Republican Propaganda Mills --
State Policy Network,
SPN, is a web of right-wing
“think tanks” and tax-exempt organizations in 49 states, Washington, D.C.,
Canada, and the United Kingdom. As of March 2019, SPN's membership totals
162. Today's SPN
is the tip of the spear of far-right, nationally funded policy agenda in the
states that supports
in the Republican Party.
Has a technology platform to get union members to leave their union and offer competitive benefits.”( “discounts to major retailers, from Target to Microsoft.” see SPN EXPOSED |
Investigations of Republican Propaganda Mills the
Koch's -- the
Mercers ---
Horowitz --
Since June 2018 when the
U.S. Supreme Court
opting-out of unions. SPN was behind the lawsuit and is engaging in a long and multi-faceted campaign to drain unions of members and resources. Some of the most notable corporate funders of
SPN and its web of "think tanks" include Big
Tobacco companies (like Reynolds),
Big Oil corporations (like the Koch
family fortune), AT&T, Kraft
Foods, Verizon, Comcast, Time
Warner Cable, Facebook,
and Microsoft.
same large corporations, right-wing foundations, and wealthy conservative
ideologues --- fund
FreedomWorks has been supported by the oil industry.and has also received funding from Verizon and SBC (now AT&T). Other FreedomWorks donors have included Philip Morris and foundations controlled by the Scaife family. is an "associate member" of the State Policy Network, SPN $12 million came from two corporations. Three current and former FreedomWorks employees say the money came from Richard Stephenson and his family. Stephenson is a 73-year-old millionaire residing in Illinois, Funded by the Kochs, the Bradley Foundation, and other large right-wing foundations:
DARK MONEY American Rising Squared (its Tax Filings )
The Heritage FoundationThe Heritage Foundation has been one of the top supporters of Trump’s anti-immigration push on the right. Those who attended the Trump summit from Heritage include Robert Bluey, vice president of communications and executive editor of the group’s news website, “The Daily Signal”; Bridgett Wagner, vice president of policy promotion; Maria Sousa, digital director; Lyndsey Fifield, social media manager; and Jessica Anderson, vice president of Heritage Action for America. The Sarah Scaife Foundation is a major source of revenue for the Heritage Foundation, providing the group with at least $18 million since 1985. The foundation also funds a number of other anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim organizations, including the Center for Immigration Studies and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. |
Billionaires Charles and David Koch and their partners in Stand Together (formerly known as the Seminar Network) have given over $5.7 million to Heritage since 1998 through their various family foundations, and the Koch network’s preferred donor conduit duo of DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund has chipped in another half million since 2010.
The Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation has provided at least another $5.9 million to Heritage since 1998 and the Mercer Family Foundation, run by one of the “blow-it-all-up billionaires” behind Trump’s rise to power, Rebekah Mercer, has given at least another $1 million since 2015.
Heritage generally steers clear of the xenophobic language prevalent among other Trump influencers. Heritage researcher Jason Richwine, coauthor of a controversial report concluding that allowing illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship would cost taxpayers trillions, resigned from Heritage when it became public that he had argued in his Harvard dissertation that, “The average IQ of immigrants in the United States is substantially lower than that of the white native population, and the difference is likely to persist over several generations.”
Media Research CenterBrent Bozell’s MRC operates “NewsBusters,” a site that claims to be “documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.” It has a section entitled “Trump Coverage Studies” that attempts to refute mainstream media stories on Trump. MRC has received at least $7 million from the Mercer Family Foundation since 2015; $2.4 million from the Bradley Foundation since 1998; and $1.4 million from the Sarah Scaife Foundation since 2012. MRC claims to “not associate with known white nationalists,” and took down a piece it had promoted last year from a white nationalist website, which stated that Black people “are a threat to all who cross their path,” after it was reported by MediaMatters. It was not the first time, however, that NewsBusters had linked to or promoted white nationalist websites. Bozell was a fierce critic of Trump prior to the 2016 election, but since repeatedly attacked the press for criticizing the president. |
Project Veritas, a 2015 grantee of the Trump Foundation, is run by James O’Keefe, a right-wing activist and provocateur who uses deception and manipulative editing in his “investigations.”
Due to O’Keefe’s methods, Project Veritas has been plagued by legal issues over the years, and the group is barred from seeking donations in Florida, Maine, Mississippi, Utah, and Wisconsin.
Project Veritas’s funders are difficult to identify as the group receives the majority of its funding through donor conduits. DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund have given the group over $4.8 million since 2011.
O’Keefe has been criticized for associating with radical white nationalists for years and has appeared on InfoWars — conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ infamous radio show denounced by ex-staffers as a “den of racism and harassment” — multiple times. After InfoWars was removed from social media platforms for promoting violence and hate, O’Keefe tweeted, “InfoWars targeted, taken off social media. These tech companies’ practices are opaque and given their power must be made more transparent. We will expose the entire rotten tech machine.”
InfoWars has also hosted Patrick Casey, the leader of the white nationalist group Evropa, which helped plan the deadly Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. Evropa has since rebranded itself as the American Identity Movement.
Most recently, O’Keefe has teamed up with Ginni Thomas, a former Heritage staffer and wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, and the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) chief marketing officer, Bill Meierling, to launch a new dark money operation to “protect President Trump.”
short for Prager University,
is an American non-profit
organization that
creates videos on various political, economic and philosophical topics from
a conservative or right-wing perspective.
The videos are posted on YouTube and
usually feature a speaker who lectures for about five minutes.
Many PragerU Extremist Right Wing Propaganda and Lies ! --- Franklin Roosevelt (the “New Deal” actually made things worse). --- religion (the West can thank “Judeo-Christian values” for its success) --- a $15 minimum wage (a bad idea!). --- “Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids,” made up of “post-modern neo-Marxists” --- The site posted (and later deleted) a video by slur-slinging right-wing conspiracy theorist Owen Benjamin demonizing leftists. --- Author Douglas Murray appeared in a video claiming that the decision of European countries to take in refugees from the Middle East and North Africa was a form of “suicide, the self-annihilation of a culture.” --- Ben Shapiro’s treatise on Western superiority was built upon bad facts and bad arguments. --- Dennis Prager: "the biggest reason I never believed the Russian collusion charge was that the charge emanated from the left. And the Left lies about everything". Prager himself is a far-right extremist on a number of issues. --- He’s claimed that the Green New Deal “will lead to bloodshed, loss of liberty, loss of human rights.” --- He has a long history of making false claims about HIV and AIDS -- specifically that it’s not something straight people need to concern themselves with. --- He’s compared a wife’s “obligation” to have sex with her husband whether she wants to or not to a man’s obligation to go to work even if he’s not in the mood. |
In studying Prager University, the sociologist Francesca Tripodi writes that Prager’s project creates “a dense network of extremist thinkers” that “allows for those who identify as mainline conservatives to gain easy access to white supremacist logic.” Prager University has received at least a million dollars since 2010 from the Bradley Foundation. Bradley internal documents examined by CMD show that Bradley funds Prager for its strong reach across social media platforms and because it “distills (conservative/Judeo-Christian) principles into content-rich, entertaining five-minute video ‘courses’ taught by public intellectuals, many of whom are Bradley Prize winners.”
Turning Point USA
Charlie Kirk’s Turning
Point USA has a history of racism that
extends beyond former employee Candace Owens.
Kirk founded TP USA when he was 18 and pays himself $100,000. Kirk also named Kyle Kashuv, widely known for his racial slurs, to be Turning Point USA’s high school outreach director. Kashuv resigned from the post when he was outed by a former classmate who said he “used the N-word frequently,” ranked women’s attractiveness by race, and referenced his “Jewish slaves.” Turning Point USA has received close to $300,000 since 2014 from GOP megadonor Richard Uihlein‘s Ed Uihlein Family Foundation. SOURCE of the above -- Exposed by CMD, Center for Media & Democracy --- and --- SOURCEWATCH
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Club for Growth an organization funded by extremely wealthy conservatives . A key player in Republican Governor Scott Walker's move to take out the state's organized workers." A "national strategy" to get "newly elected Republican governors" to destroy labor and unions.
Competitive Enterprise Institute(CEI) says that "Dennis Prager is getting a billion views". CEI is a advocacy group based in Washington DC with long ties to tobacco disinformation campaigns and more recently to climate change denial. It calls itself "a non-profit, non-partisan research and advocacy institute dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. We believe that individuals are best helped not by government intervention, but by making their own choices in a free marketplace."[1] The Competitive Enterprise Institute is an "associate" member of the State Policy Network, a web of right-wing "think tanks" in every state across the country.[2]
They have a program for "challenging government regulations", push property rights as a solution to environment problems, opposed US vehicle fuel efficiency standards, and spin for the drug industry.
Center for Organizational Research and Education Hype: "cost of the EPA’s regulations" and "hidden agendas behind environmental activist groups "
Founder Larry Klayman is a pathologically litigious attorney and professional gadfly notorious for suing everyone from Iran’s Supreme Leader to his own mother. He has spent years denouncing Barack Obama as a crypto-Communist Muslim, convening meaningless “citizens grand juries,” and railing against an endless list of enemies.
Judicial Crisis Network works to fill judicial vacancies across
the country, including in state supreme courts and appellate courts.
It received $17.9
million in 2016 and $17.1
million in 2017 from an undisclosed donor (or maybe two).
It then turned around and used that money (and other contributions) to fight
against the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016 ($7 million)
and for the nominations of Neil M. Gorsuch ($10 million), Brett M.
Kavanaugh ($10 million) and Amy Coney Barrett ($10 million).
The group is linked to Leonard Leo, a top official at the Federalist Society, a conservative group that served as a pipeline for judges appointed by Trump.
In the 10-years from 2010 to 2019 IRS filings, the Concord Fund/Judicial Crisis Network reported more than $133 million in revenue,
In all, between 1997 and 2002, Judicial Watch received
$7,069,500 in 19 grants from a handful of foundations including. The bulk
of this funding came from just three foundations - the Sarah Scaife Foundation,
The Scaife
Carthage Foundation and
the John M.
Olin Foundation, Inc.
Judicial Watch received $77,500 from DonorsTrust between 2010 and 2014, a donor-advised fund that serves to further disguise the identity of donors. (See all DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund contributions here.)
Judicial Watch has also taken donations from the Alleghany Foundation, National Christian Charitable Foundation, Robert S. and Star Pepper Foundation, The Whitcomb Charitable Foundation, Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation and The Rodney Fund among others.
Heartland Institute is known for their climate change denial, tobacco health risk denial, and their staunch stance against most environmental regulation. Is associate member" of the State Policy Network, SPN. Heartland's anti-Democrat - anti-Government . Leak exposes how Heartland Institute indoctrinates children on Climate Science.
Tucker Carlson
also publishes The
Daily Caller, a controversial online media outlet with ties to white
nationalists that has infamously peddled everything from climate denial and
anti-Islamic tropes to false prostitution charges and violence against
Carlson's moonlighting as an extremist at The Daily Caller is heavily bankrolled
by -- you guessed it -- the Koch brothers.
An investigation by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) finds that
the Charles Koch Foundation has poured more than
$2.7 million into the Daily Caller's non-profit "charity" since 2012, which
generates the lion's share of the "news" that the Caller publishes.
Indeed, in 2016, Koch cash accounted for 83 percent
of the The Daily Caller News Foundation's $1.1 million in revenues.
WND,, Inc. Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Some Fake News
Richard Mellon Scaife was an American billionaire, a principal heir to the Mellon banking, oil, and aluminum fortune.He also endowed the Allegheny Foundation Betsy DeVos and Amway heir Dick DeVos (Amway is a MLM Pyramid Scheme)
Howard Charitable Foundation ,
Robert S.
Howard Claude R. Lambe Foundation ( Koch family-controlled) Greenpeace has calculated that CRLF provided $24,643,414 to groups peddling climate change denial between 1997-2011 Heritage Foundation ties to Koch The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation $5.9 million to Heritage since 1998
How the world’s dirtiest industries have learned to pollute our politics |
Policy Exchange a dark money-funded lobby group,-- producing a report smearing Extinction Rebellion.
TaxPayers’ Alliance Secretly funded lobby group supplied some of the key advisers to Boris Johnson
Adam Smith Institute supplied some of the key advisers to Boris Johnson
Institute of Economic Affairs supplied some of the key advisers to Boris Johnson
Lynton Crosby is one of the principals in Crosby/Textor, the Australian affiliate of the U.S. Republican opinion polling company Wirthlin Worldwide.
Revealed documents suggest that the firm run by Johnson’s ally and adviser Lynton Crosby has produced unbranded Facebook ads on behalf of the coal industry. Wirthlin Worldwide wrote a report demonizing ENVIRONMENTALISM.