Swiss minimum wage equals $25 USD. How do they do it? Zero capital gains tax.
New Zealand also has a high minimum wage at $18.90 NZD per hour. Guess what...
zero capital gains there too!
TB what do you think the connection is? That they bring in more from income tax
because the minimum wage is higher? ??
AL - From the government perspective, yes... it will help balance out the lost
From the employee's perspective they will make more but also pay more tax.
From the businesses perspective they will be less profitable, but will be able
to keep their gain when they sell (and also find it easier to get investment to
grow their business).
CPAs and tax lawyers hate it though... because it will make it easier for
business owners do their own taxes ??
TB that makes sense.
I don’t understand how that correlates. Let’s NOT tax the rich to pay their
share, and we can raise the minimum wage?
Excellent question! The people who are against higher minimum wages are business
So in order to get them on board you eliminate the capital gains tax like
Switzerland and New Zealand did.
Business owners will benefit from zero capital gains because:
a) They will eventually make more money when they sell their business, and
b) It will be much easier to find investors to help start and grow their
business since capital gains tax is an "investment tax".
TB But your post Appears pro zero capital gains tax. As if that would help raise
the minimum wage. Correlation is not causation.
I expect there are a lot of other differences between the US and those
countries with zero capital gains tax.
TB Biden plans to crush us with gains taxes unfortunately as well as estate
exemptions. I have spent a great deal of time in Switzerland and talked to some
living there.
Lots of taxes and constant voting on things. Mandatory military training and the
adult men are issued a gun to keep at home in the event of being called back to
Much we don’t know about other countries.
I am a multiple business owner and could increase my wages provided
consumers can handle increased prices because it’s not factored in at this point
CL - Business owners are the ones who need to be brought on board to get support
to increase minimum wage.
Eliminating capital gains will make them very happy. Plus it simplifies the tax
TB Now if only we could decouple health insurance from
TB I don’t support that, that shifts even more of the burden off the rich and
onto the middle class.
How about we tax unearned income at the same rate as
income derived from labor?
That sounds complicated. I think we need to simplify tax law.
TB when you find a business that will actually do this, let me know.
TB why is every tax simplification law 1200 pages? What
would be simple is if capital gains were taxed at the same rate as other income.
That would be simple.
LC - When I find a business that will actually do what? I don't understand...
JW - It would be simpler, and that's what California does, but it would not help
the business owner.
What I'm suggesting is in exchange for dramatically higher minimum wage (which
makes their businesses less profitable)... in the same bill,… See More
TB are you saying business owners have no advantage over labor in this country?
??? Are you saying business owners have no tax advantage over laborers?
I think you should talk with Bezos about that.
TB simplify Their gains and losses to accommodate a higher minimum wage. It's an
agree to disagree situation unfortunately. Sad but true
TB It will never come to light
LC I have friends in New Zealand that are constantly starting and selling
businesses. The lack of the capital gains friction makes their lives so much
JW - I'm saying you have to get support from business owners in order to get the
law passed for a much higher minimum wage.
Amazon is already at $15 per hour, so unless we are talking about a much higher
minimum wage like Switzerland it's already a moot issue for Amazon.
JW and LC - It seems as if the two of you feel very differently about this. Just
to make sure I understand:
Lisa thinks that business owners would not support my plan because (I'm
guessing) the potential for gains are too far in… See More
Also, in addition to 1200 page "simplified" tax plans, simplified plans like
flat tax tend to benefit some groups disproportionately and penalize others.
GM - It seems like we just keep making it worse and more complicated all the
TB you misrepresent me, but I’m working here. ??
Not "we".
The conservative powers who pretend to be empowering working people and small
business people, while actually engaging in the wealth creation and preservation
For themselves.
Maybe in addition to looking at income tax and capital gains tax we need to look at inheritance and wealth retention taxes.
The system we have now seems to be encouraging the sort of economic monarchy.
The founding fathers I hate when that happens!
Dark Money by Jane Mayer is a wonderful read
that touches on some of these subjects.
JW - Sorry I didn't get it right...
TB yep for me. With the economic on slot that is happened with the pandemic I
don't think they can afford to pay higher wages.
Now there's always your choice to you I can but not everyone. There's a lot of
businesses that have closed during this pandemic.
Maybe an old sunny California you make so much money but not for the rest of the
good all USA
TB you know I was just kidding. Lol.
I am a prime example of how the capital gains tax hurts Americans. I have real
estate investments which I would love to turn over, but because of the 25% I
would have to pay, I’m holding onto them. Sure, I could do a 1031 exchange, but
the time restrictions are too draconian. Yes, if I’m lucky enough to find that
perfect property within that time period, sign me up!
I’m all for the wealthy paying their fair share. I don’t mind giving up a
sizable chunk of my income every year, as long as it goes to education,
infrastructure, health care, etc.
However, the capital gains tax is not a “fair share” tax.
JBW isn’t long term capital gains tax 15%?
JBW if you make a lot of income from real estate, I think it’s fair to pay taxes
on it. Everyone else is paying taxes on their normal income. Why should Income
from real estate be exempt?
CL Great point, Christine! It depends on the amount of your investment, your
current tax bracket, etc. The capital gains tax, however, disproportionately
dings investors and is a disincentive to turn over investments. If those
investments w… See More
JBW - I hear you... I'm doing a 1031 AND a 1033 exchange right now because the
government took my part of my land for the border wall. It's so complicated...
There are so many loopholes like that set up to avoid capital gains. Why don't
we just simplify it and eliminate them completely?
As a business owner, I spend so much time trying to figure out my taxes I'd be
way more productive if I didn't have to worry about capital gains.
I would absolutely support a $25 per hour minimum wage bill if that same bill
eliminated all the capital gains taxes and associated laws and loopholes.
TB Yes, I saw your post about that debacle. It’s terrible you’re having to do
that. Is there no one or nothing within the current administration who could
stop that eminent domain? At least I assume it was eminent domain...
JBW - The timing was bad for me. They started the eminent domain condemnation in
2018. I fought it for a while but eventually realized the government would win
and I would lose. There was nothing I could do. Spent over $200k in legal fees
Michael Neal
CL consideration for the risks are one reason.
CL Do you understand the difference of paying taxes on income vs capital gains?
From your responses, I am not sure.
GP yes, do you?
JBW Long term tax capital gains is only taxed at 15%. You don’t think that’s a
fair rate?
The long-term capital gains tax rate is 0%, 15% or 20% depending on your taxable
income and filing status.
They are generally lower than short-term capital gains tax rates. And lower than
regular income taxes.
Low capital gains tax rates are major reason why the
ultra wealthy pay such a low tax rate and the tax burden is disproportionately
high on the middle class.
CL A flat rate of 15% is absolutely not the case. If you can cite some
documentation of this and provide it to my CPA, I’m selling tomorrow!
JBW see above
2020 capital gains tax rates
Long-term capital gains tax rate Your income
0% $0 to $53,600
15% $53,601 to $469,050
20% $469,051 or more
CL Still looking for legitimate citations...
Selling a House? Avoid Taxes on Capital Gains on Real Estate in 2020 -
JBW are you familiar with google?
JBW I provided one, multiple sites have the same info.
CL Yes, dear. An individual can take up to $250,000 tax free and a couple up to
$500,000 tax free on their primary residence.
This has been the case for many years.
However most of the people in this dialogue are (I assume) not thinking about
their primary residence.
The main intention of my post was to provide a way for business owners to get
behind supporting a substantial minimum wage increase.
TB Yes!!!
JBW clearly you didn’t read the full article, or even scroll down to the part
about capital gains rates for non-primary residences.
TB I don’t think zero capital gains tax is the right way to do that.
CL LOL - I can tell that. It seems like everybody hates the idea ??
I guess I'll stop trying to solve the problem and go back to trying to figure
out all taxes I owe.
TB to be clear, I do support higher minimum wage.
Me too... but so many of my business owner friends are really against it.
CL Yes, I’ve been familiar with capital gains taxes for a long time. God knows,
I’ve paid enough of them.
But it goes a much longer way than the article you provided. And I apologize if
I’m coming across as snarky right now, I’m just making Super Bowl dinner right
I’m all for paying taxes when taxes are warranted. Shit, I have two boys in UC’s
right now, and four more in the pipeline! I am all for subsidized education and
health care!!!
But the capital gains tax is not the way to go about it, particularly when there
are so many means to get around it. Which anyone with a good CPA will take
advantage of.
And just to clarify...I am all for higher taxes!!! If
we can be assured that the tax revenue will be going toward health care,
education, infrastructure, services for the mentally ill, etc. Some
call me a Socialist for that, so be it. But I do not believe that my tax dollars
are currently being used for such purposes.
JBW eliminator mg the capital gains tax is not the way to go about it. The rich
make the bulk of their money from capital gains, and that’s who do much of the
tax burden falls in the middle class, and people like trump & warren buffet pay
lower tax rates than most middle class taxpayers.
If I make $100K in wages, you make $100K all in capital gains, why should
I pay more in taxes than you? I think that’s messed up.
CL I totally get that. However, I believe that the majority of people who pay
capital gains taxes are not the 1%, but are everyday working people who work for
decades to be able to invest their hard-earned dollars for their families.
Even Warren Buffett believes that our tax system is
fucked. I couldn’t agree more. And BTW, I don’t make my income by
selling off my investments. I’m a sole proprietor consultant.
However, I do have real estate investments that could really pay off if I were
to sell. But I won’t, because of the taxes I would have to pay.
And also, I probably didn’t make myself clear earlier...I don’t think the
capital gains tax should be completely eliminated, just reformed.
JBW if you have real estate investments which have appreciated so significantly,
you are far better off than most Americans, and you shouldn’t begrudge paying
15% in taxes on that income, when others are paying a higher percentage on their
income (wages).
JBW reformed? Lower than 15%? Already too low IMO, since lower than wages’
income tax for most.
Also, no wars
It’s not either/or. I’ve always paid my peeps at least $25/hr, and I pay capital
gains tax. I don’t see the connection. Apples and oranges. A budget for
employees just has to be part of your business plan. ?????
MR ??????
MR - Good for you. You are setting an excellent example ??
The largest employers however are the ones who need the law to make the changes.
Walmart for instance, the largest employer
in the US will not pay everyone $25 per hour unless they are required to by law.
TB I totally agree with raising minimum wage. I just don’t attach that to
eliminating Capital Gains taxes, even though doing so would benefit me
MR - I'm looking for ways to get business owners excited about it. If you put
both of those in the same bill, it might get approved!
MR I’m with you...maybe the capital gains taxes are not eliminated, but taxed in
a different way than they are currently.
JBW they’re already taxed at such a low rate (far less than earned income), and
there are so many ways to get around them,
I say F no. Keep the tax. Poor people will be paying the difference if we
cut them.
What are the immigration policies of New Zealand and Switzerland?
They don’t flood their country with cheap unskilled labor and then push for
higher minimum wage.
LOL - Right? I'm sure they would be happy to have you...
The problem is the exit tax from the US. You can't just leave. The IRS is going
to take a substantial bite of EVERYTHING you own.
Expatriation Tax | Internal Revenue Service
I understand your question now. They have much more strict immigration policies
than the US. That's a good point. You have to be skilled and/or have the capital
to start a business.
Increasing minimum wage will make our immigration problem worse ??
SF I would love to emigrate to New Zealand! My favorite place on the planet! But
you are correct, they require anyone who proposes to emigrate to bring a lot to
the table. I don’t know what their refugee and asylum policies are however, and
we have a lot of that to handle in the US.
JBW I have some friends that did the big move to Zealand a few years ago. They
bought a ranch in Wainui Beach on the north island. They love it there!
TB Oh my dream! ??
I would be uncomfortable thinking of the people who harvest and cook the food I
eat as “unskilled.” But YMMV.
I understand your proposition. I'm not sure I agree. It's sort of reminds me of
the people who argue from a different part of the political spectrum that
Medicare for all will reap all kinds of savings compared to what we have
currently. The most frequently cited study supporting that comes out of Yale.
Unfortunately, it was written by an epidemiologist, not an economist or a public
health specialist. And it doesn't address the issue of uprooting a $187 billion
a year industry employing 2 million people directly and millions more downstream
and transitioning to a model that is the polar opposite of our current system.
Frequently, the medical insurance systems in other countries are cited as
obtaining better outcomes at lower cost. Which sort of ignores the fact that for
the past seventy years, their systems have been focused on achieving those
goals, whereas ours have been focused on improving the bottom line for private
I'm always open to looking at new and potentially better approaches. And I know
that many countries have very different Taxation and Healthcare approaches that
work very well.
And did I mention the challenge of attempting to do this in the face of global
economic meltdown and pandemic?
The issue is how do you manage the transition, and how do you deal with
unintended consequences?
GM I love your post!
People are always talking nowadays about the happiness
level of countries like Sweden, which have very high taxation rates but good
quality health care, education, satisfaction with life, etc.
However, my smarty pants Econ major son at UCLA is quick to remind me that
Sweden went through years and years of economic struggle to get to that point.
And Sweden is extremely different from the US in...just about everything!
We have so much work to do to fix things!
TB that's one reason, I have been in the tank for Joe Biden since the beginning.
He and Barack are really the only ones who can reasonably say that they've
looked over the kind of cliff that we are perched on. Just on steroids.
My concern is that reasonable people could spend an entire presidential term
just fixing the damage that was done and plugging the holes that our assumptions
of normalcy and civility we left unguarded. And it might kill even someone like
Joe. There's that much work to be done.
Also, we're facing huge structural changes in our economy and our working lives.
Before the pandemic,
reliable sources suggested that as much as 40% of
existing jobs might vanish by 2030 because of automation, outsourcing, robotics
and artificial intelligence.
And with many companies realizing that they can do a lot more with a lot less, I
anticipate that it's going to get worse.
It's clear that the usual solutions of retraining and temporary financial
support are not the answer, because that's a twentieth-century solution that
didn't work for the last 30 years of that century, and they're proposing that it
be applied to 21st century problems that impose such incredible burdens on the
country and the world.
Income and wealth disparity are just the beginning.
Makes sense. No reason to not increase minimum wage.
TB "Swiss minimum wage equals $25 USD. How do they do it? Zero capital gains
tax." I'm not sure there is a causal relationship between those two.
Contributory, most possibly. But I'm sure it's a little more complicated than
Yes - definitely... there are a lot of factors. However, two big levers for
economic output are:
From a macroeconomic perspective if you decrease one and increase the other you
can still keep a balance.
I'm proposing that Switzerland has gotten it right. They have systematically
increased labor cost while simultaneously decreasing cost of capital.
TB True. But they also don't have the types and scale of wealth and income
inequality that we have to deal with.
GM Agreed... but what if we did make the changes I'm proposing? Everyone with a
minimum wage job would suddenly be making twice or maybe three times as much
money. That would go a long way toward fixing the inequality.
In regard to the cost of capital, debt is pretty cheap these days, isn't it?
Historically low? And what with the lovely tax cuts, the buyback of stock has
increased the value, no?
TB I personally don't expect that the people who are currently benefiting the
most from wealth and income inequality are going to stand still and let that
happen! LOL. Suddenly? Hmmm...
GM - Debt is really cheap, yes. But there's going to be a reckoning at some
point. When it happens... it's not going to be good.
Global debt to hit record $277 trillion by year end on pandemic spending
splurge: IIF
GM - Of course the ones who a benefitting from cheap labor now won't want to
increase minimum wage, that's why I'm proposing the trade off for increased
wages and decreased capital gains to find a way to get support from both sides.
Corporate America isn't in give back / good corporate citizen mode. It's gonna
take "the stick" to make anything remotely like that stick.
Ron Pouraty
People from all over the world deposit their wealth in Swiss Bank accts. Many
die and Swiss gets to keep their money!
Clever Swiss! With their secret numbered bank accounts...
TB I just re-watched “The Spanish Prisoner” with Jackson when he was home over
winter break. David Mamet. Not to give the suspense away, but there’s a Swiss
bank account reference that is integral to the plot.
-- A study of 137 minimum-wage increases, -- On
average, minimum-wage increases eliminated jobs paying below the new minimum,
but added jobs paying at or above the new minimum. The two changes effectively
cancel each other out.
----------------------------- Denmark McDonald's Workers Get Paid $20/HOUR ! And
the Big Mac costs just 80 cents more . Thanks to unionization, they also get
paid sick leave and overtime pay. Every worker gets 4 weeks Paid Vacation.
The U.K. brought in a national minimum wage in 1999, AND unemployment actually
fell between 1999 and 2007 despite regular increases in the wage. .
Analysis | The effects of 137 minimum wage hikes, in one chart
Most people are surprised to learn that Denmark has very low corporate taxes.
Danish companies pay 22% corporate tax, but only pay tax on Danish sourced
income. They pay zero corporate tax on any income earned outside of Denmark.
US companies pay 21% but must pay tax on all income earned anywhere in the
ACS how much is a gallon of gas in Denmark? $5.93 a gal. Almost every in Denmark
is significantly more expensive making the minimum wage amount for very little.
Denmark vs United States: Cost of living Facts and Stats
SF I'd imagine that for people earning Minimum Wage:
Major outlays are Rent, followed by Utilities then Food ?
--- Consumer Prices Including Rent in United States are 11.49% lower than in
--- Rent Prices in United States are 17.02% higher than in Denmark
--- Groceries Prices in United States are 2.61% lower than in Denmark
Cost Of Living Comparison Between Denmark And United States
SF Interesting.
America was built on the backs of the poor. We could
afford a $15/hour minimum wage but the Republican robber-barrons benefit from
having people locked into a cycle of poverty.
Biden minimum wage proposal could lift more than 1 million workers out of
It might pass this time without giving business a concession. It all depends on
the Senate which is currently 50 Republicans, 48 Democrats, and 2 Independent.
Kamala is the tie breaker, but that's only if it's 50/50. If you give business a
concession, then there's a much better chance of swinging some Republicans.
Tim, honest question: do you really think the federal gov should be involved in
this? Cost of living/wages are vastly different in different states. $15 in Iowa
is diff than $15 in SF or NY. This is a states issue.
Excellent point. Even within states, this is an issue. $15 per hour in Marin and
Modoc counties are completely different.
Per capita income difference between those two California counties is almost
The simple idea is to give employees more and give businesses a break at the
same time with the same bill to find support from both sides.
Some states do not even have income tax, much less capital gains tax. This lever
can be applied at the federal level, however.
List of California locations by income - Wikipedia
Jeanne Hupp McCreadie
TB exactly.
Has anyone traveling to Switzerland or Denmark lately and said to themselves
“wow things or so much cheaper here”?
My last trip to Europe made me feel like my parents because every was
Nope... way more expensive. However, I was so impressed when I was in
Switzerland right before the pandemic with how happy and well behaved everyone
is there.
Getting a pay raise generally makes workers happier and no capital gains tax
would make business owners and investors happier too.
I do hear you about the immigration problem though... that might be the fly in
the ointment.
Sean Ryan
how do you feel about a Wealth Tax as Switzerland's
regions have them?