"These kinds of people, don't want to feel like they're being manipulated,"
It's good to ask questions like: "Do you think it's possible that other people
are profiting off of you?"
She caught COVID and refused to get tested.
Instead, she ordered drugs from a "Natural Healer" in Florida. Two of the drugs
were Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
Even after she was admitted to hospital, she turned down some effective
treatments like Remdesivir. But she believed
conspiracy theories claiming the drug was actually being used to kill
COVID patients.
Stephanie died and her family see her as a victim of
Fox "news", Newsmax and OAN
and the Grifters and Attention-Seekers who generate
many hours of LIES to grab money, likes and

the Kaiser Family Foundation:-- "more than
230,000 US Deaths could have been avoided if individuals had gotten vaccinated."

Who are FOX
Advertisers? Fox "news" gets about
65% of its revenue from
Cable Providers.
Every Cable Subscriber pays Fox "news" about
$20 per year, whether they watch the channel or not.
It's time to sue your Cable Provider for subsidizing Networks that kill
people with lies !

Dangerous Right Wing TV kills ten's of Thousands of Americans - the video Proof