Rebutting Republican Propaganda
Why ?
Cos it's rampant -- here's where
its coming from.
Post comments on Facebook posts from
these Propaganda Mills. Some of these posts will have
over 200 comments in one hour so best to see the post immediately and get your
comment in . Then it will be close to first in line to show up when others look.
After 200 -- maybe it will be buried but you might have a lot of eyes in
the first half hour. Ideally we should have a network of people LIKING your
comment so its in Facebook's MOST RELEVANT list. (One has to assume that MOST
RELEVANT means the comments with the most LIKES - I hope Facebook doesn't
think it can determine relevancy !! ) But even after 200, -- you can gain
eyeballs when you REPLY to the "most relevant" comment. (Not just comment on the
post itself)
- Create a 2nd Facebook Account:
- logout of facebook
- delete the browser tab it was in
- Delete the Facebook COOKIE
- copy/paste" chrome://settings/siteData " into

- Type "face" into SEARCH
- click REMOVE ALL
- save this page as "Settings" to you FAVORITES (
it shows up at the top of every page in browser. ). So you can do this
every time in the future, quickly, without having to type "
chrome://settings/siteData " into the ADDRESS BOX
- right click on your FAVORITES bar
- in the dropdown window click "add page"

- Open a new tab and go to and register a
new user. Facebook does some kind of appraisal of the validity of a name but
not significantly. Nevertheless chose a normal name. Use an easy to remember
password. You'll need a 2nd EMAIL ADDRESS -- to do this go to, or if you don't have one spare already.
- I have been reported 3 times and 3 times Facebook
had no hesitation in banning me. (Facebook disabled my login when someone
complained. I was asked to upload a picture of myself.
- Make no posts on your first day. Just like most of
the organizations listed below. On your second day maybe Facebook will
recommend some people to like. Try and get as many likes acknowledged
before making any posts. Get a good amount of friends first, which
probably legitimises you . Do this by first LIKEing a comment then send them
a friend request (if they have it enabled). Or go to your PAGE click on
PEOPLE and there FB has a list of possible friends to add. If you
click on too many ADD FRIEND buttons, FB will popup "we recommend asking
only people that you may know" -- time to stop.
- When you're done with all the rebutting and you want
to return to your regular Facebook ID do the same again ( logout, delete
tab, click "settings" on your FAVORITES bar, delete the cookie).
- In your new FB logon --- search for and
LIKE all the Propaganda Mills ( see some below ) -- their posts will now show
up on your News Feed.
But you cannot LIKE them all at once or
Facebook will lock you out with a page that says:-
Facebook eventually may ban you but only when someone "reports" you. Facebook
has no hesitation in immediately disabling your account. -- "We
noticed suspicious activity on your account. To get back on Facebook, we need
you to provide some additional info."
this page was broken ( for me once) -- the "CONTINUE" button comes up with
" Sorry, this feature isn't available right now. An error occurred
while processing this request. Please try again later."
so you are stuck in limbo as you cannot appeal either
as that too is broken - it erroneously thinks your account is not
disabled !
I got disabled after LIKEing 16 of them
in about 15 minutes - -so safer if you only LIKE maybe 5 per day so it will
take u a week to like all of them.
Alternatively FB will ask you to upload your photo( again)
----- Photo Uploaded
----- Thanks, Laura. We'll send an update once we've reviewed your photo.
----- We're always looking out for your security, so until then you won't be
able to use Facebook.
If your photo is found with a google
image search and it is not the same name on it you get banned.
And you have to start all over.
I searched google images for "head shot" and photo-shopped the hairline
and put glasses on. But that was not enough I had to puppet warp the mouth
to make sure that google IMAGE SEARCH did not find me. Email
me if you want me to create one for you.
Don't create any PAGES. Make all your posts in your own (fake) name. |
Followers |
55k |
Competitive Enterprise
Institute |
11k |
CFG Action |
1.3k |
Turning Point USA at UF |
1.4m |
Turning Point USA |
213k |
Project Veritas |
3.3m |
PragerU |
The Discourse & Exchange |
2.8m |
Being Conservative |
525k |
RedState |
5.7m |
Judicial Watch |
5.4m |
The Daily Caller |
32k |
FreedomWorks |
1.8m |
Media Research Center |
2.3m | |
244k |
Exposing Liberals |
2.4m |
2.9m |
NewsBusters |
8.5m |
IJR Red |
1.3m |
Mark Levin |
999k |
Young Conservatives |
848k |
1.2m |
Newsmax |
1m |
National Review |
2m |
The Heritage Foundation |
310k |
Christian Coalition |
1.7m |
Heritage Action for
America |
568k |
Carly Fiorina |
5.7m |
Dr. Ben & Candy Carson |
8.5m |
Sean Hannity |
2.1m |
Ted Cruz |
2m |
Rand Paul |
325k |
Jeb Bush |
24m |
Donald J. Trump |
1.4m |
Marco Rubio |
1.2m |
Chicks On The Right |
Create a page with a
good name ( mine is "Republican's for Truth" ). This is what you will use from
now on to make comments.

Some of the Propaganda Mills and what you can post about
You need to know that the
Heritage Foundation is just a propaganda machine funded by the rich:
Media Research Center is a Propaganda Mill from the American Rich. It has
received at least $7 million from the Mercer Family Foundation since 2015;
If you go to
you can learn how Mercer uses facebook and twitter to target us based on a
stolen Psychological Database.
PragerU is not a university, nor is it an academic institution. It does
not hold classes, and does not grant certifications or diplomas and is not
accredited by any recognized body. It creates “a network of extremist thinkers”
and gives easy access to white supremacist bigotry.”
Two of PragerU's largest donors are the hydraulic
fracturing billionaires Dan
and Farris Wilks.
has been banned and/or restricted on YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, and Twitter for
providing a platform for hate
In studying Prager University, the sociologist Francesca Tripodi writes that
Prager’s project creates “a dense network of extremist thinkers” that “allows
for those who identify as mainline conservatives to gain easy access to white
supremacist logic.”
"The Charlottesville Lie" -- aug 5 2019
whole piece is designed to distract your attention AWAY from the White
Supremacist driving his car thru a crowd, killing someone and Trump not
condemning it.
One need not speculate on what synapses in Trump’s brain led him repeatedly to
insist on the presence of many very fine people where none existed. It is an
insult to our intelligence, though, and to decency, for him two years later (Aug
2019) to still insist on it, and to try to make any excuses whatsoever for the
white nationalists who were the only ones who openly and deliberately organized their
hateful rally.
has been supported by the oil industry.and has also received funding from
Verizon and AT&T. Other FreedomWorks donors have included Philip Morris --------
I guess we need to include BIG PHARMA now
Tucker Carlson also publishes The Daily Caller,
a controversial online media outlet with ties to white nationalists that has
infamously peddled everything from climate denial and anti-Islamic tropes to
false prostitution charges and violence against protesters.
Carlson's moonlighting as an extremist at The Daily Caller is heavily bankrolled
by -- you guessed it -- the Koch brothers. An investigation by the
Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) finds that the Charles Koch Foundation
has poured more than $2.7 million into the Daily Caller's non-profit "charity"
since 2012, which generates the lion's share of the "news" that the Caller
Indeed, in 2016, Koch cash accounted for 83 percent of the The Daily Caller News
Foundation's $1.1 million in revenues.
As Judicial Watch is funded by Republican
Billionaires -- it makes a good case for why women should not vote
It is an "associate" member of the State Policy Network SPN . One of the
biggest players in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
It has made many claims since its founding which news outlets describe as either
false or misleading. It launched campaigns described as "baseless attempts to
perpetuate the myth of voter fraud".
Sample Posts
Republican Propaganda Mills -- the "foundations" ( funded
by billionaires) & the Corporations
-- that created them
This supposed "free speech" is Republican Propaganda funded by billionaires
You promised to no longer charge income tax to single individuals earning less
than $25,000 per year or couples less than $50,000.
Instead you created a Tax Scam where earners below $40,000 pay MORE tax in 2023
! And Corporations pay 21% instead of 35% !
Increasing the Federal Debt by $1.5 trillion ! Now THAT'S BIG GOVERNMENT
in 2018, 60 of America’s biggest corporations paid zero federal income taxes on
$79 billion in income.
Instead of paying $16.4 billion in taxes at the previous 35% corporate tax rate,
these companies enjoyed a tax REBATE of $4.3 billion ( at 21%).
The Republican TAX SCAM -- 56.7 million Taxpayers will be paying higher taxes by
This country is not broke taking care of the poor - it's
from Increased Federal Debt of $1.5 trillion with a 2017 Republican
Tax Scam Bill where earners below $40,000 pay MORE tax in 2023 ! And
Corporations pay 21% instead of 35% ! Now THAT'S BIG GOVERNMENT !
read the SOURCE FACT CHECK here
---- their sources are the Joint Committee on Taxation. , Tax Policy Center and
Open Source Policy Center tax model that was created by the American Enterprise
Institute and a former economist at the Treasury Department
Some 84% of the 100 economists reported that in the year since the 2017 tax cuts
passage, it “has not caused
their firms to change hiring or investment plans.”
So where is all that money going? Where else? Share buybacks, which hit a record
$1.1 trillion in 2018. Companies actually spent more on buybacks than on capital
investments in 2018’s first half.
It didn’t boost economic growth that much, didn’t start a capital spending boom
or U.S. manufacturing renaissance, didn’t bring overseas profits back home, and
might have led to modest job growth but little discernible wage increases. And
we’ll all be stuck with the bill for a long, long time.
Mitch McConnell could be purposely ignoring Election
Hear a security expert accuse McConnell of letting the Russians help Republicans
win the election!
Our election technology is woefully inadequate and Republicans are doing nothing
about it. But Russians are!
How a McConnell-backed effort to lift Russian sanctions
boosted a Kentucky project
Many Americans do not have one of the forms of
identification states accept for voting. These voters are disproportionately
low-income, racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and people with
disabilities. Such voters more frequently have difficulty obtaining ID,
because they cannot afford or cannot obtain the underlying documents that are a
prerequisite to obtaining a government-issued photo ID card.
Pillar of Law was set up to fight restrictions on
campaign financing in the name of “free speech.”
SInce 1982 ( 37 years) Democrats have had a majority in both the House & Senate
only 12 years and out of that twelve there was a Republican President for 8.
You said you were going to drain the swamp but all you
did was fill your cabinet with big business lobbyists!
Trump laughs after audience member suggests shooting
migrants – video
Trump the gap in wages between races has grown.
Trump has sabotaged a law that guaranteed health insurance for many
African Americans.
He has undermined protections for voting rights.
His Justice Department has stopped going after police departments that
discriminated against African Americans.
Trump's voters have been unnerved by all of the racial conflict during his
presidency, from the white-supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, to
the El Paso, Texas, mass shooting.
Infants are very rarely born alive after abortion
procedures, and if they are, doctors do not kill them. OF COURSE ! All
this pales into insignificance compared to the far more deaths of pregnant women
when complications arise and they can't get a life-saving abortion.
you see how abortion is used to divert our attention away from issues that
financially impoverish us - so that the rich can continue to control the
country aided and abetted by us voting Republican?
What are we missing as this propaganda from the rich,
blinds us ?
Universal healthcare
Free/affordable public college
Transform our energy system
Overturn Citizens United so that politicians are no longer bought
Raise the minimum wage to $15
End the war on drugs
Rebuild our crumbling infrastructure
Raise taxes on the 1%
Stop endless military spending
Expand Social Security
End police brutality
Demilitarized the police
-- Yep - -That's Bernies Action Plan
--- Every Developed Country in the world can afford
Universal healthcare
--- Most Developed Counties in the world offer free College
--- Solar and Wind is now FAR more cost-effective than coal and is AS
cost-effective as Natural Gas.
--- Citizens United: Before, After, What’s Next?
--- Debunking the myth that higher wages lead to major job losses -- The
conclusion is that low-wage workers received a 7 percent pay bump after a
minimum wage law went into effect, but there was little or no change in
employment. The study also showed that it would not cost jobs, even in states
with large shares of minimum-wage workers.
--- US infrastructure is falling apart
--- Are you one of the 1% ? These billionaires are funding this propaganda --
find some of them here
--- U.S. military expenditures are roughly the size of the next seven largest
military budgets around the world, combined.
--- Social Security is looking like a pretty good investment these days. ... A
young worker today with average career earnings will receive Social Security
retirement benefits equivalent to total employer and employee retirement
contributions plus a 5.7 percent annual rate of return
According to the World Bank, 769 million people lived on less than $1.90 a day
in 2013; they are the world’s very poorest. Of these, 3.2 million live in the
United States
I think the
has already gone -- under 30 years of Republican rule:
You can vote on immigration, abortion and Gays -- but I'll vote on what's
directly beneficial to me. Healthcare, Free College, a $15 Minimum Wage, More
Social Security and my city's crumbling infrastructure getting fixed.
Government policy can make a difference, Furman argues. Improving education and
access to college could help by making workers more attractive to employers. So
would spending more on helping people find jobs, as other countries do.
Providing child-care subsidies and paid leave could draw more men – and women —
into the workforce. Expanding the tax subsidies offered to low-wage workers so
jobs are more attractive would be a plus, too.
It is paid for in the same way that every other developed
country in the world does -- they all have it ! So should we!
Every other developed country in the world has it ! So should we! Don't make me
list all the uninsured in Texas that went to Mexico for Healthcare ! PS We
already have it (to some extent) -- its called Medicare! Our system has
Insurance policies with limited coverage where people still go bankrupt, or huge
deductables. The uninsured went from 44 million before Obamacare to 22 million.
The Medicaid Coverage Gap
Thanks to 18 Republican States -- 4.9 Million Poor, Uninsured, Non-elderly
Adults -- Go without Health Insurance
Obamacare (Affordable Care Act, ACA) expands Medicaid to all low-income
individuals with incomes at or below 138% of Poverty ($27,724 for a family of
three )
Nationalized health is not failing -- Go to page 9 to see how US Life Expectancy
is trailing behind 9 countries -- yet spending is triple
Enough Gun Violence ! Is mental illness causing America’s
mass shootings? No, --- research shows. And there is no statistical link between
playing violent video games and shooting people.
The assault weapons ban from 1994 to 2004 was riddled with loopholes, such as
allowing copycat weapons to be sold, and exemptions that limited its
Nevertheless studies show that fewer people in the U.S. were killed as a result
of mass shootings during the ban period.
That's an old study (2018) that did not use enough
detailed data. The Washington Post on the latest study ( you'll like this - Bill
Clinton got 2 pinocchios )
Jimmy Kimmel responds to the mass shootings
Stephen Colbert on the shootings
Do 98 percent of mass public shootings happen in gun-free zones?
Trump lunged for a dramatic statistic without including necessary context. He
earns Two Pinocchios.
Federal law barred Jody Lee Hunt from ever owning a gun.
But when he wanted to buy one, it wasn’t hard: He found a seller online.
He was a felon who had spent time in prison for abducting a girlfriend. But he
used the gun to kill his ex-girlfriend, a rival business owner, and two others.
He was supposed to be blocked by a federal instant background check
database that licensed firearms dealers are required to query before handing
weapons over to a buyer. But federal gun laws contain a major loophole:
Transactions between private sellers and buyers do not require a background
Background checks are more effective when they work in tandem with
additional requirements for fingerprinting and handgun safety training.
The combination, experts say, has reduced firearm
homicides, suicides and shootings of law enforcement officers, as well as
illegal gun trafficking.
Were these "law-abiding" persons carrying an AK47
high-capacity rifle with 250-round drum magazines ( as did the El Paso shooter)
? Did they need this much fire-power to save somebody? Could they have carried
that rifle and magazines around with them all the time?
No, No and No !
From 1994 till 2004 Assault Rifles were Federally banned and gun deaths DID
We need to do it again and include high-capacity magazines.
(Note that it was Republicans in power in 2004 that allowed the ban to expire)
To "protect yourself" by carrying an AK47 high-capacity rifle with 100-round
drum magazines ( as did the El Paso shooter) ? Do you need this much fire-power
to save somebody? Can you carry that rifle and magazines around with you all the
No, No and No !
From 1994 till 2004 Assault Rifles were Federally banned and gun deaths DID
We need to do it again and include high-capacity magazines.
(Note that it was Republicans in power in 2004 that allowed the ban to expire)
THIS IS A LIE: All property left to a surviving spouse
passes free of estate tax.
Only estates worth more $5.49 million, pay EState Tax (at 40 percent). However,
family-owned farms and closely-held businesses may be able to pay less or pay in
low-interest installments.
The people who pay it are among the country’s richest families. "Over two-thirds
of these estates come from the top 10 percent of income earners and close to
one-fourth from the top One Percent."
Only about 80 small farms and businesses paid estate tax in 2017, that's 1%.
Debunking the myth that higher wages lead to major job
losses -- The conclusion is that low-wage workers received a 7 percent pay bump
after a minimum wage law went into effect, but there was little or no change in
employment. The study also showed that it would not cost jobs, even in states
with large shares of minimum-wage workers.
Not just CNN -- Economists !! What CNN found was that higher minimum wages do
not have adverse effects on employment, or the weeks or hours worked among
minimum wage workers — even four years after minimum wages are increased. We
didn't find adverse employment effects among women and minority groups, either.
As a result, we determined that the United States can raise pay to $15 an hour
by 2024 without hurting jobs, even in low-wage states.
The $15 pay increase for restaurant workers in New York City represented the
largest hike for a big group of low-wage workers since the 1960s, according to a
new study.
During the years it raised wages from $7.25 to $15, the restaurant industry
out-performed the rest of the country in job growth and expansion.
The study suggests that increasing pay for restaurant workers — who make up the
bulk of low-wage earners — might not harm businesses.
Milton Friedman (Hoover Institute) admitted that pure Libertarianism is a
sham .He at some point was in support of a guaranteed minimum income - to
be clear …a guaranteed gov’t paid ANNUAL WAGE independent of employment . He
called it The Negative Income Tax .
I guess then we should stop spending so much on the Military .
World military spending totaled more than $1.6 trillion in 2015. The U.S.
accounted for 37 percent of the total.
U.S. military expenditures are roughly the size of the next seven largest
military budgets around the world, combined.
U.S. military spending dwarfs the budget of the #2 country – China.
Over the past 50 years, lots of things have changed in the United States.
Here are a few examples.
1) A child’s chance of earning more than his or her parents has plummeted from
90 to 50 percent.
2) Earnings by the top 1 percent of Americans nearly tripled, while middle-class
wages have been basically frozen for four decades.
drug overdose deaths occurred in
the United
States in 2018. (72k in 2017, 63k in 2016, 52k in 2015)
4) Nearly one in five children in the US are now at risk of going hungry.
5) Among the 35 richest countries in the world, the US now has the highest
infant mortality rate and the lowest life expectancy.
Its a straight line growth in wages from the Obama
era. No change from Trump.
Most claims about job gains or losses from trade deals aren't credible
Trump consistently inflates the U.S.
Trade Deficit with China. It was:
- $380 billion in 2018,
- $337 billion in 2017 and
- $309 billion in 2016,
according to the Commerce Department. Notice that it has continued to grow under Trump.
Countries do not make or lose money on trade deficits. A trade deficit
simply means that people in one country are buying more goods from another
country than people in the second country are buying from the first
country. (Not as Trump says "“China
has been taking out of this country $500-plus billion a year for many, many
years — many, many years.” )
This analysis found that crime went down at similar rates regardless of whether
the undocumented population rose or fell. Areas with more unauthorized migration
appeared to have larger drops in crime.
The data suggests that when it comes to crime, the difference between someone
who is called a legal immigrant and an illegal one doesn’t seem to matter.
Read the article to find studies by:
Pew Research
Marshall Project
Uniform Crime Reporting program,
Cato Institute,
Governing magazine
University at Buffalo, SUNY,
The Upshot
Unless of course they GERRYMANDER your State, use DARK MONEY to fund Candidates
that are paid for by the rich, -- and cut your voting rights .
the Department of Agriculture estimates that about half
(53%) of the nation's farmworkers are unauthorized.
In 2017 research conducted by the Cornell Farmworker Program, 30 New York dairy
farmers told us they turned to undocumented workers because they were unable to
find and keep reliable U.S. citizens to do the jobs.
A study commissioned by the dairy industry suggested that if federal labor and
immigration policies reduced the number of foreign-born workers by 50 percent,
more than 3,500 dairy farms would close, leading to a big drop in milk
production and a spike in prices of about 30 percent. Total elimination of
immigrant labor would increase milk prices by 90 percent.
The U.S. fruit, vegetable and meat industries are similarly at risk, and without
the help of unauthorized workers, production would drop and consumers would
likely see higher prices.
These people are so impressive -- thankyou for your
bravery in sharing this.
EVERYBODY should listen to this -- so important to understanding why some kids
might turn violent
But more than that -- how they may be turned !
Senate Republicans Set Sights On Cutting Social Security
In 2015, reducing environmental risks could have prevented more than a quarter
of the 5.9 million deaths of children under 5 years.
consensus: Climate is warming from man-made change.
I wish it weren't true but I'd be very silly not to believe 99% of scientists.
Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense
I think I'll go with the 12,000 academic papers
After a study of
12,000 papers from here
“There was 99% scientific consensus in 2011 that humans are causing global
2019 STUDY: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan,
Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware could
see $4.7 billion in health benefits in 2030 if they stick with current renewable
energy standards, according to a new study from MIT. That’s about a 34% return
on the $3.5 billion price tag associated with actually building out that
infrastructure of renewable energy sources such as wind or solar farms.
No, 31,000
scientists have not said climate change is a hoax
The cost of doing
nothing – or falling short of the ambitious goals – is greater than whatever
sticker shock the Green New Deal might cause voters.
“Economists estimate that if we do not take action, we will lose $34.5 trillion
in economic activity by the end of the century,” Sanders said.
“And the benefits are enormous: by taking bold and decisive action, we will
--- $2.9 trillion over 10 years,
--- $21 trillion over 30 years, and
--- $70.4 trillion over 80 years.”
The trees and
plants of the Amazon forest pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere as part of
photosynthesis. Destruction of the forest releases carbon stored in the trees
and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide used by them.
“The Amazon forest holds something like 90 billion tons of carbon, and if that
ends up in the atmosphere it’s not a good thing,”
the warmest month overall in the 140-year NOAA global temperature dataset
record. The year-to-date temperature for 2019 tied with 2017 as the second
warmest January–July on record.
6 reasons religion may do more harm than good
Through consensus voting, the Jesus Seminar has concluded
that only about 18% of the words attributed to Jesus in the Gospels can
accurately be assumed to be his own. Other votes rejected:- the virgin birth,
biblical statements that have Jesus proclaim himself the Son of God or the
Jewish Messiah, and—the cornerstone of the Christian faith—Jesus’ physical
resurrection from the dead. The Seminar has also concluded that Jesus apparently
had four brothers and may also have had sisters but no father named Joseph.
The story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and execution as recounted in the New
Testament, Funk has said, was suggested by prophecies in the Hebrew Bible "that
early Christian storytellers arranged to have fulfilled as they told and retold
the story." What the Seminar has shown is a Jesus who was a social critic and
sage. He was a rebel who led a revolution against repression but who harbored no
divine pretensions.
They arrive at their conclusions by scrutinizing the social, literary,
linguistic, political, and religious environment in which Jesus lived, as well
as that of the 75 years after his death, before the Gospels were written. Most
scholars know that Jesus' disciples did not write the four gospels; much later
advocates composed these gospels. They worked from oral traditions and lists of
sayings or miracles. They maintain that an early compilation of Jesus’ sayings
existed, as well as some of those of John the Baptist, which the writers of
Matthew and Luke independently drew upon 75+ years later. They explain the
resurrection as "the internal experience of Jesus’ disciples" that was later
misunderstood to be historical truth.
I just saw "The Family" on Netflix.
Every February since 1935 there has been a "National Prayer Breakfast".
Every President since Eisenhower has attended.
What most folks probably don't know is that it originated in 1935 when 19
businessmen, in Seattle, got together to figure out how to stop workers from
They are now a network of prayer cells 20,000-strong, "a veritable underground
of Christ's men all through government."
The springtime strike by timber workers quickly turned violent. In an effort to
reopen their mills and logging operations, employers imported scabs who were
attacked by strikers. In response, sawmill owners, municipalities, and state
governments mobilized security guards, police forces, and the National Guard
against the strikers and attacked pickets and marches with barrages of bullets
and tear gas. Before it was over, three strikers would be killed and scores more
injured and hospitalized.
In July, most employers agreed to modest wage increases and a shorter work week
but refused to concede the issue of union recognition. With the escalating
violence, most timber workers voted to return to work in July.
Even if strikers were only partially successful in getting their demands met,
the strike nevertheless had important and long-term consequences. The strike had
catapulted radicals and Communists to the forefront of timber worker union
politics, thus ensuring that cultures of radicalism would live on in
Northwestern timber unions. More importantly, as the first region-wide action of
loggers and sawmill workers in the Depression, the strike created a shared sense
of purpose and a regional identity among timber workers that would greatly
contribute to the founding of the International Woodworkers of America (IWA) in
In time, the IWA would rise to become the largest and one of the most powerful
unions of the West Coast CIO and help shape the political and social landscape
of the Pacific Northwest throughout the remainder of the 1930s and through the
This jew doesn't give a damn about Christianity. Trying
to indoctrinate the Religious Right. His sole goal is to stop working Americans
from electing a Democratic Representative to Congress.
The root cause of this Opioid Epidemic is the FDA's
illegal approval of Opioids , -- bribed by the Drug Cos..
And Republican's Bill to curb the DEA
Believe it or not the same guy's Computer Analytics that
got Trump elected also got the LEAVE vote in BREXIT !
Talking of 2nd Amendment - checkout how Cambridge
Analytica used the FB Personality Test data to Psychologically Target
Unable to kill or neuter the act legislatively because of strong support for the
law even in the Republican-held Congress of the first two years of his
presidency, Mr. Trump now is eviscerating it by gutting regulations that make it
effective. Perhaps most crucially, the rule diminishes “critical habitat”
protections, like those for areas formerly occupied by now-endangered species,
though such habitat is the only hope many depleted species have for eventual
The tragedy of this situation is that the Endangered Species Act has been such
an enormous success in the United States that it is the model for other
countries around the world.
The Endangered Species Act is our legal recognition of the stewardship
responsibilities of our dominion. To take it apart is to contribute to the
thanklessness — one might say contempt — for what has made our nation great.
In 2014, Maryland elected Larry Hogan, a Republican suburban real estate
developer, as governor. Hogan put less pressure on state offices to work
closely with the Baltimore’s police.
"The police vented about the impossibility of doing their job in a department in
meltdown. They were bitter about being constantly “drafted” into mandatory
overtime — departures and anemic recruiting had left the department with only
2,500 sworn officers, down 500 from five years earlier."
The city initiated the process after the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, and
it calls for major changes in the way officers interact with citizens. The court
has done its job and reviewed the decree and determined that it’s fair,
adequate, and in the public interest.
James Graham, who wrote Brexit: The Uncivil War,
Dominic Cummings meets and hires Canadian Zack Massingham, co-founder of
AggregateIQ, who offers to build a database using social media tools of voters
who are not on the UK electoral register but are inclined to vote to leave. In a
separate sequence, Arron Banks meets Robert Mercer, who discusses the potential
of social media database tools.
AIQ created Ripon, Cambridge Analytica's campaign software platform, which was
largely funded by the Cruz campaign.[1]
On 6 April 2018, Facebook suspended AggregateIQ from using its platform due to
concerns of a possible affiliation with SCL Group, the parent company of
Cambridge Analytica. Facebook stated, "In light of recent reports that
AggregateIQ may be affiliated with SCL and may, as a result, have improperly
received FB user data, we have added them to the list of entities we have
suspended from our platform while we investigate."
On 20 September 2018, AggregateIQ became the first firm to be served a formal
notice by the UK's Information Commissioner's Office for breaching the European
Union's General Data Protection Regulation. T
A documentary in 2019 alleged that AIQ's business concept consists of collecting
and analysing people's data in order to personalize political fake slogans.....
AggregateIQ was deeply involved in Britain's Brexit vote, thus manipulating the
vote and persuading people to vote in favor of Brexit by posting lies to users,
according to Nigel Farage's wishes. The company collaborated with Farage and
with Steve Bannon.
"people who get paid to lobby cannot donate to
politicians." -- isn't this always going to be unconstitutional and never get
past the Supreme Court? for
Propaganda Mills that will get Trump re-elected:
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