Trump's Pennsylvania Lies



• HomeUpTrump's Autocracy from Hitler's PlaybookTrump Lies Feb 2025Tariffs CANNOT replace Income TaxTrump loses if only College Educated voteDemocracy to Autocracy - Project 202520 Defamations of DominionTrump’s drastic Campaign PromisesNot just believe but WELCOME lies21 Trump lies in his Indictment46 Trump Lies  -- at the Debate22 Trump lies at the 2nd DebateFACTS from 2024 Debate Trump vs HarrisTrump's Lies thru June 2017Denial of Facts by the MAGA CultReasons given for voting for Trump 2020Reasons given for voting for Trump 20162020 - Why I voted for Trump (letters)Trump wouldn't just let Obamacare die, he'd kill it himself.COVID Myths from TrumpTranscript of Trump with UkraineTrump's Pennsylvania LiesPutin ruining millions of lives •

•  •

Here are the the 139 republicans and 8 Senators who objected to the
Pennsylvania Count of Electors.
Amplifying Trump's lies and
further misleading the mob.

And here are the Trump lies
they used in the Objection,
even AFTER
a delusional cult-following-mob
murdered a policeman
in the Capital !

When a Democrat Rep. in the House at 2am Jan 7th,
called out these Republican Lies
-- if not for a very fast Sergeant at Arms
 -- a physical fight might have broken out !
 the Electoral College Debate

bullet Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York claimed Pennsylvania’s state Supreme Court and secretary of commonwealth “rewrote election law, eliminating signature matching requirements.”
Actually, the court unanimously ruled that state law doesn’t require local election officials to determine the authenticity of signatures on absentee or mail-in ballots.
bullet Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania wrongly said the state Supreme Court had “absolutely no right” to allow the use of unmanned drop boxes where voters could drop off mail-in votes.
A federal judge appointed by Trump and the state Supreme Court both ruled in favor of the use of drop boxes.
bullet Sen. Josh Hawley claimed a law passed in 2019 by the Pennsylvania Legislature violated the state Constitution and said a case challenging it was “dismissed on grounds of … timeliness.”
He neglected to mention that case sought to overturn the results of the 2020 election and was filed
after Trump had lost the election, more than a year after the law passed.

“We were up by nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. I won Pennsylvania by a lot and that gets whittled down to — I think they said now we’re up by 90,000 votes — and they'll keep coming and coming and coming.”



Trump acts as if the count on election night was official. It was just a snapshot in time, with an illusionary “red wave” because in-person votes were dominated by Republicans.

“The officials overseeing the counting in Pennsylvania and other key states are all part of a corrupt Democrat machine that you've written about -- and, for a long time, you've been writing about the corrupt Democrat machine. I went to school there, and I know a lot about it. It hasn't changed. It's a long time ago, and it hasn't changed. It's gotten worse.”



More baseless accusations.

“In Pennsylvania, partisan Democrats have allowed ballots in the state to be received three days after the election, and we think much more than that. And they are counting those without even postmarks or any identification whatsoever. So you don't have postmarks; you don't have identification.”



In this stew of falsehoods, Trump does not mention that the U.S. Supreme Court allowed these ballots to be counted up to three days later. It requested that the ballots be segregated in case of disputes but not enough were received to make a difference in the outcome.

“Big legal win in Pennsylvania!”



It was a minor legal victory -- an appellate judge ordered that poll watchers in Pennsylvania must be allowed within six feet of counting of votes -- that made no difference in the outcome. Trump lost virtually all of his lawsuits -- and he lost Pennsylvania.

“We're up 690,000 votes in Pennsylvania. 690,000. These aren't even close. It's not like, oh, it's [Inaudible] With 64% of the vote in, it's, uh, gonna be almost impossible to catch, and we're coming into good Pennsylvania areas where they happen to like your president, and, we'll probably expand that.”



Actually, most of the votes to be counted were in Democratic strongholds. Unlike many other states, mail and absentee ballots could not be counted before Election Day in Pennsylvania because the GOP-controlled legislature refused to authorize it. Within a day, Trump’s margin had shrunk to 41,000 votes, with about 300,000 left to count. Biden ultimately won the state by more than 80,000 votes.

“They are finding Biden votes all over the place in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!”

Repeated 2 times




It’s math, not magic. Election workers are counting ballots. As more ballots are counted, the totals for each candidate shift, sometimes drastically. That’s because of the way states have set up their election systems, the different approaches taken by the Biden and Trump campaigns and other factors. Biden encouraged supporters to vote early and by mail. Trump falsely denigrated the mail-voting system for months and urged supporters to vote in person. Meanwhile, because of the coronavirus pandemic, states governed by Republicans and Democrats decided to expand mail-voting options this year. This year, mail-in votes are a much greater proportion of the overall vote when compared with previous elections. Then, in three key battlegrounds, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the Republican-controlled legislatures rejected proposals that would have allowed an early start for counting mail ballots. The difference can be seen in neighboring states Ohio and Pennsylvania. The former allows early counting and has reported all votes; the latter does not and the count is ongoing. Officials in Pennsylvania began processing 2.6 million mail ballots at 7 a.m. on Election Day. Add it all up, and what we're seeing is something state officials, election experts and news reporters have been outlining for months. Vote counts in some states could show Trump ahead at first and then Biden taking the lead, or vice versa. In other words, ballots are not being “dumped,” as Trump claims. Vote totals are updated as officials round up more precinct totals.

“They are working hard to make up 500,000 vote advantage in Pennsylvania disappear ASAP. Likewise, Michigan and others!”



***This tweet was flagged by Twitter as misleading.***

“We are winning Pennsylvania big, but the PA Secretary of State just announced that there are 'Millions of ballots left to be counted.'”



The “blue shift” in Pennsylvania, as the Philadelphia Inquirer dubbed it in January, reflects how Trump voters largely shunned vote-by-mail while Biden voters embraced it. The in-person votes were first to be added to the tally, but officials are still wading through the crush of mail ballots that they could not start counting until Election Day. According to news reports, Biden has a more than 75 percent share of those votes, so as the count continues, his total grows.

“We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won't allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact, here was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!”



***This tweet was flagged by Twitter as misleading.*** Trump has no right to claim states. The votes are counted and certified by individual states.

“We put up how he said fracking, fracking and then he said, you know, no fracking. He came out and said there will be no fracking and then he went out and did the opposite once he reached Pennsylvania.”

Repeated 139 times





False. Biden says he would allow existing fracking operations to continue but would not grant new permits on federal lands. (That’s a big difference, given that about 90 percent of 982,000 wells in the United States are on private lands, subject to state and local regulation, according to the Bureau of Land Management.) Biden also would not abolish fossil fuels. His plan on energy and the environment calls for “net-zero [carbon] emissions no later than 2050.” That’s 30 years from now. In the interim, Biden’s plan says, “we must look at all low- and zero-carbon technologies,” leaving the door open to carbon capture and other fossil-fuel-based sources. The “net-zero” language is a term of art, meaning that some fossil fuels would continue to be used so long as their emissions are offset by other means. Trump frequently suggests Biden changed his tune on fracking after he won the nomination but that's incorrect, though the Trump campaign tried to seize on verbal stumbles.

Fact Checker rating:

“It's a million [fracking] jobs [in Pennsylvania].”

Repeated 26 times




Trump often claims there are 900,000 (or more) fracking jobs in Pennsylvania. A report issued by his own White House says the number of natural gas and oil industry jobs in the state is 26,000. The report adds that the natural gas and industry supports nearly 322,600 jobs in the state. That's a generous calculation that assumes the spending reverberates through the economy. But that's still far short of 900,000 jobs.

“If they [ballots] come late or after the fact and then they give them all this time, so we're going to be waiting and it's really Pennsylvania but you could say others may be included in that. We'll have to find out. But it's a very dangerous thing to be waiting and we're waiting this tremendous -- it's not fair to the people of Pennsylvania but it's not fair to the people of this country. And I wouldn't say they are outstanding representatives. If you look at Philadelphia, the amount of horror that's gone on there during elections, Philadelphia has been a disaster as far as I'm concerned. They don't like saying it. Philadelphia will be a disaster. And it's like we're putting these people on the honor system and -- but there's no reason for doing this and it actually delays the election. I'd like to find out on November 3rd the end of the evening or late into the morning, whenever, who won the election. And that doesn't allow that to happen, unless there's a blow out, unless you don't need Pennsylvania.”



There is no legal requirement that mandates the immediate reporting of all election results in the country; delayed counting is unavoidable when so many people are avoiding election lines during the pandemic. Plenty of presidential elections have remained unsettled on election night, some for days or weeks. Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, and officials in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state.

“We should know what happens on the night. Let people put their ballots in earlier. But you have to have -- you have to have numbers. You can't have these things delayed for many days and maybe weeks, you can't do that. The whole world is waiting. This country is waiting, but the whole world is waiting. And a lot of shenanigans, a lot of bad things happen with ballots when you say let's devote days and days, and all of a sudden the ballot count changes. And you take a look at Philadelphia, the history of Philadelphia politics. No, I don't put people on their honor code. I don't think it's right. And I think it's a very dangerous thing that they've done with that decision and maybe their wisdom will change that decision or maybe we'll go back and give them a right to change it. But that's a terrible -- it's a very dangerous decision for this country, what they did with Pennsylvania and some others also. You have to have a date, and the date happens to be November 3, and we should be entitled to know who won on November 3. And if somebody comes along and puts a ballot in way late, they shouldn't be, they should put the ballot in earlier. There's no reason why they can't put the ballot in two weeks early or one week earlier. I think it's a very dangerous decision for our country -- in many ways, dangerous, in many ways. Yeah.”



There is no legal requirement that mandates the immediate reporting of all election results in the country; delayed counting is unavoidable when so many people are avoiding election lines during the pandemic. Plenty of presidential elections have remained unsettled on election night, some for days or weeks. Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, and officials in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state.

“The election should be over on November 3rd. It shouldn't be extended because people need more time. No, the people, they need more time, let them put their ballots at a week early. There's plenty of time to put your ballots in. And let 'em go in a week early. But to extend a date for, it could be Tuesday. It's, you know, I mean, there's, uh, there, there's different ways of interpreting things. But with Pennsylvania, there's no question about it. And they've gotten an extension. And the extension, there was a gentleman on one of the shows, and we're gonna actually put it out. Last night, a very successful pollster. Somebody that's actually called it very accurately. And he and others were talking about the fact that this will lead to almost-guaranteed fraud. And it's, it's almost like putting the leaders of Pennsylvania, uh, and the counters on an honor code. Well, an honor code, I know those people. An honor code is not acceptable to us. I'm not, there can't be an honor code. Because there's not a lot of honor. And what they have is a system that's going to delay the election.



There is no legal requirement that mandates the immediate reporting of all election results in the country; delayed counting is unavoidable when so many people are avoiding election lines during the pandemic. Plenty of presidential elections have remained unsettled on election night, some for days or weeks. Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, and officials in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state.

“You're gonna need Pennsylvania. So you don't want to have to wait many days as they're putting in votes. Then they say, 'We need 5,000 votes to get their party in.' And they can take the 5,000 votes from this field of votes that they're accumulating. And they'll say, "Let's give 'em 5,000 yeses. Let's give 'em 5,000 of a certain vote." This is a disaster waiting to happen. And it's gonna be, uh, it will be fought, you know, you talk about both sides. It's, it can lead to bad things. Very bad things. But it can also lead to a very bad decision. Which in turn leads to bad things.”



Trump baselessly speculates that Democrats will sneak in votes if they see Biden is behind in the count -- exactly the false charge he made after he lost the election.

“You [Pennsylvania] have a million [fracking] jobs.”

Repeated 26 times




Trump often claims there are 900,000 (or more) fracking jobs in Pennsylvania. A report issued by his own White House says the number of natural gas and oil industry jobs in the state is 26,000. The report adds that the natural gas and industry supports nearly 322,600 jobs in the state. That's a generous calculation that assumes the spending reverberates through the economy. But that's still far short of 900,000 jobs.

“And by the way, Pennsylvania, get your state open. Get it open. Terrible. Terrible. Your governor has to open your state, Pennsylvania, has to open your state. Yeah. Get it open. Get it open, governor.”

Repeated 53 times




Trump often chastises Democratic governors — particularly of swing states — for not opening their economies or for implementing lockdowns. However, every state in the union — including North Carolina and Michigan — had begun reopening by mid-June at the latest, months before Trump started his critiques. In other words, no state is under a highly restrictive stay-at-home order — and most of those have been lifted for months. Trump also falsely says the Democrats were only keeping their states closed to enhance their election chances.

“Count the votes honestly, governor. Count them honestly. There was a, uh, very good pollster last night, actually a good one. He has us winning everything, but he was on last night. How are you, how's he going to do in Pennsylvania? He was on a show called Sean Hannity, have you ever heard of it? No, and he said, uh, 'How's he going to do in Pennsylvania?' He's going to win Pennsylvania, except for the cheating. We figure we have to leave 5% for the cheating that takes care. Can you believe it? For the cheating that takes place in Pennsylvania....When the Supreme Court gave you an extension, they made a very dangerous situation. And I mean dangerous, physically dangerous. And they made it a very, very bad -- They did a very bad thing for this state.”



Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state.

“Pennsylvania lost half of your manufacturing jobs [after NAFTA].”

Repeated 24 times




Trump often blames trade deals for the decline in American manufacturing, but experts say it's hard to isolate their effect on jobs. Meanwhile, technological advances such as automation and low wages in manufacturing powerhouses such as China also played a role in declining manufacturing in the U.S., though Trump rarely if ever acknowledges these factors. (For many months, Trump claimed one in three manufacturing jobs was lost to trade deals but as the 2020 election approached, he boosted the statistic to 50 percent.)

“Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who sold out to Pennsylvania, to China, and also sold out for personal gain....A guy walks away with millions of dollars. He's vice president, his son's like a human vacuum cleaner. He follows his father and he takes the scraps. But the scraps are hundreds of millions of dollars, and we can't let this happen. We're putting a corrupt man up for possibly being elected.”

Repeated 99 times




Without evidence, Trump has repeatedly claimed Biden is the head of an organized crime family and a corrupt politician. Unlike Trump, Biden released decades of tax returns and no evidence has emerged of corruption and shady dealings. Hunter Biden, one of his sons, did business deals that might not have come his way if he had not been a vice president's son, but the same could be said of Trump's adult children. A lengthy Wall Street Journal examination of Hunter Biden's business dealings, published Dec. 22, 2020, concluded: "None of the Journal’s reporting found that Joe Biden was involved in his son’s business activities. The tax investigation doesn’t implicate the president-elect, according to people familiar with the matter."

“What a ruling. What a ruling. What a horrible thing that they've done. Do you know that puts our country in danger? Do you know what can happen during that long period of time, Pennsylvania? The long period of time? Do you know what can happen? Number one, cheating can happen like you've never seen. This is their dream and, uh, they are s-, they are known for it, you know? The Philadelphia area is known for it. But what can happen during that long period of time is just as, a disgrace.”



Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state. There is no legal requirement that mandates the immediate reporting of all election results in the country; delayed counting is unavoidable when so many people are avoiding election lines during the pandemic.

“The Pennsylvania decision by the Supreme Court is a very dangerous decision. I think it's a decision that allows tremendous cheating to go on after the fact but before the votes are tabulated....It is a horrendous decision for our country. It's a mistake. It allows cheating. It allows cheating at a very high level, and very easy cheating, too.”



There is no legal requirement that mandates the immediate reporting of all election results in the country; delayed counting is unavoidable when so many people are avoiding election lines during the pandemic. Plenty of presidential elections have remained unsettled on election night, some for days or weeks. Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state.

“We got a very horrible, horrible ruling from the Supreme Court of the United States, a ruling that puts our country in danger actually on Pennsylvania. They have so much time to do this thing. Oh, let them put their votes in and give them plenty of time. You know, we have a date. It's called November 3rd. We don't have a date that says many days later we don't have a date that says you're allowed to go and start putting your vote in later and we can tabulate it later. ... And there's great danger in that. No. One, there's danger that there's a lot of shenanigans that go on from that time forth. There's a lot of shenanigans and then there's a lot of bad things that can happen.”



There is no legal requirement that mandates the immediate reporting of all election results in the country; delayed counting is unavoidable when so many people are avoiding election lines during the pandemic. Plenty of presidential elections have remained unsettled on election night, some for days or weeks. Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state.

“Just learned that Sleepy Joe Biden is campaigning in Pennsylvania with Lady Gaga, a proud member of 'Artists Against Fracking.' This is more proof that he would ban Fracking and skyrocket your energy prices.”

Repeated 139 times





False. Biden says he would allow existing fracking operations to continue but would not grant new permits on federal lands. (That’s a big difference, given that about 90 percent of 982,000 wells in the United States are on private lands, subject to state and local regulation, according to the Bureau of Land Management.) Biden also would not abolish fossil fuels. His plan on energy and the environment calls for “net-zero [carbon] emissions no later than 2050.” That’s 30 years from now. In the interim, Biden’s plan says, “we must look at all low- and zero-carbon technologies,” leaving the door open to carbon capture and other fossil-fuel-based sources. The “net-zero” language is a term of art, meaning that some fossil fuels would continue to be used so long as their emissions are offset by other means. Trump frequently suggests Biden changed his tune on fracking after he won the nomination but that's incorrect, though the Trump campaign tried to seize on verbal stumbles.

Fact Checker rating:

“Texas, Pennsylvania: Biden is against ...Fracking. Please remember!”

Repeated 139 times





False. Biden says he would allow existing fracking operations to continue but would not grant new permits on federal lands. (That’s a big difference, given that about 90 percent of 982,000 wells in the United States are on private lands, subject to state and local regulation, according to the Bureau of Land Management.) Biden also would not abolish fossil fuels. His plan on energy and the environment calls for “net-zero [carbon] emissions no later than 2050.” That’s 30 years from now. In the interim, Biden’s plan says, “we must look at all low- and zero-carbon technologies,” leaving the door open to carbon capture and other fossil-fuel-based sources. The “net-zero” language is a term of art, meaning that some fossil fuels would continue to be used so long as their emissions are offset by other means. Trump frequently suggests Biden changed his tune on fracking after he won the nomination but that's incorrect, though the Trump campaign tried to seize on verbal stumbles.

Fact Checker rating:

“Texas, Pennsylvania: Biden is against Second Amendment.”

Repeated 87 times




Biden has a long history of promoting gun-control laws, including an assault weapons ban that expired after ten years. But contrary to Trump's claims, he does not want to eliminate guns or prevent gun ownership. As a candidate, Biden supports universal background checks and a ban on the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic rifles and higher-capacity magazines, along with tighter regulation or the buyback of those weapons currently in private hands. He also would limit the ability of Americans to buy more than one gun a month.

“Joe Biden’s plan to BAN FRACKING is an Economic DEATH SENTENCE for Pennsylvania.”



There is no basis for this claim.

“A vote for Biden is a vote to Ban Fracking, Outlaw Mining, explode energy costs, and totally DESTROY Pennsylvania.”

Repeated 139 times





False. Biden says he would allow existing fracking operations to continue but would not grant new permits on federal lands. (That’s a big difference, given that about 90 percent of 982,000 wells in the United States are on private lands, subject to state and local regulation, according to the Bureau of Land Management.) Biden also would not abolish fossil fuels. His plan on energy and the environment calls for “net-zero [carbon] emissions no later than 2050.” That’s 30 years from now. In the interim, Biden’s plan says, “we must look at all low- and zero-carbon technologies,” leaving the door open to carbon capture and other fossil-fuel-based sources. The “net-zero” language is a term of art, meaning that some fossil fuels would continue to be used so long as their emissions are offset by other means. Trump frequently suggests Biden changed his tune on fracking after he won the nomination but that's incorrect, though the Trump campaign tried to seize on verbal stumbles.

Fact Checker rating:

“Pennsylvania lost half of its manufacturing jobs after those Biden Calamities.”

Repeated 24 times




Trump often blames trade deals for the decline in American manufacturing, but experts say it's hard to isolate their effect on jobs. Meanwhile, technological advances such as automation and low wages in manufacturing powerhouses such as China also played a role in declining manufacturing in the U.S., though Trump rarely if ever acknowledges these factors. (For many months, Trump claimed one in three manufacturing jobs was lost to trade deals but as the 2020 election approached, he boosted the statistic to 50 percent.)

“Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who SOLD OUT Pennsylvania to CHINA!”

Repeated 99 times




Without evidence, Trump has repeatedly claimed Biden is the head of an organized crime family and a corrupt politician. Unlike Trump, Biden released decades of tax returns and no evidence has emerged of corruption and shady dealings. Hunter Biden, one of his sons, did business deals that might not have come his way if he had not been a vice president's son, but the same could be said of Trump's adult children. A lengthy Wall Street Journal examination of Hunter Biden's business dealings, published Dec. 22, 2020, concluded: "None of the Journal’s reporting found that Joe Biden was involved in his son’s business activities. The tax investigation doesn’t implicate the president-elect, according to people familiar with the matter."

“For years you had a President who apologized for America – now you have a President who is standing up for America, and standing up for PENNSYLVANIA.”

Repeated 52 times




Trump here references a phony talking point advanced by Republicans during Barack Obama's presidency -- that Obama "apologized" for America. The Fact Checker examined each of the citations for Obama's "Apology Tour" and found they were often taken out of context.

Fact Checker rating:

“Biden’s energy ban will send every state into crushing poverty, from Michigan, to Wisconsin to Arizona to Pennsylvania.”



There is no basis for this claim.

“The Supreme Court decision on voting in Pennsylvania is a VERY dangerous one. It will allow rampant and unchecked cheating and will undermine our entire systems of laws. It will also induce violence in the streets. Something must be done!”



There is no legal requirement that mandates the immediate reporting of all election results in the country; delayed counting is unavoidable when so many people are avoiding election lines during the pandemic. Plenty of presidential elections have remained unsettled on election night, some for days or weeks. Trump baselessly suggests Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, will manipulate the vote count, laying the groundwork for his many unsuccessful challenges to contest his loss in the state.

“And they held Pennsylvania [in 2016], even though it was, you know, we only had -- It was 98% of the vote was in. If I lost every vote in the two percent, I still would've won, by a lot. They, they held it. ”



Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 with a margin of less than one percent. It was one of the most narrow presidential races in history.

“We gotta be careful, though, because the Pennsylvania deal with that decision, 'Oh, you can count the ballots later on and count them whenever you'd like.'”

Repeated 4 times




Trump is referring to court rulings attempting to accommodate the vast number of mail-in ballots. He baselessly suggests this will give Democrats a chance to fiddle with the election results and sneak in fraudulent ballots -- which was one of the false claims he made after he lost the election.

“Biden has vowed to abolish the American oil industry.... The Biden/Harris plan would outlaw American energy, would unleash economic misery for Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and every other state in America.”

Repeated 139 times





False. Biden says he would allow existing fracking operations to continue but would not grant new permits on federal lands. (That’s a big difference, given that about 90 percent of 982,000 wells in the United States are on private lands, subject to state and local regulation, according to the Bureau of Land Management.) Biden also would not abolish fossil fuels. His plan on energy and the environment calls for “net-zero [carbon] emissions no later than 2050.” That’s 30 years from now. In the interim, Biden’s plan says, “we must look at all low- and zero-carbon technologies,” leaving the door open to carbon capture and other fossil-fuel-based sources. The “net-zero” language is a term of art, meaning that some fossil fuels would continue to be used so long as their emissions are offset by other means. Trump frequently suggests Biden changed his tune on fracking after he won the nomination but that's incorrect, though the Trump campaign tried to seize on verbal stumbles.

Fact Checker rating:

“I think it's a very dangerous decision because you're going to have one or two or three states, depending on how it ends up, where they're tabulating ballots, and the rest of the world is waiting to find out. And I think there's great danger to it, and I think a lot of fraud and misuse could take place...we don't want to have Pennsylvania, where you have a political governor -- a very partisan guy -- and we don't want to have other states -- like Nevada, where you have the head of the Democratic clubhouse as your governor. We don't want to be in a position where he's allowed to, every day, watch ballots come in. 'Gee, if we could only find 10,000 more ballots.'”

Repeated 4 times




Trump is referring to court rulings attempting to accommodate the vast number of mail-in ballots. He baselessly suggests this will give Democrats a chance to fiddle with the election results and sneak in fraudulent ballots -- which was one of the false claims he made after he lost the election.

“Then he goes to Pennsylvania. They say, 'What about fracking?' And he goes, 'Uh, what should I say?' Well, they say, 'You gonna have to totally change your stance because they have a million jobs', right? It's a big part of Pennsylvania.”

Repeated 26 times




Trump often claims there are 900,000 (or more) fracking jobs in Pennsylvania. A report issued by his own White House says the number of natural gas and oil industry jobs in the state is 26,000. The report adds that the natural gas and industry supports nearly 322,600 jobs in the state. That's a generous calculation that assumes the spending reverberates through the economy. But that's still far short of 900,000 jobs.

“Biden's energy ban will send every state from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania into crushing poverty.”



Trump has no basis to make this claim.

“You know what would've been really nice though? If our Supreme Court could've ruled that everything has to be counted by the evening of our election, our great Election Day. Wouldn't that be nice? Instead of waiting around six days, eight days, nine days. [Audience boos] Giving 'em more time -- If they want more time, let them put their ballots in early. They don't have to wait 'til the end. Let's give 'em an extra three days, and let's take all the time you want. You know, people want to know, and you know, bad things happen in places like Pennsylvania and Nevada. We love Nevada, but you have a governor there, bad things can happen. That little intervening -- Let's take plenty of time. No, that's a, that's a terrible ruling for our country. I don't care. It's a terrible ruling. That's a shame.”

Repeated 4 times




Trump is referring to court rulings attempting to accommodate the vast number of mail-in ballots. He baselessly suggests this will give Democrats a chance to fiddle with the election results and sneak in fraudulent ballots -- which was one of the false claims he made after he lost the election.

“[Biden will] send your state (Pennsylvania) into a deep and crippling depression...If Biden gets in the economy will collapse.”

Repeated 69 times




Trump keeps saying Biden will cause stock markets to crash and send the country into a depression worse than 1929. But Wall Street is bullish on Biden. Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi says "the economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda." Similarly, Goldman Sachs's chief economist says Biden's policies and expected stimulus spending if Democrats sweep congressional races would “outweigh the negative effects of tax increases, particularly in light of the fact that the increased tax revenue would go to funding new spending.” (After Biden won the presidential election, the stock market went up, despite Trump's numerous predictions of a crash.)

“I know it's your--[fracking is] your (Pennsylvania's) biggest -- you have a million people and you're a big contributor to the rest of the country.”

Repeated 26 times




Trump often claims there are 900,000 (or more) fracking jobs in Pennsylvania. A report issued by his own White House says the number of natural gas and oil industry jobs in the state is 26,000. The report adds that the natural gas and industry supports nearly 322,600 jobs in the state. That's a generous calculation that assumes the spending reverberates through the economy. But that's still far short of 900,000 jobs.

“Comes to Pennsylvania, Listen we have a million jobs for fracking.”

Repeated 26 times




Trump often claims there are 900,000 (or more) fracking jobs in Pennsylvania. A report issued by his own White House says the number of natural gas and oil industry jobs in the state is 26,000. The report adds that the natural gas and industry supports nearly 322,600 jobs in the state. That's a generous calculation that assumes the spending reverberates through the economy. But that's still far short of 900,000 jobs.

“Well you're already shut down in Pennsylvania.”

Repeated 53 times




Trump often chastises Democratic governors — particularly of swing states — for not opening their economies or for implementing lockdowns. However, every state in the union — including North Carolina and Michigan — had begun reopening by mid-June at the latest, months before Trump started his critiques. In other words, no state is under a highly restrictive stay-at-home order — and most of those have been lifted for months. Trump also falsely says the Democrats were only keeping their states closed to enhance their election chances.

“But we won it, and we won [Pennsylvania] pretty easily. You know, I think we won it pretty easily.”



Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 with a margin of less than one percent. It was one of the most narrow presidential races in history.

“[Pennsylvania] had the best year you've ever had last year and you're heading to the best year you've ever had. Period. And it's going to be this coming year. ”



Pennsylvania’s GDP largely tracks with the country’s GDP. The increases in the state’s economy began under the Obama administration.

“Pennsylvania lost half of its manufacturing jobs to these calamities of Sleepy Joe Biden.”

Repeated 24 times




Trump often blames trade deals for the decline in American manufacturing, but experts say it's hard to isolate their effect on jobs. Meanwhile, technological advances such as automation and low wages in manufacturing powerhouses such as China also played a role in declining manufacturing in the U.S., though Trump rarely if ever acknowledges these factors. (For many months, Trump claimed one in three manufacturing jobs was lost to trade deals but as the 2020 election approached, he boosted the statistic to 50 percent.)

“For years, you had a president who apologized for America. Now, you have a president who is standing up for America and standing up for the people of Pennsylvania.”

Repeated 52 times




Trump here references a phony talking point advanced by Republicans during Barack Obama's presidency -- that Obama "apologized" for America. The Fact Checker examined each of the citations for Obama's "Apology Tour" and found they were often taken out of context.

Fact Checker rating:

“They said, '[Pennsylvania has] a million jobs [in fracking].' 'Oh, okay. Well, we'll leave fracking.'”

Repeated 26 times




Trump often claims there are 900,000 (or more) fracking jobs in Pennsylvania. A report issued by his own White House says the number of natural gas and oil industry jobs in the state is 26,000. The report adds that the natural gas and industry supports nearly 322,600 jobs in the state. That's a generous calculation that assumes the spending reverberates through the economy. But that's still far short of 900,000 jobs.

“Biden's plan is an economic death sentence for Pennsylvania, he will outlaw fracking and eradicate your economy. You had the greatest year you've ever had, last year.”



Pennsylvania’s GDP largely tracks with the country’s GDP. The increases in the state’s economy began under the Obama administration. Moreover, a 2019 analysis by the Philadelphia Inquirer found that economic growth has been uneven, with counties that voted for Trump doing more poorly than counties that voted for Hillary Clinton.