saying something on /" + (string)
listen_channel); last_message =
content; update_text();
} else if (touched)
{ llWhisper(0, "Sorry, no new message."); }
} else if
(status == 404) { llWhisper(0, "There is no key by the requested
name."); } else if (status == 403) { llWhisper(0, "Forbidden
from retrieving requested key."); } else { llWhisper(0,
"Unexpected HTTP response to GET request: " + (string)
status); } reset_state(); } else if (http_last_request ==
{ llSetTimerEvent(idle_check); reset_state(); get_current_message();
(status == 200) { llWhisper(0, "Message updated!"); } else if
(status == 201) { llWhisper(0, "Created new message!"); } else
if (status == 403) { llWhisper(0, "Forbidden from setting
requested key."); } else { llWhisper(0, "Unexpected HTTP
response to PUT request: " + (string) status); } } else
{ reset_state(); llWhisper(0, "Unexpected HTTP request
type."); }
} } [/php]
| Here
is the full README:
for Sloppy v0.1 -- $Id: README 41 2008-08-31 20:07:18Z anari
Sloppy (Silo + .py) is software to host a
web-accessible storage service intended to be accessed from LSL
scripts within Second Life. Other people have solved this problem
in other ways in the past; here is what might be a little
different about Sloppy:
- Designed as a drop-in replacement
for Silo, an existing PHP-Based storage solution for LSL scripts
in Second Life written by Zero Linden. - Written in Python with
Google's App Engine SDK for free hosting on their cloud computing
Sloppy was was implemented over the course of an
evening or two primarily as a testing ground and proof of concept
for using Google App Engine servers to provide persistent storage
for LSL. For this reason, and since it is my first Google App
Engine application, the code is not as polished as it could
If using Google App Engine this way proves valuable, I
may look at implementing a new system from the ground up with a
better API. Feedback is welcome on that front. Bug reports are
also welcome.
There are some tradeoffs that
come with Google App Engine and with using a drop-in replacement
for Silo.
+ If you already use Silo, this
should hopefully "just work." + You don't need your own web
hosting. + You don't need to trust some random SL user who is
offering free web data hosting. + Google is presumably less
likely to have a serious, extended outage than most smaller mom
and pop web hosting service providers. Availability is important;
utilizing external data storage can introduce a single point of
failure for your scripts. + This code is released under a
permissive BSD-style license (see the included LICENSE
- I don't particularly like the Silo
protocol. - You have to trust Google with your data. - Getting
something set up on App Engine is probably not for novices
(though Google provides plenty of documentation and some great
examples to get stated with.) I will not be providing support in
getting your application setup outside of this document. - You
may not be able to get a google app engine account. When I signed
up, they said there were no more beta accounts available, but a
little later I checked back and had access anyway. - Google
does not presently sell additional resources if you go over
the alotted resource quotas with your free
- README: this file. - this is the code that's implemented on Google's
servers. - app.yaml: configuration data for the application -
index.yaml: configures indexes for sloppys data store -
example.lsl: brain dead demonstration client. - test.lsl: a few
unit tests for the application.
- Get a
google app engine account. - Create an application on google appe
engine. - Install the google app engine SDK on your test
system. - Extract the tarball this README was included into
somewhere. - Edit 'app.yaml'; update the name to the one you
chose while creating the application on Google's site. - run against the directory you extracted the tarball
into: update sloppy/ - I'm not sure if your indexes
are set up automatically or not. If they are not, this should
create the ones sloppy uses. update_indexes
- Install the google app
engine SDK on your test system. - Extract the tarball onto your
test system. - run: sloppy/
By default,
this will start a webserver running locally on
[url]http://localhost:8080/[/url] that you can use as a full
sloppy service.
[email][/email] Anari
Demme in Second Life
Hogfather for the initial bright idea to use App Engine for
this purpose.

Last edited by Anari Demme : 08-31-2008 at 11:34
PM. |