Reasons given for voting for Trump 2016
Reasons given
for voting for Trump 2020
2020 - Why I voted for Trump
(letters to LA Times) |
run like a
change ,
the establishment and
celebrities tried to derail him, make America
make America safe and make America
media ,
I am here and I count, I remember the
Clintons, Clinton Fatigue,
I would have voted for Bernie, even though I agree with him on virtually
Clinton is further to the extreme left, Trump
mix of left and right willing to compromise,
media ,
Democratic Party’s propensity to give and give
to everyone,
The middle class is in dire condition.
I haven’t had a raise in 10 years,
my fiscal needs,
a businessman with
strong executive skills leading our nation back to
capitalism., reverse
the trend toward socialism,
nominate conservative Supreme Court
gay marriage or abortion,
solving issues related to the economy
and foreign adversaries.
Tap-dancing around our national debt,
our failure to contain
Iran and North Korea,
our long-term unemployed citizens helps no one,
Christian values,
run like a business, knows how to
delegate, and understands complex budgets,
negotiation and leadership, provide
solutions for our problems,
making the economy better,
help our inner cities
help everyone reach their potential.,
she does not support law enforcement or the military,
wrong for accepting so much money for speeches -
paid for access,
course correction,
security of our nation ,
understood and spoke to the middle class, will take seriously the threat
that terrorism poses to our country,
protect the unborn,
want my gay friends, my friends of
many races, to be safe,
email scandal and Benghazi,
I oppose the political correctness movement,
which has become a fascist ideology of silence and
Supreme Court nominees,
his support for inner cities and educational
“Catholic Spring” revolution to
weaken my church,
her foundation's links
to foreign money especially from the Uranium
One deal and from countries that have provided funding to the Islamic State,
Clinton compromised our national security
by putting classified information on a personal email
willing to be open, to be
transparent and to tackle the problems,
Fix immigration so immigrants can come here
rule of law and
secure the border, and process violent
criminals correctly,
trade ,
is smart , a doer,
Democrats and the mainstream media
had handpicked their candidate and were manipulating
us |
How to REBUT the
are they in the 84% of Republicans
who get their news from FOX ?
I wonder if any of these people knew that Trump
wanted to:-
 | cut federal revenues
by $6.2 trillion and increase the
Federal Debt by $5.3 trillion over the next decade with his
Tax Plan
(The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated)
reduce the business tax
rate to 15% and
eliminate the estate
tax. the biggest beneficiaries by far are the
very wealthy.
The top 1% of income households would
see their incomes rise by 11.5% ,
while “middle income” households
would see an increase of 1.5%. |
 | Get rid of the
 | Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform |
 | Consumer Protection Act. |
 | Environmental Protection
Agency |
 | Obamacare |
 | reverse all progress on Climate Change (cancel
billions in payments to U.N. climate change
programs) |
 | Defund Planned Parenthood. |
potential Supreme Court
nominees range from very conservative to even more conservative.
There are some common themes, however. A general
hostility to claims of “reproductive
freedom,” from abortion to
a hostility to government regulations,
ranging from rules aimed at
 | protecting the environment
from coal-fired utilities to |
 | rules limiting access to guns. |
AND IN 2017
Increased Federal Debt of $1.5 trillion with a 2017 Republican Tax Scam Bill
where earners below $40,000 pay MORE tax in 2023 !
And Corporations pay 21% instead of 35% !
And 56.7 million Taxpayers will be paying higher taxes by 2027 |
I am white, I am
a woman, I am pro-choice,
I am educated, and I voted for Donald Trump.
The government needs to be run like a corporation,
simple as that. Of course humanitarian issues are of concern to me, as they
are to every American. His degrading language toward women bothers me, and
his views on global warming are a problem for me. I do not 100 percent love
Trump, but I am convinced he can lead this nation. I
was part of the silent majority. My friends would bash those who leaned
toward Trump and comment on how insane, uneducated and racist his supporters
were. I was afraid to speak my mind because of the possibility it might hurt
my reputation socially and professionally. I respect everyone’s opinion and
vote, and it’s wrong to be ridiculed for supporting someone you have a right
to support. I scrolled through my Facebook page on Election Day personally
hurt. Friends accused Trump supporters of not loving them because they are
gay, a woman, a person of color or an immigrant. My stomach dropped knowing
what might happen if someone found out that I supported him and that they
thought I did not love them for that.
I voted for Donald Trump because he can create
change for our country, economy and world.
Erin Keefe, 22,
Manchester, N.H. |
IGNORANCE -- thinks Trump can run it
like a corporation and focus on "change" |
Donald Trump came to Burlington, Vt. — Bernie
Sanders’s home town — in December. I stood in line with a few thousand
people and was confronted by a few hundred people protesting Trump’s
appearance and those supporting him. I was still on the fence, but after
that rally I knew without a doubt Trump was going to be our next president.
He had tapped into what the everyday Joe — and Jane — were feeling but had
become PC-shamed from expressing.
As Trump cleared each hurdle during the campaign, and I
saw how the media, the
establishment and celebrities
tried to derail him, my hope began to grow that
I would be able to witness their collective heads explode when he was
successful. Tuesday night was beyond satisfying to watch unfold. I hope all
the aforementioned have learned their lesson. I look forward to watching
Trump make good on his plans to make America
affordable, make America safe and make
America work. I always thought it was great.
Nicole Citro, 47,
Essex Junction, Vt. |
IGNORANCE - media and buying the hype |
On Tuesday, I voted Republican for
only the second time in my life.
The media
did the United States a huge disservice in covering this campaign. As I
watched, I got the impression that voting was a mere formality. The
commentary was all about how Hillary Clinton was set to get down to business
once the pesky election was over. It was obvious watching the election
returns on several networks that not one of them prepared for the
possibility of Donald Trump triumphing. Why was that?
My vote was my only way to say: I am here and I count. I wish President-elect Trump
all the best and have hope that Washington will, in the next four years,
actually work for all Americans.
Diane Maus, 61,
Suffern, N.Y. |
IGNORANCE media and no reason
whatsoever |
I remember
the Clintons from back when they tap danced around the Gennifer Flowers story.
Then came Whitewater and then Hillary Clinton’s
billing records were nowhere to
be found, and then there was
Monica Lewinsky and Bill
Clinton looked right at me through the TV screen and said “I did not have . . .” The lies never stopped. Then came
Clinton Foundation, foreign
donations and
the emails. I have 100
percent Clinton Fatigue.
If Bernie
Sanders had been on the ballot, I would have
voted for him, even though I agree with him on virtually nothing. But
he seems to be honest and stands up for his beliefs and not for enriching
Howard Gaskill, 77,
Georgetown, Del. |
IGNORANCE focus solely on Clinton past |
I am an
independent voter who leans slightly to the left. I am a small
business owner. I am not an uneducated,
deplorable redneck. Donald
Trump, despite his imperfections, will be the
most left-leaning Republican president
of all time. Hillary Clinton would have steered
the country further to the extreme left, while
Trump will be a good mix of left and right. We,
in the middle, are weary of partisan bickering. Trump was our best hope of a
president willing to compromise.
Phil McNeish, 57,
Roanoke, Va. |
IGNORANCE thinks Clinton is "extreme
left" |
I voted for Donald Trump because
the media was so incredibly biased. They were
unhinged in their obvious role as the Clinton campaign propaganda machine.
The collusion was just too much.
Lori Myers, 51,
Spring, Tex. |
IGNORANCE focused solely on media
I am concerned about my impossibly
expensive health insurance
and the impact on my family. I am concerned about
undocumented immigrants and the
Democratic Party’s propensity to
give and give to everyone. The
middle class is in dire condition.
I haven’t had a raise in 10 years. I couldn’t
stand the thought of four more years heading in this direction. My decision
was based on my fiscal needs.
Debra Knox, 61,
Shallotte, N.C. |
IGNORANCE of Trump's Tax Plan |
It was time we had a
businessman with strong
executive skills leading our nation back to
capitalism. We must reverse the trend
toward socialism, and who better to make that
change than a capitalist?
George Erdner, 65,
Duluth, Ga. |
focus on Capitalism and buying the
"businessman" hype |
I voted for Donald Trump on the
calculated bet that he would nominate conservative
Supreme Court justices. The Constitution is a social contract, not a
poem to be variously interpreted. If people want to permit
gay marriage or abortion
for any reason, then make both legal through the legislature, not via an
unelected oligarchy rewriting the Constitution.
Christopher Todd, 53,
Tampa |
focus solely on the Supreme Court |
We need to focus less on
individually placating all the groups that make American wonderful and more
on solving issues related to the economy and
foreign adversaries. Tap-dancing around our
national debt, our failure to
contain Iran and
North Korea, and our long-term
unemployed citizens helps no one.
Mackenzie Gans, 28,
Las Vegas |
IGNORANCE - misconception of Clinton's
policies |
I voted for Donald Trump based on
my Christian values. I didn’t know a lot about
Trump but I knew too much about the Clintons. This country needs to get back
on track with God, to give God praise, honor and glory each and every
passing day. He is worthy. I pray for the new administration that will take
office in January. I believe if Hillary Clinton had won the election we
would be dead in the water. Too many things she sought to get passed were
against any Christian belief for those who are true to Christ.
James Brady, 74,
Tennessee |
IGNORANCE big time voting solely on
religion |
Unlike most Americans, I know how
to compartmentalize and separate my personal opinion of both Donald Trump
and Hillary Clinton and my belief about who is better for the job. I have
always said — years before Trump was ever interested in politics — that the
country should be run like a business. Meaning
the United States should be led by someone who knows
how to delegate, and understands complex
budgets, negotiation and leadership.
That is why I voted for Trump. I
don’t need my president to be nice to everyone and to give them a warm,
fuzzy feeling. Get a bathrobe for that. I also don’t have to agree with him
on every single opinion or policy. I don’t need to be friends with my
president; I need him or her to lead the country,
provide solutions for our problems and make a stronger and greater
United States.
Helene Berkowitz, 37,
Hashmonaim, Israel |
buying the "businessman" hype |
I don’t believe Donald Trump is a
racist, misogynist or homophobe. I think he will focus on
making the economy better for American citizens
and businesses. I’m hopeful that he will help our
inner cities and help everyone
reach their potential.
I’m a 40-year
veteran of law enforcement, and my two sons are cops as well. My
three sons-in-law are in the military. Hillary Clinton
convinced me that she does not support my profession
or the military. I also believe the Clintons were
wrong for accepting so much money for speeches.
They were being paid for access, which is
Jim Barnacle, 66,
Harrisburg, Pa. |
IGNORANCE - when Clinton does
support Law Enforcement and the Military |
Because the part of America that
grows your food, produces your energy and fights your wars believes the
country needs a course correction.
Daniel Traynor, 46,
Devils Lake, N.D. |
IGNORANCE voting for change alone |
I voted for Donald Trump because I
am pro-life and I am worried about the
security of our nation for my children. I feel
he best understood and spoke to the middle class.
It is sad but true that we are in a time of uncertainty when it comes to
terrorism. I think that Trump will take seriously the
threat that terrorism poses to our country. I also voted for him
because he clearly articulated that he values life and will
protect the unborn.
Ange Voggenreiter,
50, Gainesville, Va. |
IGNORANCE of Tax Plan |
Because I believe Donald Trump
loves America and really wants what is best for all Americans, whether it be
health care, jobs or just feeling safe in our country. I want my
gay friends, my friends of
many races, to be safe
in their workplaces and homes and communities. I know that’s very
important to him. And I could never get past
the email scandal and
Benghazi with Hillary Clinton. That turned me off for good. My son is
in the military. I just couldn’t vote for her. I believe Trump is sincere in
his love of country and his desire to make it better. I want to give him a
Laura Johnson, 49,
California |
IGNORANCE big time FOX watcher |
I am a gay
millennial woman and I voted for Donald Trump
because I oppose the political correctness movement,
which has become a fascist ideology of silence and
ignorance. After months of going back and forth, I decided to listen
to him directly and not through minced and filtered quotes from the
mainstream media.
Samantha Styler, 21,
Gilbert, Ariz. |
IGNORANCE voting Republican when gay
and a woman |
I favor Donald Trump’s ideas on
trade, his potential
Supreme Court nominees, and his support for
inner cities and educational opportunities. The
WikiLeaks documents provided the most important reasons for defeating
Hillary Clinton: her campaign’s vile “Catholic Spring”
revolution to weaken my church, and her
foundations’s links to foreign money,
especially from the Uranium One deal and from
countries that have provided funding to the Islamic
State. But the “Catholic Spring” and her campaign’s response to this
revelation would have been enough on their own.
Marc Gratkowski, 46,
Scranton, Pa. |
“There needs to be a Catholic
Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end
of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy
and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church,”
said Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta |
I voted against Hillary Clinton,
and for Donald Trump, because Clinton compromised our
national security by putting classified information on a personal
email account and allowed people without
security clearances to access that information. As a retired federal
employee with a security clearance, I have protected classified information.
Failure to do so has resulted in prison for many, and rightly so.
Marilyn Weydert, 74,
Kenosha, Wis. |
NARROW IGNORANCE focusing solely on
"email" |
Donald Trump is willing to be
open, to be transparent
and to tackle the problems we need handled as
Fix immigration
so immigrants can come here legally with full
rights and not be disadvantaged.
Support the rule of
law and secure the border,
and process violent criminals correctly.
Fix the bad global
trade rules. China buys up the United States
while Google and Uber fail in China and Apple cannot even protect the iPhone
name there.
I think Trump is
smart and has a chance to do good things for
the United States. He is more of a doer than a
politician. An inclusive president for all.
Ron Sexton, 61,
Tustin, Calif. |
IGNORANCE thinks Trump will enable
immigrants to come here legally,
thinks trump is open and
transparent (like his Tax Returns) |
I voted for Jill Stein, which my
friends all yelled was a vote for Donald Trump. I don’t fully disagree. It
was clear early on in the Democratic primary contest that the mainstream
media discounted Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
even when he was winning states. Then the Democratic
National Committee emails came out, and
I had proof of what I suspected. The Democrats
and the mainstream media had handpicked their
candidate and were manipulating us. They felt
entitled to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats. I’m glad they didn’t get
away with it.
Shoanna Crowell, 45,
Boston |
NARROW IGNORANCE focus on media only |
My entire family — five Muslim immigrants
from Turkey — voted for Donald Trump in Florida because of the
Democratic Party’s
pandering to Islamism. As people who have actually experienced
Islamism in its purest form, back in Turkey, we supported the candidate who
promised to help us fight that issue, regardless of
any of his other policies. For us, the people of the Middle East,
this election was just too important to hand over to someone such as Hillary
Deniz Dolun, 22, Boca
Raton, Fla. |
The honest truths that rural,
Christian, white
don’t want to accept (and until they do, --
nothing is going to change), are:
 | -Their economic situation is largely the result of voting for
Republican supply-side economic policies that have been the
largest redistribution of wealth from the bottom/middle to the top
in U.S. history. |
 | -All the economic policies and ideas
that could help rural America belong to the
Democratic Party:
 | raising the minimum wage,
 | strengthening unions, |
 | infrastructure spending,
 | taxing the rich and corporations
 | taking money out of politics |
 | consumer protection, |
 | regulating big banks and Wall Street to
prevent another recession, |
 | healthcare reform |
 | -Immigrants haven’t taken their jobs. If all immigrants,
legal or otherwise, were removed from the U.S., our economy would come
to a screeching halt and prices on food would soar. |
 | -Immigrants are not responsible for companies
moving their plants overseas. Almost
exclusively white business owners are the ones responsible because
they care more about their share holders who are also mostly white
than they do American workers. |
 | -No one is coming for their guns. All that has been
proposed during the entire Obama administration is having better
background checks. |
 | -Gay people getting married is not a threat to their
freedom to believe in whatever white God you want to. No one is going
to make their church marry gays, make gays your pastor, accept gays
for membership. |
 | -Women having access to birth control doesn’t affect their
life either, especially women who they complain about being teenage,
single mothers. |
 | -Blacks are not “lazy moochers living off their hard earned
tax dollars” anymore than many of your fellow rural neighbors. People
in need are people in need. People who can’t find jobs because of
their circumstances, a changing economy, outsourcing overseas, etc.
belong to all races. |
 | -They get a tremendous amount of help from the government
which they complain does nothing for them. From the roads and utility
grids they use to the farm subsidies, crop insurance, commodities
protections…they benefit greatly from government assistance.
The Farm Bill is one of the largest
financial expenditures by the U.S. government. Without government
assistance, their lives would be considerably worse. |
 | -They get the largest share of Food Stamps,
Medicaid, Medicare,
and Social Security. |
 | -They complain about globalization but line up like
everyone else to get the latest Apple product. They have no problem
buying foreign-made guns, scopes, and hunting equipment. They don’t
think twice about driving trucks whose engine was made in Canada,
tires made in Japan, radio made in Korea, computer parts made in
Malaysia. |
 | -They use illicit drugs as much as any other group. But,
when other people do it is a “moral failing” and they should be
severely punished, legally. When they do it, it is a “health crisis”
that needs sympathy and attention. |
 | -When jobs dry up for whatever reasons, they refuse to relocate
but lecture the poor in places like Flint for staying in towns that
are failing. |
 | -They are quick to judge minorities for being “welfare
moochers” but don’t think twice about cashing their welfare check
every month. |
 | -They complain about coastal liberals, but the taxes from
California and New York are what covers their farm subsidies, helps
maintain their highways, and keeps their hospitals in their sparsely
populated areas open for business. |
 | -They complain about “the little man being run out of business”
then turn around and shop at big box stores. |
 | -They make sure outsiders are not welcome, deny businesses permits
to build, then complain about businesses, plants opening up in less
rural areas. |
 | -Government has not done enough to help them in many cases
but their local and state governments are
almost completely Republican and so too
are their representatives and
senators. Instead of holding them
accountable, they vote them in over and over and over again. |
…all of these and more would really help a lot of rural Americans.
The dark rigidity of fundamentalist rural America: a view from the
inside |
The U.S. government does not
give billions of dollars to the United Nations
for climate work.
The U.S. government gives about $10 million a year to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), created in 1992 under a global treaty signed by
President George H. W. Bush. Some of the
money helps support the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), a scientific organization that collects
research on climate and advises the UNFCCC.
In 2014, President Obama said the U.S. intends to contribute
$3 billion dollars to the
Green Climate Fund, as part of a pledge by
the developed nations to help less developed nations deal with the
deleterious effects of climate change. The UN
has promised to raise a total of $100 billion a year for that Fund and
start disbursing it in 2020. The Green Climate
Fund is an independent body accountable to the
United Nations but
not part of it.
In 2008, President Bush pledged $2 billion
for climate aid to developing countries.
Trump’s tax plan would cut income
tax rates while capping deductions for the wealthy. He would also reduce
the business tax rate to 15 percent and eliminate the estate tax.
Workers at every income level would enjoy lower taxes under Trump’s
plan, but the biggest beneficiaries by far are the very wealthy.
Estimates from the Tax Policy Center and the Tax Foundation estimate
that the top 1 percent of income households would see their after-tax
incomes rise by 10.2 to 13 percent under Trump’s plan, while “middle
income” households -- those from the 40th to the 60th percentile --
would see an increase of 1.3 to 1.8 percent. Tax savings at all levels
could be higher from economic growth, but the wealthy still see the
biggest bump. |
The big question surrounding Trump’s
school choice plan is this:
How will he pay for it? Not with new
money, he has been clear, but “redirects education dollars” is vague.
The fact is, much of the money the U.S. government spends in schools
goes to districts that serve low-income, at-risk
students. Under Trump’s plan, at least some of these so-called
Title I dollars would likely end up going
to more affluent districts or leaving the public system entirely.
Here’s the other headline in this graph:
“Ends common core.” Learning
standards, including the Common Core, are
adopted (and replaced) at the state level, and the new federal
education law, ESSA, will make it very difficult for Trump to change
that. Here’s why. He could try to use federal
dollars to push states away from the Common Core,
but, again, the new law is clear about the government’s right/ability
to do such pushing: It can’t. For more unpacking of Trump’s education
plan, check this out.
The GOP Congress has already demonstrated its willingness to repeal the
insurance tax subsidies and
Medicaid expansion portions of the
Affordable Care Act, along with the
requirement that all Americans have health insurance, using a fast-track
legislative maneuver known as “reconciliation” that prevents a
Democratic filibuster. President Obama vetoed that measure, but
President-elect Trump would presumably sign it. The
Congressional Budget Office predicts that
could strip health insurance coverage from more
than 20 million people -- although the change would most likely
be phased in over a couple of years. Trump’s replacement plan is less
clear. Health savings accounts would allow
more people to buy insurance with pre-tax dollars, and selling insurance
across state lines might increase competition and reduce prices. But
coverage will very likely remain out of reach for
many. The requirement that insurance companies provide coverage
to people with pre-existing conditions cannot be repealed through
reconciliation. But preserving that requirement without the individual
mandate to purchase insurance could create a costly situation in which
people wait until they’re sick to buy coverage. |
Washington Post has estimated this wall
will cost $25 billion!
Mexico’s president
made it clear to President-elect Trump when they met this summer that
his government is not willing to finance a border wall. At one point,
Trump suggested the wall might be financed by taxing money that Mexican
citizens working in the U.S. send home. |
crime has steadily declined over the
last 2 decades (tho it rose slightly in 2015)
In 2014, the Obama
Justice Department launched the “violence reduction network,”
matching troubled cities with a law enforcement analyst and a federal
grant official. The program now operates in about 10 cities including
Camden, N.J.; Chicago; Detroit and Flint, Mich.; Little Rock, Ark.;
Newark, N.J.; Compton, Oakland and Richmond, Calif.; and West Memphis,
Ark. It’s not clear whether Trump’s team wants to expand on this idea or
scrap it in favor of something else.
The Justice Department traditionally
funds training programs for local police and in recent years has offered
federal funds to pay for body cameras and bulletproof vests. In a time
of tight federal budgets, a popular Bill Clinton-era program that helps
localities pay the salaries of police officers for a set time frame has
been scaled back somewhat.
In 2016, the Justice Department
allocated approximately
$119 million to fund the
COPS Hiring Program, which enables law enforcement agencies to
hire or rehire career law enforcement officers and increase their
community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. Some $12
million has gone to
community policing and collaborative reform
grants in 2016 and another $12 million is funding the
2016 COPS Anti-Heroin Task Force Program and COPS
Anti-Methamphetamine Program grants to state law enforcement agencies.
Most law
enforcement in the U.S. remains the
responsibility of state and local authorities.
defense agenda as described here is hugely
ambitious. Republicans and Democrats have warred over the 2011
Budget Control Act, which imposed automatic, across-the-board spending
restrictions, since it was first passed. Repealing it even with
Republican majorities in both houses of Congress would require new
consensus about exempting both defense and nondefense spending from the
restrictions, as well as an agreement about how to pay for any new
spending that Trump proposes.
His VA proposal sounds a lot like the Veterans Choice program that
Congress enacted after high-profile VA scandals in 2014, one that
enables veterans to go outside the VA system. But as NPR’s Quil Lawrence
has reported, even that “fix”
now is in need of a new fix. |

The extraordinary phenomenon of fake news spread by
Facebook and other social media during the
2016 presidential election has been largely
portrayed as a lucky break for Donald Trump.
By that reckoning, entrepreneurial Macedonian
opportunists in Tbilisi and California
millennials have exploited social media algorithms in order to make
money — only incidentally leading to the viral proliferation of mostly
anti-Clinton and anti-Obama hoaxes and
conspiracy theories that thrilled many Trump supporters.
The Washington Post published a
shoddy report on Thursday alleging that
Russian state-sponsored propagandists were
seeking to promote Trump through fabricated stories for their own
reasons, independent of the candidate himself.
But a closer look reveals that some of the
biggest fake news providers were run by experienced political
operators well within the orbit of Donald Trump’s
political advisers and consultants. Laura Ingraham, a close Trump
ally currently
under consideration to be Trump’s White House press secretary,
owns an online publisher called Ingraham Media
Group that runs a number of sites, including
LifeZette, a news site that frequently
posts articles of dubious veracity. One video produced
by LifeZette this summer, ominously
titled “Clinton Body Count,” promoted a conspiracy theory that the
Clinton family had
some role in the plane crash death of John F. Kennedy, Jr., as
well as the deaths of various friends and Democrats.
The video, published on Facebook
from LifeZette’s
verified news account, garnered
over 400,000 shares and 14 million views.
Another LifeZette video,
picking up false claims from other
sites, claimed that voting machines “might be compromised” because a
voting machine company called Smartmatic, allegedly providing voting
machines “in sixteen states,” was purchased by the liberal
billionaire George Soros.
never purchased the company, and Smartmatic did not provide
voting machines used in the general election.
One LifeZette article misleadingly
claimed that the United Nations
backed a “secret” Obama administration takeover of local police
departments. The article referenced Justice Department orders that a
select few police departments address patterns of misconduct, a
practice that, in reality, long predates the Obama presidency, is
hardly secret, and had no relation to the
United Nations.
Another LifeZette article, which
went viral in the week prior to the election,
falsely claimed that
Wikileaks had revealed that a senior
Hillary Clinton campaign official had
engaged in
occult rituals. Ingraham’s site regularly receives links from
the Drudge Report and other powerful
drivers of Internet traffic.
But LifeZette, for all its
influence, pales in comparison to the sites run by
Floyd Brown, a
Republican consultant close to Trump’s
inner circle of advisers. Brown gained
notoriety nearly three decades ago for his role in helping to
produce the “Willie Horton” campaign advertisement, a spot
criticized for its use of racial
messaging to derail Michael Dukakis’s
presidential bid. Brown is also the
political mentor of David Bossie, an operative who went to work for
Trump’s presidential campaign this year after founding the
Citizens United group. In an interview
this year, Brown called Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway a “longtime friend.”
Brown now produces a flow of
reliably pro-Trump Internet content through a company he owns called
Liftable Media Inc., which operates a
number of high-impact, tabloid-style news outlets that exploded in
size over the course of the election. One of
Brown’s sites, Western Journalism,
is the 81st largest site in the U.S. with
13 million monthly unique page views, according to rankings
maintained by the site Alexa. Another,
called Conservative Tribune, is the
50th largest site with over 19 million monthly unique visitors.
Brown’s sites
churn out bombastic headlines with little regard to the truth. One
viral piece shared by Brown’s news
outlets claimed that
President Obama had redesigned the White House logo to change the
American flag to a white flag, “a common symbol for surrender, which
has many people wondering if Obama was trying to secretly signal to
America’s enemies that he was surrendering.” The Facebook post
touted the article with the line, “We all know Obama hates the
United States, but what he just did to the White House logo is
beyond the pale.”
As the fact-checking website Snopes
was quick to
it was no signal of surrender and the bleached white version of the
White House logo, complete with a white flag, was not even an Obama
creation. The white logo dates back to as early as 2003,
under the Bush administration, which used it for official documents.
The Conservative Tribune and
Western Journalism provide a steady
stream of similarly deceptive,
eye-catching headlines.
“BREAKING: Muslims Ordered to Vote Hillary,” is the headline for
one election
post that grossly mischaracterized a
mundane article about a Pakistani American activist going to
door to door to help Clinton’s campaign. “Obama Urges Illegal
Immigrants to Vote Without Fear of Getting Caught,”
blared Western Journalism, claiming that President Obama had
suggested in an interview on issues facing Latino millennial voters
that noncitizens could vote and “will never get caught if they do.”
The article
left out the part of the Obama interview in which he said
noncitizens “can’t legally vote, but they’re counting on you to make
sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.”
The hits go on, with posts on a regular basis making claims
ranging from the assertion that Clinton went on a “drug
holiday” before the Las Vegas presidential debate to rumors
that Obama’s birth certificate is under serious scrutiny.
Thanks to views sourced largely to referrals from
Facebook, Brown’s
websites now outrank
web traffic going to news outlets
such as the Wall Street Journal, CBS News,
and NPR, according to data compiled by
Alexa. Both
Western Journalism and Conservative
Tribune are certified by Facebook
as bonafide news providers.
Trump’s relationship with one particularly influential online
news site with a history of fabricated stories
couldn’t be much closer. Steve Bannon,
the chairman of Breitbart News, took a
leave of absence from the organization to become the chief executive
officer of Trump’s presidential campaign and has been tapped to
serve as Trump’s chief strategist in the White House. Trump himself
regularly promoted Breitbart stories,
including a
tweet used to justify his campaign to prove Obama was not born
in the U.S.
Breitbart News blends commentary and
journalism with inflammatory headlines,
in many cases producing fake
stories sourced from
online hoaxes. The site once attempted to pass
off a picture of people in Cleveland celebrating the Cavaliers
as a massive Trump rally. The site furiously
defended Trump’s false claim that “thousands” of Muslims in New
Jersey were “cheering” the 9/11 attacks, a claim that
fact-checking organizations have
thoroughly debunked.
Other conservative content farms, including
WorldNetDaily, maintained ties to the Trump election effort.
Campaign finance records show that Great
America PAC, a Trump-backing Super PAC,
paid WND, known as the largest
purveyor of Obama birth certificate conspiracy
theories, for “online voter contact.”
The surge of fake news has been much commented on in the
mainstream media — and its effect on Trump’s election victory has
been widely debated — with little mention of the purveyors close to
the Trump campaign.
Buzzfeed News article that came out shortly before the election
famously traced more than 100 pro-Trump websites to young
entrepreneurs in a single town in the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
who discovered that the best way to generate clicks — at a fraction
of a penny per click in ad revenue — is to get their politics
stories to spread on Facebook. After the election,
New Yorker editor David Remnick
described President Obama as “talking obsessively” about that
article, and quoted him bemoaning its significance. “The capacity to
disseminate misinformation, wild conspiracy
theories, to paint the opposition in wildly negative light
without any rebuttal, ” Obama said, “that has accelerated in ways
that much more sharply polarize the electorate and make it very
difficult to have a common conversation.”
The Washington Post interviewed
Paul Horner, the “impresario of a Facebook
fake-news empire,” who sounded somewhat aghast when he said,
“I think Trump is in the White House because of me.
His followers don’t fact-check anything —
they’ll post everything, believe anything.”
Washington Post story described two Southern California slackers
turning their website of made-up pro-Trump
clickbait into a virtual goldmine. The New
York Times profiled
a fake news operation run by three brothers in Tbilisi, Georgia, who experimented with a
variety of content, sometimes lifted from other sites, at other
times made up from whole cloth, finding that pro-Trump material was
the most popular, and therefore the most profitable.
Finally, a Washington Post
story this week alleged a Russian
government role in spreading fake news
to help Trump. But its
were not remotely credible. For instance, it cited a list that
characterized as “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda” a number
of well-established and well-respected
websites including Truthdig, a
site published by award-winning journalist and long-time
Los Angeles Times columnist Robert
Scheer, Naked Capitalism, and
Truth Out.
The growth of fake news isn’t confined to Trump or
to conservative sites. A number of left-wing political sites have
trafficked in demonstrably false stories, including deceptive pieces
stoking fear about vaccines. Earlier this year, when critics called
for Clinton to release the transcripts of her three paid speeches to
Goldman Sachs, as well as to other interest groups, Daily News Bin,
a new liberal website specializing in viral hits, published
a piece titled, “Video surfaces of Hillary Clinton’s paid speech to
Goldman Sachs, and it’s completely harmless.” The video embedded in
the piece, however, was not one of Clinton’s paid speeches; it was a
public event sponsored by Goldman Sachs. The article was shared over
120,000 times.
“We live in a time when people don’t care
about facts,” said Judy Muller, professor of journalism at
the University of Southern California.
During the last three months of the campaign,
Buzzfeed News found that the top 20
best-performing hoax stories related to
the election
had more Facebook engagement than the 20 best-performing stories
from major news outlets.
Facebook has responded
to the recent outcry over fake news websites with promises to crack
down on obvious phony sites. Many critics are still worried that Facebook
is not doing enough to counter outright lies promoted by the
platform; meanwhile, others are concerned that such efforts risk
suppressing critical information.
Muller said that if Ingraham is nominated by Trump
to be his spokesperson to the press, she will have to distance
herself from her growing Facebook content empire.
But the demand for fake news is unlikely to
A recent study by Stanford
University researchers found that students have
difficulty discerning between fake content, corporate sponsored
advertorial content posing as journalism, and legitimate news.
“People only care about opinions that
support their own biases,” said Muller. “So they’re not
reading other people’s facts, they’re not checking the facts, and
they don’t want to know — and that’s the scariest development to
source TheIntercept
At any given time Coler says he’s got
between 20 and 25
FAKE NEWS writers. And it was one of them that wrote the story that
an FBI agent who leaked Clinton emails was killed. Coler says that over
10 days the site got 1.6 million views.
Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for
liberals — but they
just never take the bait. |
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