Putin ruining millions of lives



• HomeUpTrump's Autocracy from Hitler's PlaybookTrump Lies Feb 2025Tariffs CANNOT replace Income TaxTrump loses if only College Educated voteDemocracy to Autocracy - Project 202520 Defamations of DominionTrump’s drastic Campaign PromisesNot just believe but WELCOME lies21 Trump lies in his Indictment46 Trump Lies  -- at the Debate22 Trump lies at the 2nd DebateFACTS from 2024 Debate Trump vs HarrisTrump's Lies thru June 2017Denial of Facts by the MAGA CultReasons given for voting for Trump 2020Reasons given for voting for Trump 20162020 - Why I voted for Trump (letters)Trump wouldn't just let Obamacare die, he'd kill it himself.COVID Myths from TrumpTranscript of Trump with UkraineTrump's Pennsylvania LiesPutin ruining millions of lives •

• Russia's Military CriminalsМариуполь: тысячи смертейTechnology to Bypass IndoctrinationRussian RepublicansCompanies STAYING in Russia •


$1 million bounty on Vladimir Putin's head, calling for military officers to arrest him as a war criminal
Награда в 1 миллион долларов за голову Владимира Путина с призывом к военным арестовать его как военного преступника.

Map of Ukraine War Incidents Russian Oligarch Flight Paths   Russian VIP & Putin Flight Paths
Карта военных происшествий Украины Пути полета российского олигарха        Пути полета российского VIP и Путина  


Russian TV Independent  TV Rain (independent TV Station closed down by Putin)  War Videos Arnold Schwarzenegger's message to Russia Julius Caesar's End
Промо (Российское ТВ Независимое)    Дождь Youtube    Видео о войне   Послание Арнольда Шварценеггера России Конец Юлия Цезаря

Putin's Military Criminals
Путинские военные преступники

Мариуполь: тысячи смертей
Mariupol: thousands of deaths

Интернет-технологии для обхода российской идеологической обработки
Internet Technology to Bypass Russian Indoctrination

Путин губит миллионы жизней!

Украинцы не убивали русскоязычное население Украины, и Путин никого не спасает
Российское и белорусское телевидение врали вам, что именно поэтому русские вторгаются в Украину.
Вторжение не выгодно Украине.

Обычные люди, в том числе старики, вооружаются для сопротивления.

Все это делается для того, чтобы удовлетворить Путина, который только увеличивает территорию России.

5 100 000 женщин и детей на данный момент покинули страну. погибло более 26 000 мирных жителей.

Эксперты оценивают 17000 погибших российских солдат (примерно столько же украинских солдат)

Еще 6,5 млн человек покинули свои дома.

В отличие от того, что говорил Путин, на Украине мало нацистов.
Украинский народ проголосовал за президента-еврея 70 процентами голосов.

Гитлер использовал тот же предлог, что и Путин («границы стран не имеют значения»), чтобы вторгнуться в соседние страны.

Владимир Зеленский был избран президентом на выборах, которые международные наблюдатели считают свободными и справедливыми.

В отличие от России - СМИ в Украине свободны от государственного давления.

Путину нет дела до демократии; его главная претензия заключается в том, что нынешнее украинское правительство отказывается быть российской марионеткой.

Did he read ONE history book?

TRANSLATION: One man is ruining millions of lives !

Ukrainians have not been killing the Russian speaking population living in Ukraine and Putin is not saving anyone.
It is a fiction that is used by Putin to justify his war on Ukraine.
Russian and Belarussian TV have been lieing to you that this is why Russians are invading Ukraine.

Ordinary people, including old people, are arming themselves to resist.

All of this is being done to satisfy Putin who is just adding to Russian territory.

5,100,000 women, children and elderly refugees, so far, have fled the country. Killed more than 26,000 civilians

Experts estimate 17,000 Russian Soldiers dead ( about the same for Ukrainian Soldiers)

Another 6.5 million people displaced from their home.

Unlike what Putin has been saying, there are 2% Nazis in Ukraine, with the vast majority of Ukrainians having very little interest in anything to do with them.
The Ukrainian people voted for a Jewish President  ( who's grandfather fought against the Nazis, for Russia) and a Jewish, former Prime Minister.

Hitler used the same excuse as Putin (  "countries' borders were irrelevant"  )  to invade his neighbors.

Volodymyr Zelensky was elected president with 70 percent of the vote in an election considered free and fair by international observers.
Unlike Russia - Media in Ukraine is free from state pressure.
Putin does not care about democracy; his main complaint is that the current Ukrainian government refuses to be a Russian puppet.

War Criminals   -- 

Военные преступники  --

Виновен в военных преступлениях

Wanted DEAD or ALIVE

Konstantin Malofeyev in Violation of United States Sanctions 
U.S. citizen John Hanick, ( who works for him) was arrested in February, 2022 in London, and the United States is seeking his extradition.
Константин Малофеев о нарушении санкций США Гражданин США Джон Хэник (работающий на него) был арестован в феврале в Лондоне, и США добиваются его экстрадиции.

Директор Службы внешней разведки Сергей Нарышкин
 -- Foreign Intelligence Service director Sergei Naryshkin

Министр обороны Сергей Шойгу  -- Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu Has not been seen since around March 17th 2022

Приме Министер Михаил Мишустин  -- Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Интериор Министр Колокольцев -- Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

Патрушев и Бортников  --  Nikolai Patrushev 
Security Council secretary 

 Александр Бортников, бывший сотрудник КГБ (Бортников и Шойгу ограничиваются передачей собственных пропагандистских линий Путина).
Alexander Bortnikov ex-KGB (Bortnikov and Shoigu confine themselves to relaying Putin’s own propaganda lines.)

Василий Пискарёв, Vasily Piskaryov, a senior lawmaker in Putin’s party. “..... the absolutely rightful and understandable actions of our armed forces.”

He proposed punishment of 15 years in prison for anyone telling the truth.
Василий Пискарёв, старший депутат от путинской партии. «…абсолютно правомерные и понятные действия наших вооруженных сил».
Он предложил наказание в виде 15 лет тюрьмы для любого, кто говорит правду.

Директор СКР России Михаил Фрадков, бывший сотрудник КГБ,
Director of Russia's SCR Mikhail Fradkov ex-KGB, 

Дмитрий Медведев, чья новая должность заместителя Председателя Совета Безопасности  --- 
Dmitri Medvedev, whose new position as Deputy Chair of the Security Council

Министр иностранных дел Сергей Лавров  -- Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov 

Главы Администрации Президента Антон Вайно и Сергей Кириенко  --
 Presidential Administration’s Anton Vaino

and Сергей Кириенко  -- Sergei Kirienko 

Дмитрий Козак  --  Dmitry Kozak,

игорь сечин  --
  Igor Ivanovich Sechin is an Oligarch and a government official, a close ally of Putin since 1990s.
elieved to be Russia's second-most powerful person.
олигарх и государственный чиновник, близкий союзник Путина с 1990-х годов.
Считается вторым по влиятельности человеком в России.

Игорь Шувалов,
Igor Shuvalov a Russian politician. Since May 2018 he became the Chairman of State Development Corporation VEB.RF (Ex-Vensheconombank).
From May 2012 to May 2018 he was First Deputy Prime Minister in 
Dmitry Medvedev's Cabinet and in Vladimir Putin's Second Cabinet.

Николай Токарев,
Nikolai Tokarev was a KGB officer in East Germany, where he met and allied with KGB officers Vladimir Putin and Sergey Chemezov under their KGB boss Lazar Matveev.[3][5][6] 
 Tokarev took Putin under his wing.
[4][7] They became close friends.[6]

Борис Ротенберг, Boris Rotenberg, co-owner of gas pipeline construction company SGM Group;
was very involved in martial arts, particularly judo and trained alongside Putin.
Based on his friendship with Vladimir Putin, his company became closely aligned with Gazprom.
A member of the St. Petersburg Connection, a powerful energy lobby under the leadership of Putin.
   Igor Rotenberg --

Вице-премьер Александр Новак  -- Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak "
we are fully entitled to ... place an embargo on gas transit via Nord Stream 1 "

Юрий Ковальчук — российский олигарх, имеющий семейные и личные связи с президентом.
Yuri Kovalchuk is a Russian oligarch with family and personal ties to the president

Силовики, чиновники и друзья из ближайшего окружения президента России
The security men, officials, and friends who are in Russian president's inner circle


 Putin Enablers  --  путинские помощники

Алишер Усманов  Alisher Usmanov On 28 February 2022, the EU blacklisted Usmanov, imposing a travel ban and freezing all his assets.
 "'I spit on you again'": Russian billionaire renews tirade against Putin rival.

The EU also said Usmanov’s interests in media and internet companies had actively supported the Russian government’s attempts to destabilise Ukraine, including the curtailing of editorial independence after he took control of the Russian business newspaper Kommersant.
 He “fronted for President Putin and solved his 'business problems' ”.

Виктор Медведчук,
Viktor Medvedchuk is a Ukrainian politician, lawyer, business oligarch, chairman of the pro-Russia political organization and an opponent of Ukraine joining the European Union.  Putin's closest ally in Ukraine "a personal friend".  Putin is the godfather of his daughter.

Владимир Потанин  "You talkin to me"? Vladimir Potanin Russian 
business oligarch.[2] 
He acquired his wealth notably through the controversial 
loans-for-shares program in Russia in the early to mid-1990s.[3]
Он приобрел свое состояние, в частности, благодаря вызывающей споры программе кредитов в обмен на акции в России в начале-середине 1990-х годов.
April 2022:
Societe Generale said on Monday it had agreed to sell its stake in Rosbank and Rosbank’s insurance subsidiaries to Interros Capital, a firm linked to billionaire Vladimir Potanin.

Владимир Соловьев  -- 
Vladimir Soloviyev  best known for his anti-Ukrainian statements

Сергей Чемезов,
Sergey Chemezov is a former KGB agent and high-ranking general, Chemezov befriended Vladimir Putin in the 1980s. In 2007, Putin made him CEO of Rostec.

Евгений Пригожин, Yevgeniy Prigozhin “Putin’s chef”
Prigozhin's operations "are tightly integrated with Russia’s Defence Ministry and its intelligence arm, the GRU."[10] 
Wagner mercenaries have been tasked with assassinating Ukrainian President, and have committed crimes and atrocities around the world.
Prigozhin created Wagner and is complicit in the murder of innocent civilians. Wagner is also called Putin's Private Army.
Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller indicted him for operating the Internet Research Agency, a disinformation troll farm that interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. 

GRU officer Oleg Ivannikov --  
helped to command Wagner;  ( AKA ‘Andrey Ivanovich’ or ‘Orion’ ) Linked to downing of passenger airliner MH17 over Ukraine.

Геннадий Тимченко, Gennady Timchenko has been close friends with Russian leader Vladimir Putin since the early 1990s.[3][4] In 1991, Putin gave Timchenko an oil export license.[3] Timchenko subsequently founded Gunvor, which would go on to export billions of dollars-worth of Russian oil.[3]
The Pandora Papers leaks revealed that a Timchenko firm, which played a key role in the Novatek investment, obtained massive loans through anonymous offshore shell companies.
[4] Timchenko was sanctioned over Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea, as well as its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.[5]

Вагит Алекперов   Vagit Alekperov became president and chairman of the board of LUKOIL. Owned 20% of it. April 2022: quit as CEO of Lukoil,
Lukoil shares listed in London have lost 99% of their value.
It is facing calls for a boycott in the US, where there are 230 Lukoil Gas stations in NY, NJ and PE.


Норильский никель   Norilsk Nickel

The company is listed on MICEX-RTS. As of March 2021, its key shareholders were Vladimir Potanin's Olderfrey Holdings Ltd (34.59%) and Oleg Deripaska's Rusal (27.82%).[2]

In December 2010, Norilsk Nickel made a share buyback offer for Rusal's 25% share in the company for $12 billion, but the offer was declined.[7] In 2012, Potanin's Interros holding, Rusal, and Roman Abramovich signed a shareholder agreement on the size of dividend payouts to end a conflict over the matter, as well as issues around the company’s broader strategy and management. The agreement expires on June 1, 2023, and the prospects of its extension or suspension are unclear.[8] In March 2019, Abramovich sold a 1.7% stake in the company for $551 million, predominantly to British-based and Russian investors. Potanin and Deripaska's Rusal were blocked from purchasing any shares.[9]

Олег Дерипаска  
Oleg Deripaska enriched himself on previously state-owned assets that were privatized in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union.[8] 
He has been characterized as a victor in the "aluminium wars" in Russia during the 1990s, which were frequently violent conflicts between businesspeople to obtain state-owned assets
said on Telegram April 2022 that the war was “madness” and could have already been resolved through negotiations.

Виктор Вексельберг, Viktor Vekselberg is close to the Kremlin,[overseeing projects to modernize the Russian economy. April 2022:
Spanish police impounded his superyacht
Виктор Вексельберг близок к Кремлю, [курирует проекты по модернизации российской экономики.

Михаил Дмитриевич Прохоров 
Mikhail Dmitrievitch Prokhorov is a Russian oligarch, billionaire, politician, and former owner of the Brooklyn Nets


Алексей Мордашов  --  Alexei Mordashov ( and his wife)
first among Russian billionaires 
   первый среди российских миллиардеров

Леонид Михельсон, Leonid Mikhelson ( who often partners with Russian billionaire 
Gennady Timchenko[12] on business and investment projects),
 is one of many Russian "oligarchs" named in the 
List of Russians - Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, (below) CAATSA, US Law 2017

Михаил Фридман и Петр Авен, Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven  -- The EU said Aven "is one of Vladimir Putin’s closest oligarchs" and that Fridman had been "referred to as a top Russian financier and enabler of Putin’s inner circle."
Михаил Фридман и Петр Авен. В ЕС заявили, что Авен «является одним из ближайших олигархов Владимира Путина» и что Фридман «упоминается как главный российский финансист и помощник путинского ближайшего окружения».

Дмитрий Мазепин, Dmitry Mazepin  Starting from 2007, Mazepin has been regularly accused of attempting to use "raider methods" to take over 
Togliattiazot (TOAZ), a public company where he has been consistently persecuting the executives. TOAZ CEO Sergey Makhlai accused Mazepin of making personal threats against himself. According to Makhlai, Mazepin threatened him with instigating a criminal investigation against him unless he agreed to Mazepin's terms for selling TOAZ to Mazepin.[37][38][39][40]

Герман Греф, глава Сбербанка, крупнейшего финансового учреждения России --  Herman Gref, head of Sberbank, Russia's largest financial institution

Роман Абрамович   Roman Abramovich enriched himself in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union, obtaining Russian state-owned assets at prices far below market value in Russia's controversial loans-for-shares privatization program. Abramovich was a confidant of former Russian president Boris Yeltsin and current Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
Chelsea owner is selling club, donating proceeds to Ukraine victims.

Владимир Лисин, Vladimir Lisin
 In 1992, he joined a group of tenacious traders (the Trans-World Group) who won control of Russia's steel and aluminium industry. Lisin became the sole owner of Novolipetsk Steel in 2000.

Сулейман Керимов
Suleyman Kerimov  -- In February 2022, as Russian forces launched their war, the 56-year-old oligarch appeared alongside Mr Putin --   He entered politics in the 1990s. By 1999, he won control of Nafta Moskva, a former state-oil trader. In the 2000s, Kerimov obtained billions of dollars in loans from big Russian state-owned banks, such as Sberbank and VTB.[9] Through these loans, he became a major stakeholder in Gazprom and Uralkali, as well as Sberbank.[9] By 2008, his fortune had risen to $21 billion,[9]  Kerimov’s $300 million yacht in Fiji was seized 
his nephew, Ruslan Gadzhiyevich Gadzhiyev --  beneficiary of Heritage Trust $1 billion in US-based assets blocked

Николай Патрушев  Nikolai Patrushev   one of Putin’s most loyal and most powerful aides inside the Kremlin - invents Conspiracy Theories  -- изобретает теории заговора

Eugene Shvidler, Russian FM’s stepdaughter,
Tinkoff bank founder
Oleg Tinkov,
Polina Kovaleva, said to be the stepdaughter of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Galina Danilchenkoinstalled by Moscow as mayor of the Ukrainian city Melitopol,  collaboration with Russian forces.

Putin's daughters Mariya Putina and Katerina Tikhonova - Дочери Путина Мария Путина и Катерина Тихонова

Sergey Lavrov’s wife and daughter - Жена и дочь Сергея Лаврова

Ihor Kolomoisky, a former politician, is under investigation in the United States and Ukraine for allegedly laundering bank proceeds through shell companies around the world.

six more banks, Russian Railways,
the defense company Kronshtadt (the main producer of Russian drones)
 diamond giant Alrosa

17 членов правления Совкомбанка, одного из крупнейших российских финансовых институтов -- 17 board members of Sovcombank, one of the largest Russian financial institutions,

48 оборонных предприятий России -- 48 Russian defense enterprises

The US has already sanctioned more than 140 oligarchs and their family members and over 400 Russian government officials

bullet People responsible for inciting the war.
bullet  ‘Organisers of political repressions’ --  silencing people that oppose Putin’s regime .
bullet Ideologists of war -- people that spent the last 20 years fueling Russian Authoritarianism.
bulletЛюди, ответственные за разжигание войны.
bullet«Организаторы политических репрессий» — заставляют замолчать людей, выступающих против путинского режима.
bulletИдеологи войны — люди, которые последние 20 лет подпитывали российский авторитаризм.

America has become home to hidden $ BILLIONS via companies linked to Russian billionaires Oleg Deripaska, Igor Makarov, and other Oligarchs. ( Igor Makarov secretly held real estate and a 13-seat private jet through an LLC and trust in Wyoming.)
In Wyoming, there are 220,000 LLCs. Some have been listed in overseas lawsuits alleging --- medical fraud in Russia, --- tax dodging in Hungary, --- bank theft in Zimbabwe, --- selling dangerous medical treatment to patients with incurable diseases,
--- targeted inexperienced investors at churches and falsely promised financial windfalls that would also provide humanitarian relief in West Africa,
--- launder COVID-19 funds (from the government),
--- selling a supplement made of mud that was found by the FDA to contain elevated levels of lead and arsenic..
Wyoming, Delaware and Nevada - Financing arms dealers, human traffickers and other criminals.

Ukrainian culture and language have existed for , centuries and a Ukrainian nationalist movement sprang up in the mid-1800s, angering the czars.

While parts of what is now Ukraine was part of the Russian empire, the rest of the state was, at various times, under the control of Poland, Lithuania and Austria-Hungary.

Moreover, when Ukrainians were given a choice of remaining with Russia in a 1991 national referendum, 84 percent of eligible voters went to the polls — and more than 90 percent, including many non-Ukrainians, cast ballots for independence.

There was a cache of more than 1,000 strategic nuclear weapons on Ukraine’s soil when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991.
That made Ukraine instantly the world’s third biggest nuclear power, with more weapons than Britain, France and China combined.
But the country gave up the stockpile for what seemed like a good deal at the time.

In the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, Russia, along with the United States and Britain, agreed to “refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine” in exchange for Ukraine’s joining the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

List of Russians - Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, CAATSA, US Law 2017

·         Aleksandr Abramov

·         Александр Абрамов

·         Roman Abramovich

·         Роман Абрамович

·         Araz Agalarov

·         Араз Агаларов

·         Farkhad Akhmedov

·         Фархад Ахмедов

·         Vagit Alekperov

·         Вагит Алекперов

·         Igor Altushkin

·         Игорь Алтушкин

·         Aleksey Ananyev

·         Алексей Ананьев

·         Dmitriy Ananyev

·         Дмитрий Ананьев

·         Vasily Anisimov

·         Василий Анисимов

·         Roman Avdeyev

·         Роман Авдеев

·         Petr Aven

·         Петр Авен

·         Yelena Baturina

·         Елена Батурина

·         Aleksey Bogachev

·         Алексей Богачев

·         Vladimir Bogdanov

·         Владимир Богданов

·         Leonid Boguslavskiy

·         Леонид Богуславский

·         Andrey Bokarev

·         Андрей Бокарев

·         Oleg Boyko

·         Олег Бойко

·         Nikolay Buynov

·         Николай Буйнов

·         Oleg Deripaska

·         Олег Дерипаска

·         Aleksandr Dzhaparidze

·         Александр Джапаридзе

·         Leonid Fedun

·         Леонид Федун

·         Gleb Fetisov

·         Глеб Фетисов

·         Mikhail Fridman

·         Михаил Фридман

·         Aleksandr Frolov

·         Александр Фролов

·         Filaret Galchev

·         Филарет Гальчев

·         Sergey Galitskiy

·         Сергей Галицкий

·         Valentin Gapontsev

·         Валентин Гапонцев

·         Sergey Gordeyev

·         Сергей Гордеев

·         Andrey Guryev

·         Андрей Гурьев

·         Yuriy Gushchin

·         Юрий Гущин

·         Mikhail Gutseriyev

·         Михаил Гуцериев

·         Sait-Salam Gutseriyev

·         Саит-Салам Гуцериев

·         Zarakh Iliyev

·         Зарах Илиев

·         Dmitriy Kamenshchik

·         Дмитрий Каменщик

·         Vyacheslav Kantor

·         Вячеслав Кантор

·         Samvel Karapetyan

·         Самвел Карапетян

·         Yevgeniy Kasperskiy

·         Евгений Касперский

·         Sergey Katsiyev

·         Сергей Кациев

·         Suleyman Kerimov

·         Сулейман Керимов

·         Igor Kesayev

·         Игорь Кесаев

·         Danil Khachaturov

·         Данил Хачатуров

·         German Khan

·         Герман Хан

·         Viktor Kharitonin

·         Виктор Харитонин

·         Aleksandr Klyachin

·         Александр Клячин

·         Petr Kondrashev

·         Петр Кондрашев

·         Andrey Kosogov

·         Андрей Косогов

·         Yuriy Kovalchuk

·         Юрий Ковальчук

·         Andrey Kozitsyn

·         Андрей Козицын

·         Aleksey Kuzmichev

·         Алексей Кузьмичев

·         Lev Kvetnoy

·         Лев Кветной

·         Vladimir Lisin

·         Владимир Лисин

·         Anatoliy Lomakin

·         Анатолий Ломакин

·         Ziyavudin Magomedov

·         Зиявудин Магомедов

·         Igor Makarov

·         Игорь Макаров

·         Iskander Makhmudov

·         Искандер Махмудов

·         Aleksandr Mamut

·         Александр Мамут

·         Andrey Melnichenko

·         Андрей Мельниченко

·         Leonid Mikhelson

·         Леонид Михельсон

·         Yuriy Milner

·         Юрий Мильнер

·         Boris Mints

·         Борис Минц

·         Andrey Molchanov

·         Андрей Молчанов

·         Aleksey Mordashov

·         Алексей Мордашов

·         Vadim Moshkovich

·         Вадим Мошкович

·         Aleksandr Nesis

·         Александр Несис

·         God Nisanov

·         Год Нисанов

·         Aleksandr Ponomarenko

·         Александр Пономаренко

·         Sergey Popov

·         Сергей Попов

·         Vladimir Potanin

·         Владимир Потанин

·         Mikhail Prokhorov

·         Михаил Прохоров

·         Dmitry Pumpyansky

·         Дмитрий Пумпянский

·         Megdet Rakhimkulov

·         Мегдет Рахимкулов

·         Andrey Rappoport

·         Андрей Раппопорт

·         Viktor Rashnikov

·         Виктор Рашников

·         Arkadiy Rotenberg

·         Аркадий Ротенберг

·         Boris Rotenberg

·         Борис Ротенберг

·         Dmitriy Rybolovlev

·         Дмитрий Рыболовлев

·         Ayrat Shaymiyev

·         Айрат Шаймиев

·         Radik Shaymiyev

·         Радик Шаймиев

·         Kirill Shamalov

·         Кирилл Шамалов

·         Yuriy Shefler

·         Юрий Шефлер

·         Albert Shigabutdinov

·         Альберт Шигабутдинов

·         Mikhail Shishkhanov

·         Михаил Шишханов

·         Leonid Simanovskiy

·         Леонид Симановский

·         Andrey Skoch

·         Андрей Скоч

·         Aleksandr Skorobogatko

·         Александр Скоробогатько

·         Rustem Suiteyev

·         Рустем Сютеев

·         Aleksandr Svetakov

·         Александр Светаков

·         Gennadiy Timchenko

·         Геннадий Тимченко

·         Oleg Tinkov

·         Олег Тиньков

·         Roman Trotsenko

·         Роман Троценко

·         Alisher Usmanov

·         Алишер Усманов

·         Viktor Vekselberg

·         Виктор Вексельберг

·         Arkadiy Volozh

·         Аркадий Волож

·         Vadim Yakunin

·         Вадим Якунин

·         Vladimir Yevtushenkov

·         Владимир Евтушенков

·         Gavril Yushvayev

·         Гаврил Юшваев