The Myth that Biden can beat Trump



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The Myth that Biden can beat Trump (and Sanders can't )

People have forgotten Trump's Campaign Promises:

bullet1. Build a wall along the southern border and Make Mexico pay for it. (costing  $25 BILLION)
bullet50. Grow the nation's economy by at least 6 percent.
bullet68. Deport the 11 million immigrants illegally living in the United States.
bullet5. Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency .
bullet53. Get rid of
bulletDodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
bulletConsumer Protection Act.
bullet6. Get rid of Obamacare .
bullet10. Defund Planned Parenthood.
bullet60. ..... prevent mass shootings. Find ways to arm more of the "good guys" like him who can take out the "sickos." Get rid of bans on certain types of guns and magazines so that "good, honest people" can own the guns of their choice.
bullet63. Allow concealed-carry permits to be recognized in all 50 states.
bullet66. Provide more funding for drug treatment, especially for heroin addicts.
bullet4. Get rid of Common Core in Education.
bullet17. Never take a vacation while serving as president.

This list can be described as mostly pipe-dreams and extreme unlikelihood's. None of these promises ( and most others) have been fulfilled.
But they have succeeded in their goal -- of getting Trump elected.

Compare that to Saunders (not Biden):-
bulletMEDICARE for ALL,
bulletRAISE TAXES on the 1%,

and at least we get promises that would actually make a huge positive difference and although it transfers funding to the Taxation System it is still feasible when you know that Europe has already done it.
We have European models that we can simply emulate.

And the GREEN NEW DEAL is something Europeans are currently working on.

But feasibility is clearly not relevant, anyway, when Trump shows us that fantasy promises win elections.

So now we have Sleepy Joe (with far fewer votes than Bernie from the under 40 age group)  looking like just another Hillary Clinton when it comes to policy.
Hoping that Democratic Votes don't stay at home :(