The Government
failed U.S. workers on Global Trade and Democrats lost the Election. It must do
better on Autonomous, AI, Robotic technology.
Precis from
Vivek Wadhwa and
Edward Alden
Washington Post Nov 2016
Self-driving vehicles will disrupt the
economy by replacing 3.5 million human drivers.
New inventions that are imminent will transform the lives of billions of
people yet should be for the better.
But, as we see in the 2016 U.S. election campaign,
and as we have seen in Europe and elsewhere,
rapid change has a dark side. If too many people are unable to adapt quickly
and successfully to these changes, they will push back blaming
trade or immigrants
or the elites (or rightfully,
politicians ) and
demand a reversion to a simpler time. |
Greedy, Outsourcing Corporations ,
(insensitive to the needs of their US workers), where there is no:
minimum wage,
workers comp. ,
EPA environmental standards,
work standards,
legal recourse,
controlled currency. |
The task of governments is to help people manage these transformations so that they
benefit many and do as little harm as possible. In the
United States, governments
mostly failed at that task during the era of Globalization;
-- they will have to do much better this time
around, especially with a President and
Republicans that wants to
get rid of Common Core and might even
eliminate the Department of Education.
Many people lost well-paid manufacturing jobs to
import competition from Outsourcing, and the U.S.
government has made little effort to stop it, even in
worker retraining. Most of the recent jobs
increases are low-paying service jobs. In 40
years there won't be that many jobs left - other than
technical and creative.
Today, the United States spends a
smaller proportion of its wealth on worker retraining than
any of the other 34 member countries of the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
except for Mexico and Chile.
Yet more than half of the workforce will be INCAPABLE of
doing the remaining jobs -- no matter how much training they get
Too often, the attitude of the U.S. government
has been deeply irresponsible, assuming that markets would simply sort
everything out for the best.
We know well in advance exactly what is coming.
Driverless trucks can run 24 hours a day and wont demand
overtime pay. There are 3.5 million truck drivers
in the United States, and an additional 5.5 million jobs in related industries
one in every 15 American workers. They could perhaps go to work for
UPS or deliver pizzas,
but many of those delivery jobs will be lost to
robots, eventually (and maybe drones).
The automation bomb could
destroy 45 percent of the jobs in the
United States, about $2
trillion in annual wages. 60% of occupations could soon see machines
doing 30% or more of the work.
These vulnerabilities necessitate something that too often was absent in the
era of Globalization: good
public policies:-
| And one of these needs to be something like a
Much more than Globalization,
Technology is going to
create upheaval and destroy jobs. This can be for the
better, helping us create new and more interesting jobs or freeing up time for
leisure and creative pursuits. But unless we find ways to share the
prosperity and help Americans adapt to the coming changes, many could be left
worse off than they are. And, as we have seen this year, that is a recipe
for an angry backlashand political upheaval -- and
revolution. (maybe even Arab Spring or Cambodia
style ! )
Unless we strengthen social safety nets
and retraining, there will be far too many
losers in the labor market. Corporations,
implementing and profiting from robots, need to help pay for this !!!
There is no way to avoid the huge impact that technology will have on
employment; we have to prepare for it and help those whose skills it antiquates. But it's not possible to
turn everyone in the US workforce into some high tech worker.
Edward Alden is senior fellow
at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of Failure to Adjust: How Americans Got Left Behind in the Global Economy.
in business (or nationalize them) as solar and
wind take over and stop them from
slowing progress, essential to fixing
Climate Change.