The Destructive Denial of Facts by the MAGA Cult
( Willfully Ignoring 1,000's of Scientists, NASA, NIH, CDC,
Fact Checkers, the New York Times, the Washington Post,
Reuters, AP, CNN, MSNBC and more
to adopt Conspiracy Theories with Childish Abandon )
A strong dichotomy between what is referred to as the
"REBUTTER" and the "INDOCTRINATED", with the REBUTTER presenting arguments
against what they perceive as harmful or factually incorrect beliefs held by
the "MAGA Cult" and those who have fallen prey to related "conspiracies".
The core theme revolves around the "destructive denial of facts by the MAGA
Cult," characterized by
"willfully ignoring 1,000's of Scientists, NASA, NIH,
CDC, FDA, IPCC, Fact Checkers, the New York Times, the Washington Post,
Reuters, AP, CNN, MSNBC and more to adopt Conspiracy Theories with Childish
The REBUTTER seeks to counter what they view as misinformation and
dangerous ideologies, while the INDOCTRINATED expresses distrust of
mainstream sources and acceptance of alternative narratives.
Key Areas of Contention and Arguments:
Election Integrity:
Associated Press as providing "the FACTS
about Trump’s loss in the Election."
INDOCTRINATED: Raises questions
implying the election was stolen, asking "How was the data fixed? Who
Fixed it? How many must have been involved? And Why would they do it?"
Vaccines and COVID-19:
REBUTTER: Provides sources
indicating vaccine efficacy and safety, citing a study showing that
"infection and hospitalization rates among unvaccinated persons were 4.9
and 29.2 times, respectively, those in fully vaccinated persons."
The rebutter also provides sources showing that vaccines are placebo
skepticism about vaccine safety and efficacy.
They allege that the "placebo" used in vaccine trials contains
"adjutants" and toxic substances.
There's also a claim that "ModRNA is essentially gene therapy, banned
global as genetic experimentation on humans."
The INDOCTRINATED questions rising "all cause mortality" despite
vaccinations and refers to claims about the army destroying the DMED
database to hide vaccine side effects.
They suggest vaccines have led to a drop in birth rates: "Birth rates
are down, proportionally to vaccine uptake."
Claims are made that Pfizer "corrupted the data" and destroyed the
control group in trials.
Global Warming and the Green New Deal:
REBUTTER: Cites sources like
the Royal Society and
NASA to support the scientific consensus on human-caused global
The rebutter also claims "the warmer it gets. There is no leveling off
[of CO2]".
INDOCTRINATED: Dismisses the
severity of climate change.
They claim a "larger amount [of CO2] is progressively less effective" at
capturing heat.
There are criticisms of climate models, with the INDOCTRINATED arguing
they ignore factors like cloud cover.
The Green New Deal is characterized as a "scam" that will "enslave more
children slaves" and make everything more expensive.
They question the practicality of renewable energy and recycling wind
turbines and solar panels.
Trust in Institutions and Information Sources:
REBUTTER: Relies on mainstream
sources like NASA, NIH, CDC, FDA, major news
outlets, and peer-reviewed scientific studies.
INDOCTRINATED: Expresses deep
distrust of these institutions, claiming "NIH and CDC are not reliable
sources for anything.
They are 'captured'. Same with FDA."
They believe that "Google, et all are NOT my friend, they are enemies."
The INDOCTRINATED advocates for "skeptical analysis of papers" and
finding out "what the paper actually says, not the headlines."
Alternative Treatments and Medical Claims:
REBUTTER: Provides sources
discrediting the effectiveness of treatments like Ivermectin.
Ivermectin is effective and that its suppression is due to
pharmaceutical industry corruption. The INDOCTRINATED cites personal
anecdotes and alternative medical figures like Mercola, and McCullough.
Notable Quotes:
REBUTTER: "...ideological denialism will we be able
to make a sound decision."
INDOCTRINATED: "I trust nothing about medicine, until
I read some skeptical analysis and can make my own mind up."
INDOCTRINATED: "The entire 'green new deal' is a scam
is my first claim."
INDOCTRINATED: "They are taking royalties from this
vaccine and other technologies."
REBUTTER: "There is 'No doubt left' about scientific
consensus on global warming, say experts."
Individuals and Declarations Mentioned:
Robert Malone: Criticized for spreading falsehoods
about vaccines.
Jay Bhattacharya: Author of the "Great Barrington
Declaration," denounced by many health officials.
Geert Vanden Bossche: His ideas about COVID-19
vaccines are described as contradicted by data.
Roy Spencer: Criticized for overly simplistic
theories on climate change.
Del Bigtree: Presents controversial subjects and
Mercola: A target of the FDA, but credited with
making herbs like Saw Palmetto available.
Conspiracy Theories and Distrust:
The INDOCTRINATED arguments are laden with conspiracy theories,
The idea that the COVID-19 pandemic is a planned event.
That vaccines are dangerous and experimental gene therapy.
That government agencies and mainstream media are corrupt and
That climate change is a hoax designed to control people.
Rothschild banking dynasty controls the world.
Concluding Remarks:
A stark division in beliefs fueled by distrust of
established institutions and the embrace of alternative narratives.
It illustrates how differing interpretations of data and reliance on
different sources can lead to fundamentally opposing viewpoints on critical
issues. The opinions of the INDOCTRINATED are debunked as simple, misleading
or plain wrong.
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3
sentences each, based on the provided document.
According to the "Denial of Facts by the MAGA Cult" document, what
sources are willfully ignored by the "MAGA Cult"?
Give one example of a COVID-19 conspiracy theory the INDOCTRINATED is
promoting from the REBUTTER document?
According to the document, what is the potential impact of rising CO2
levels on crops?
According to the document, what percentage of COVID-19 infections in
Los Angeles County between May 1 – July 25, 2021 were in unvaccinated
Name one scientist mentioned in the document whose credibility has
been questioned for straying from a specific narrative.
What is the INDOCTRINATED's claim about ModRNA and gene therapy?
What potential problem does the
mention in the mining practices to obtain metals needed for the Green New
What was Robert Malone's claim about mRNA vaccines and children's
health, according to the document?
According to the
, what does the "Green New Deal" goal accomplish for poor children?
According to the
, what do climate models ignore that makes the models speculative?
Quiz Answer Key
The "MAGA Cult" willfully ignores thousands of scientists, NASA, NIH,
CDC, FDA, IPCC, fact-checkers, and reputable news sources like the New
York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters, AP, CNN, and MSNBC. Instead,
they adopt conspiracy theories.
One COVID-19 conspiracy theory promoted is the claim that vaccines are
made with adjutants to weaken the immune system, containing toxic
substances and molecular aluminum.
Rising CO2 levels are said to be helpful for crops, leading to
increased crop production and the ability to feed more people, even if
there are potential negative effects that need to be measured.
According to the document, 71.4%
of SARS-CoV-2 infections in residents of Los Angeles County between May 1
– July 25, 2021, were in unvaccinated
Jay Bhattacharya, associated with the "Great Barrington Declaration,"
is mentioned as someone whose credibility was questioned after straying
from a specific narrative.
The INDOCTRINATED falsely claims that ModRNA, used in some vaccines,
is essentially banned gene therapy used to bypass the body's defenses.
Mining minerals and resources from different areas of the world can
potentially lead to child slaves in places like Africa and Ughurs in China
and create toxic pollution problems.
Robert Malone claimed that mRNA vaccines force a child’s body to make
toxic spike proteins, often causing permanent damage in children’s
critical organs, and asserted that there is no benefit for children to be
According to the
the "Green New Deal" goal potentially enslaves more children in poorer
countries, and makes everything more expensive for the general population.
Climate models ignore laws of physics, like the "conservation of
energy", which means you can model any climate you want.
What evidence is there that the 2020 election was stolen?
The Associated Press and other reputable sources have debunked claims
of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. The rebutter asserts there
is no evidence to support the claim that the election was stolen.
Are vaccines safe and effective, and what about concerns
about adjuvants and "ModRNA?"
The rebutter argues that vaccines, like the polio vaccine with its
99-100% efficacy, are generally safe and effective. Adjuvants
strengthen the immune system, not weaken it. The rebutter refutes the
claim that vaccines are using ModRNA (banned as genetic experimentation),
citing NIH and CDC sources, and points out the original poster has
conflated this with gene therapy. The rebutter points to studies showing
the effectiveness of vaccines by contrasting infection and hospitalization
rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, with the latter being
significantly higher.
What is the scientific consensus on climate change and the
role of CO2?
The rebutter notes that the scientific consensus is that human
activities are causing global warming, with estimates exceeding 99%. NASA
and other scientific bodies support this view, citing evidence of rising
temperatures and ocean acidification due to human activities. The Rebutter
uses sites like , NASA, and The Guardian to show that
the consensus is based on over a century of scientific evidence.
Is the Green New Deal a viable solution to climate change?
expresses skepticism, calling it a scam. The rebutter argues that while
there are enough materials in the earth's crust to power the world with
renewable energy, the underlying physics of extraction and physical
chemistry of refinement poses unsustainable challenges for the planet. The
emphasizes issues like material limitations, geopolitical constraints, and
pollution associated with mineral extraction. The
also adds that they believe it enslaves more children and results in toxic
pollution around the world.
Are masks effective in preventing the spread of viruses?
The rebutter claims that, when properly fitted, masks are effective at
stopping large particles and bacteria. He refutes claims that masks have
never been known to stop viruses, and cites ABC news as a source.
What is the risk of myocarditis following COVID-19
vaccination, and is there a risk of miscarriage associated with COVID-19
vaccination during pregnancy?
The rebutter says that the risk of myocarditis from the COVID-19
vaccination is lower than the risk of myocarditis from getting infected
with COVID-19. For miscarriages, multiple studies have shown that pregnant
women are not at higher risk for pregnancy loss or giving birth to a child
with a birth defect as a result of the COVID-19 vaccination.
Is there any evidence of excess mortality rates being tied
to the COVID-19 vaccinations?
The rebutter uses statistics from the CDC to claim there isn't a
correlation of excess mortality rates tied to the COVID-19 vaccines. The
rebutter cites the CDC and the fact that reports show a low percentage of
intentional data fabrication, which are then found out when they surface.
What should be considered when evaluating information from
sources like Dr. Mercola, Roy Spencer, and Del Bigtree?
The rebutter cautions against blindly accepting information from any
source, even those who were credible before. They suggest looking for
independent analysis of the data presented, and being aware of potential
biases or agendas. The rebutter warns of oversimplified explanations or
those that ignore established laws of physics. The rebutter says these
doctors have been "defunded, hounded, called names and tenure removed" due
to their unorthodoxy.
Indoctrination mostly from
scammers with a political Agenda
fact check found that the
(from a Texas-based nonprofit that describes itself
as protecting election integrity ),does not provide verifiable evidence of voter fraud.
At midnight or 1AM, the counting
stopped in 5 key states at the same time. (Georgia claimed there
was a water leak, but it was a drip in the bathroom)
All observers were cleared out of key
counting centers.
At I think 5AM Eastern, or thereabouts,
(time is important, but not critical), came in batches of ballots.
In all 5 states, Trump was leading by
1-3% if I remember.
Then amazingly the counts started with
numbers like 170,000 to zero, 300,000 to near zero, etc.
Just enough for Biden to pull ahead in
those 5 specific states
However, and thanks to an organization
called “true the vote”, there is video of people ballot harvesting in these states, by
the thousands and thousands.
Based on that alone, not the many other
types of shenanigans, the illegal ballot harvestors would have turned the
There is so much evidence, if only a
person is curious.
And before you say “No court of law
found any illegal ballots, etc, no court of law gave the plaintiffs
standing! So you can also claim, no court of law found that was not voter
The fraud is so blatant there is no
question in my mind. But I choose not to enlighten you unless you start by
watching the documentary 2000 mules. That at least puts the question in your
mind, to “what really happened”?
It does not count the hundreds of
thousands of ballots shipped overnight. The 2-3 or more recycling of ballots
in Georgia (after the observers were kicked out), again on video.
The reason they had to stop the votes as
the democratic operatives had no idea of the scale of Trumps victory. They
had already rigged the election with hundreds of thousands of fake absentee
ballots. But they had real time monitoring of the election (Yes, totally
illegal), the decision was made to stop the counting in the 5 key states and
create enough votes fo overcome Trumps lead.
Again, Biden did not even campaign. He
was getting “crowds” in the double digits. Trump was getting crowds in the
tends or hundreds of thousands. Trump clearly earned this 81 million votes.
I estimate Biden “factually” received on the order of 70-75 million
legitimate votes.
So yes the election was stolen.
Not like the first time: Kennedy vs
Nixon, Nixon won. Clearly. No question.
Some might argue Florida, Gore won. But
there was not this scale of shenanigans, if there was any orchestrated
effort at all for fraud.
In smaller elections, fraud is
I can name a few: Al Franken, Maxine Waters first election, Etc etc.
Watch the documentary, rather than
repeat false information from people with a vested interest in lying.
The problem is you have been programmed
to trust people (activists) who are lying to you.
Watch the documentary, and then tell me
you still agree with the fact checkers. At least you will have specific
points in your mind as to what was presented. Its a lot easier. You can say,
“those 2,000 people who were depositing ballots over and over again in
ballot boxes, I think those were legitimate ballots”, and we can discuss.
The fact checkers pretend that footage does not exist. As one example.
I watched the film. I actually went to
the theater to watch it, but you can see it online now, if you cannot get it
free, let me know, I can send it, or a link to it.
Then we can talk, with a shared
When you see the actual video footage,
you may realize the fact checkers have been lying, or being generous,
misleading you.
Did you see the democrat Mayorial
candidate in Connecticut, who is calling out the voter (absentee ballot)
fraud? Same mechanism as in 2020, and in Arizona in 2022, but Dem on Dem, it
is more interesting to see what happens. The fraud was pretty blatant, so I
am curious.
“What we’re actually seeing in the data is the exact
opposite of what is being suggested by groups like ICAN — these
vaccines are very safe. With, you know, a few very rare known exceptions,”
Belongia said. “But overall, it’s very clear that the benefits of the
vaccines greatly outweigh the risks.”
( Aaron Siri and other representatives of
Siri & Glimstad, filed the FOIA litigation for ICAN)
“Siri told Reuters that ICAN thought
it was important to look beyond one week, since some potential
vaccine-related side effects could appear weeks after vaccination. But most
side effects occur soon after vaccination, so including longer intervals
would include more events that are unrelated to the vaccine.”
ICAN's analysis included responses reported
beyond the first seven days post-vaccine and it counted all reports of
people seeking medical attention up to a year after receiving the shot.
ICAN did not specify when after vaccination they received the care, nor
did the data indicate what the care was for ………………………………………………………………………….
It's notable that ICAN has a history of vaccine skepticism. Its founder,
Del Bigtree, is known for producing the 2016 documentary “Vaxxed:
From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," which may be why the group's findings
have received scant media coverage.
Two merged clips of the Centre of Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) Director
Rochelle Walensky discussing the protection from COVID-19 for
those vaccinated in March 2021 and August 2021 are presented in a way that
is missing context.
A study released by the CDC on August 25
based on data collected in Los Angeles found that
unvaccinated people are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with
COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated.
2023 Feb: the majority of the reported adverse
events after COVID-19 vaccination in pediatrics were mild to
moderate, with few being severe. Injection site discomfort, fever, headache,
cough, lethargy, and muscular aches and pains were the most prevalent side
Few clinical studies recorded significant side
effects, although the majority of these adverse events had nothing to do
with vaccination.
In terms of efficacy, COVID-19 disease protection
was achieved in
90–95% of cases for mRNA vaccines,
50–80% of cases for inactivated vaccines, and
58–92% of cases for adenoviral-based vaccines in children and adolescents.
Conclusions: Based on available data, COVID-19
immunizations appear to be safe for children and adolescents.
PLACEBO --- SEARCH: how many vaccine studies use a
placebo ?
The bottom line is that, as far as COVID-19 vaccines
are concerned, clinical trial data will be presented to regulatory
authorities... but also to fellow scientists. And it will be scrutinized by
good-faith researchers and by anti-vaccine activists alike. Only by
interpreting the data in light of solid scientific judgment and not
ideological denialism will we be able to make a sound decision.
Vaccine trial design can raise challenging ethical
questions, especially regarding the use of placebo controls when an
efficacious vaccine exists. . ………………………………………………………………………………
The framework sets out the conditions under which placebo use is
clearly acceptable and clearly unacceptable in vaccine trials. pii/S0264410X14005374?via%3Dihub
Suffice to say all reputable trials of a new
drug/vaccine start out using a placebo.
Paul Offet is a well known promoter of
Vaccines, and pediatrician. Claims Vaccines are all placebo controlled.
Aaron Siri is a successful attorney in sueing
Pharma companies to release data they have been trying to keep private, and
has gotten people like Rachael Walenski to
admin under oath that the vaccines do not prevent
transmissions, and were not tested for that.
She also claimed under oath that “the only reason we
put the Civid vaccine on the childhood vaccination schedule is so
underprivileged children would have free access to it.
This is after admitting that she knew it was not efficacious for children and had harmful side effects greater than the risk
for Covid.
Here is an article describing Aaron Siri
challenging Paul Offet on his claims that the vaccines are placebo tested. I think Aaron won this
round quite convincingly.
SEARCH do vaccines use adjutants to
weaken the immune system ?
Adjuvants help the body to produce an
immune response strong enough to protect the person from the disease he or
she is being vaccinated against.
So adjutants strengthen the immune system !
Please don’t repeat arguments that have been rebutted “vaccines
were never tested to stop transmission”
Whatever one concludes from any
--- is overridden by the scientific evidence that “unvaccinated people are 29 times more likely to be
hospitalized with COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated” proving
that it also ( with reduced expression of symptoms)
There is
“incredible spikes in side effects“.
---- ICAN
analysis included responses reported beyond the first seven days
post-vaccine and it counted all reports of people seeking medical attention
up to a year after receiving the shot. But most side effects occur
soon after vaccination, so including longer intervals would include more
events that are unrelated to the vaccine.”
SEARCH: uk mathematicion excel vaccine efficacy
Can’t find anything
SEARCH: Covid vaccination how rare is
The highest risk group is males between 12 and 17 years of age. And
in that highest risk group, the myocarditis risk after the second dose,
which is the highest, is 35.9 per 100,000 people. May 16, 2023
SEARCH: how bad is the myocarditis from Covid
First of all, myocarditis after
vaccination for the most part appears to be transient, and these patients
In comparison, getting COVID could lead to more severe, more
prolonged myocarditis.
Secondly, there are ways to reduce the risk for
myocarditis, like spacing apart the first and second dose.
SEARCH: vaccine autism
A CDC study published in 2013 added to the research showing that
vaccines do not cause autism
SEARCH [in the PAST YEAR]: are diseases exploding in occurrence
“It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search”
And now to address ALL of the email reply with NO
links to corroborate the arguments. Where did all of this “evidence”
come from?
Please don’t reply without links to backup the statements!
March 10, 2023 Karla Soares-Weiser, Editor-in-Chief of the
Cochrane Library, has responded on behalf of
"Many commentators have claimed
that a recently-updated Cochrane Review shows that 'masks don't work',
which is an inaccurate and misleading
It would be accurate to say that the review examined whether
interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory
viruses, and that the results were inconclusive.
Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the
review is not able to address the question
of whether mask-wearing itself reduces people's risk of contracting
or spreading respiratory viruses.
The review authors are clear on the limitations in the abstract:
'The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and
relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies
hampers drawing firm conclusions.'
Adherence in this context refers to the number of people who actually wore
the provided masks when encouraged to do so as part of the intervention.
The original Plain Language Summary for this review stated that
'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or
N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on
the studies we assessed.'
This wording was open to misinterpretation,
for which we apologize.
While scientific evidence is never immune to misinterpretation, we take
responsibility for not making the wording clearer from the outset.
We are engaging with the review authors with the aim of
updating the Plain Language Summary and
abstract to make clear that the review looked at whether interventions to
promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses".
This is so bad.
Alan Siri is a brilliant attorney. He force
Pfizer to release their clinical data in 24 months, rather than 75 years. It
shows incredible spikes in side effects.
Here is the laugher:
Suffice to say all reputable trials of a new drug/vaccine start out
using a placebo.
This is
provably false.
No vaccine trials have ever been done before release of a vaccine.
the few trials that have been done, have compared with either the adjacent,
or a different vaccine.
This is
I have created a vaccine of anything, and claim it is safe. The way vaccines are made is they all use adjutants to weaken the
immune system, so the body cannot reject the vaccine. These
include many toxic substances, including molecular aluminium, lipid
particles, DNA fragments from brewing the vaccine, etc. (forget the
ingredients for now)
always do their vaccines, using a “placebo” with
ALL the adjutants.
This is
like testing whether your b12 injection is safe, which contains arsenic, and
the placebo also contains arsenic. You will never see a signal.
someone is “anti vax” is not scientific. Siri got Rachael Wallinski, under
oath, to grudgingly admit the vaccines were never
tested to stop transmission, and ini fact they do not stop
transmission. This was under oath. (I can dig up a source if you want,
perhaps video)
There is
a famous mathematician in northern UK, who demonstrated with excel, how you
can use the Pfizer double shot criteria, to get 86% efficacy on the
shots just by maths. And that is what they did. Why do you think there is a
2 week or 3 week period, after a shot, where you are
considered “unvaccinated”?
Its so
the maths works out. If you want to see the excel, I can dig it up (or a
video explaining it)
SO if
the vaccines have 86% efficacy, not by function, but by math tricks, what is
going on?
It is
now proven, according to Paul Offet, a huge vaccine supporter, that
there is a causal link between the Covid shots
and myocarditis, which is a lifelong problem. Most cases, only
athletes will suffer in the short term (notice how so many athletes are “collapsing”
or outlying at young ages?)
The Covid is a bioweapon used on humanity.
Its scary.
I love
how Hofer, the vaccine pusher, refused to debate
Robert Kennedy because “he is not credible”, or “he is a
good debater and will trick me”. Even with 2.5 million dollars going to
charity for a 2 hour debate? If I have science on my side adn the other
person is an idiot, show up and humiliate them. At worst you raised 2.5
million dollars for charity.
You need
to dig into these…..
Here is
a dumb example. No vaccine has been tested for
links to autism, yet to claim there
is a relationship is “lunacy”. It is “proven” that there is no link. I
suspect you agree with this.
I have two interesting data points. Autism has
grown from 1 in 30,000 or so, to 1 in 30 among male babies. Quite a shocking
change. There is no curiosity on “what is causing this”? But as a point of
interest, we do have ONE large cohort who have not taken any of the vaccine
schedule. Amish. And interestingly, there are pretty much zero amish
autistic children.
I would
say that makes for an interesting coincidence and should arouse curiosity
among medical scientists.
interesting data point, is a simple survey that was taken of parents with Autistic children. The survey should have had a
smooth distribution curve, with this question:
When you
first saw symptoms of autism in your child was
it before, or just after, a scheduled vaccine?
Virtually no one surveyed said just before.
Did you
know death rate among the under 40’s
has jumped since 2021? Insurance companies in multiple countries have
reported on this, calling this a 5 sigma event. Why?
The data
is there everywhere you look. There are huge safety signals on this
vaccine. “Turbo cancers”, shingles outbreaks, myocarditis, tinnitus, asthma,
etc etc. Weird diseases are exploding
in occurrence. All a coincidence, nothing to see here.
We know
why, also the “vaccine” does not work against a normal immune system. So
they added special adjutants to weaken the part of the immune system that
fights internal issues like cancers, auto immune diseases. No one tested if
this disabling wore off, but Pfizer claimed this was a 30 day effect,
with no testing or evidence to that effect.
There is
tons more data. But you have to be interested in it.
Since the vaccine does not prevent you from catching Covid, does not
stop transmission, does not reduce hospitalizations, and is known (now) to
interfere with natural immunity, what is it for?
Its not
even mRNA, as claimed, it is ModRNA, which is a slight of
hand, and not the same. ModRNA is essentially gene therapy, banned global as
genetic experimentation on humans. Its “leaky” meaning the virus is invented
to bypass the body’s defenses.
this… this was most definitely a man made, enhanced functionality virus.
They modify it by making changes to its structure and see how it grows,
changes, etc. How many of these tests do you think happened? 10? 100? Maybe
a thousand? (Gain of function research is time intensive and costly)
What we
have done is injected billions of people as Petri dishes, so the virus can
must be a “end game” plan here. What is it?
I rebut your memory !
I think you can see that only reputable sources NIH,
CDC etc… ( that I googled) have been in my
email replies.
There are plenty of these reputable sources in my google results (I just
picked a few) .
If there were censored studies that I missed -- I doubt anyone can argue
that there is not a good reason WHY they were censored and that they
were definitely not “Good studies”.
The link you gave: - Epoch Times to that STUDY -- includes in its
conclusion that all occurrences of myocarditis were “mild and
transient” (didn’t last).
SEARCH: is Myocarditis always permanent?
Most people will recover without any lasting effects.
But in rare cases, ……. the inflammation is severe.
Nobody is ( and I am not) denying that Myocarditis is caused by the vaccine.
Its just that its mild and transient in all Covid cases under 40.
can you get Myocarditis from covid ( not the vaccine)?
Although the vaccines have proven to reduce severe COVID-19, cardiac
complications, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis, have been
associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
On the other hand, myocarditis is also one of the complications of
SARS-CoV-2 infection
And, even if YOUR data is correct, it is never ethical
to inject people with a risk that is as risky as the thing you are injecting
them against.
The risk of dying from Covid
for healthy under 40’s is essentially zero. The risk of myocarditis
is lets say between 3% and .03%. .03% is scandalously high.
Myocarditis is NEVER
transient. Its a permanent condition. That is cardiology 101.
Covid itself does not cause
There was no increase in myocarditis in the
general population, until 2021, when the vaccines were released.
If the vaccine does not trigger myocarditis, why
do you need to space out the doses to avoid it? Seems like a self-defeating
Myocarditis is a factual problem. Not worth arguing
about, as the data is crystal clear. You will appear foolish to me if you
continue on myocarditis, not being a “thing”.
Teenagers simply do not get myocarditis in a
normal environment.
No response to my evidence that
·Myocarditis is NOT always permanent
·mild and transient in all Covid cases under 40
COVID could lead to more severe, more prolonged myocarditis.
·There is little risk
from the few who get Myocarditis from the vaccine
·There is more
Myocarditis risk from NOT getting the vaccine !
Where is the contrary evidence ?
If its lies
·How was the data fixed?
·Who Fixed it?
·How many must have been involved?
·And Why would they do it?
This directly contradicts the assertions that
·Myocarditis is NEVER transient !
·Covid itself does not cause Myocarditis
Please do the SEARCH’s I gave you. Click on the links !
In the one breath I read: --- discredit of the NIH
and on the next the NIH is being used to show
events with MMR” !
It is too convenient to ignore the NIH/CDC/FDA
and also say that all of the corroboration that would have been provided is
CENSORED. Leaving no way of substantiating ANY of your “theories”.
And what little “corroboration” that IS provided is from Alex
Jones, Robert Malone, RFK, Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough,
people are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than those
who are unvaccinated” proving that it also ( with reduced expression of
symptoms) considerably REDUCES TRANSMISSION .
May 1–July 25, 2021, among 43,127 SARS-CoV-2 infections in residents of Los
Angeles County, California,
(25.3%) were in fully vaccinated persons,
(3.3%) were in partially vaccinated persons, and
All research and scientific programs conducted or funded by CDC are subject
to periodic external peer review as described below. All extramural research
applications submitted to CDC are required to go through external peer
review by a Federal Advisory Committee, except in justified emergency
Why is the NIH a credible source?
From enhancing rigor and reproducibility, to encouraging sharing of data and
protocols, to promoting pre-prints, and to requiring timely registration and
reporting of clinical trial results, NIH establishes policies to make our
funded research as credible, transparent, rigorous, and full of impact as
Peter McCullough
INACCURATEPeter McCullough makes multiple false, misleading, and
unsupported claims about COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy in viral
FLAWD REASONING Higher myocarditis risk after COVID-19 than mRNA vaccination;
contrary to Peter McCullough’s claim, young persons decrease their risk by
getting vaccinated
INACCURATE Contrary to Peter McCullough’s claim, getting vaccinated is
safer than getting COVID-19, in spite of rare cases of myocarditis
INACCURATE Vaccines are a safer alternative for acquiring immunity
compared to natural infection and COVID-19 survivors benefit from getting
vaccinated, contrary to claims by Peter McCullough
findings from 30 trials with more than 10,000 COVID patients.
Hydroxychloroquine did not reduce mortality, the need for or duration of
mechanical ventilation.
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine for COVID: the WHO declared that
clinical trials on these drugs are halted after the devastating findings
of the study published in the medical journal called The Lancet. Against
this fact, there are several rumors about the irresponsible use of these
drugs in Africa for the treatment of COVID-19
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled platform trial including 1,206
US adults with COVID-19 during February 2022 to July 2022, the median time
to sustained recovery was 11 days in the Ivermectin group and 11 days in the placebo group.
A twisting tale of misinformation: should
Ivermectin be approved for COVID?
Several randomized controlled trials have recently been published that
reinforce the ineffectiveness of ivermectin
in treating COVID-19 patients (e.g., the results of COVID-OUT and ACTIV-6
·Robert Malone Misleads on COVID-19 Vaccine
Robert Malone, Substack, 12 Dec. 2021
mRNA vaccines force “your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These
proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs”;
“there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating
your children”
VERDICT Incorrect: Robert Malone’s claims are
inconsistent with the safety data of the mRNA vaccines and are also the
opposite of what is known about COVID-19 in children and the benefits of
vaccination for children and their community.
Heart problems like myocarditis are more common after COVID-19 itself than
after COVID-19 vaccination. Unsupported: There is no evidence that the spike protein generated
by the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines causes permanent damage to organs and the
immune system.
·in Washington Times, by Robert Malone
and Peter Navarro. “This article has inaccuracies throughout with a clear
view to push an anti-vaccine agenda
While Kennedy Jr. tried to claim he is
not against vaccines, pointing out he is vaccinated for everything except
Covid-19, ...... he has baselessly called Covid vaccines unsafe and
falsely linked vaccines to all kinds of diseases and health issues that
actually have nothing to do with vaccines.
Kennedy: “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The
people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,”
RFK Jr. has made so many false and wild claims about any number of vital
topics – most dangerously about childhood vaccines, ...... he mangles
the facts and wildly misrepresents what actually happened.
2018: How Common Are Fabricated, False, Biased, and Irreproducible
Scientific misconduct and questionable research practices (QRP) occur at
frequencies that, while non-negligible, are relatively small and
therefore unlikely to have a major impact on the literature.
Random laboratory audits in cancer clinical trials, for example, found that
only 0.28% contained “scientific improprieties”
... and those conducted among Food and Drug Administration clinical trials
between 1977 and 1988 found problems sufficient to initiate “for cause”
investigations only in 4% of cases
...Visual inspections of microbiology papers suggested that between 1% and
2% of papers had been manipulated in ways that suggested intentional
The new “science is in crisis” narrative is not only empirically
unsupported, but also quite obviously counterproductive.
Instead of inspiring younger generations to do more and better science, it
might foster in them cynicism and indifference.
It seems everyone I know with full “booster” …….. this may
be the most scientific answer I’ve heard !
And a lot of history from some African country ! With “I thinkBurkina Faisal” , “I cannot find the MMR study” , “my memory was not
Not very
I can’t help but interpret “I did the
research myself.” as
“I don’t have evidence other than my memory” .
Inoculation with the
MMR (measles, mumps,
rubella) vaccine did not impair children's overall immunity, the
researchers found.
The results align with decades of research. Oct 31, 2019
It baffles me that someone like you , who is
otherwise very intelligent , can be so passionate about issues
( – a lot of which I have debunked with reputable evidence – )
can continue to ignore this evidence.
4 years ago I had no trust issues with the
CDC/NIH, etc. I did not understand how they
operate. I did know Fauci was the man who killed thousands during Aids,
stole the AIDs HIV
discovery, and had destroyed the reputation of Judith Mikovitz. But
did not think much about it.
I assumed the CDC was a
good organization, although I was suspect of the
“Flu vaccine” push, as it was clearly
not effective, but thought maybe it did something. I had no idea
that vaccines were so suspect, I assumed that the autism stuff was wacko. I
also assumed that vaccines were tested thoroughly and although I had doubts
why infants were getting shots like Hepatitis,
concerns were a long way away.
I had done some research on
statins and the bad science. I had read
Ben Goldacre’s books on Bad Pharma and
Bad Science. I also had read up on the fraud in medicine and how
85% of studies were non reproducible.
Also how much bad science there was in peer review, which had become a sham
and the the hundreds or thousands of papers that had been withdrawn, yet
were still highly cited, my thinking was more along the lines of “why are we
wasting 80% of medical research money”? Many other medical scientists had
published papers with the same approach.
Especially with cancer research, how nearly all
research in the past 40 years was done with corrupted cell lines. Shocking,
but perhaps getting fixed. Chinese publications were endemic with fraud, no
one seemed to care, until about 2018 when scientists started paying
So I knew there were issues, but it seemed like
medicine was getting its act together.
I also read parts of Dueselbergs book on
HIV and Aids, I was not sure what to make of
it, that HIV was not proven to cause Aids. Interesting, but a controversy I
did not wade into.
I also went to an early Covid
rally and thought the people claiming most
vaccines were essentially a fraud, including Polio. Again, I disregarded them.
When I learned about
Ivermectin early on, I bought a kilo, just before the government
shut down importation. I watched the debate on
Hydoxychloroquine, both sides, how long term use can potentially
adversely affect the liver, but also how millions
in Africa took it once a week (along with Ivermectin) to prevent many
diseases, from Malaria to River
I had also read several books on genetic manipulation,
from glowing works on the benefits to scary tomes on the Frankenstein nature
of some of the research.
I have been a economic conservative since
I did the research myself. I may not be good at articulating it,
but its obvious what a free market economy can do for a society.
As opposed to either “socialism”
(progressivism), and “crony capitalism”, (fascism)
where corporations use regulations to capture agencies and protect their
We no longer have a free market in the west, the
massive interference by government distorts the economy, making everyone
So when I heard the changes in scientific statements
about Covid, from lab leak to “natural”, I
started paying attention. And it was a hell of a rabbit hole.
So you know I have the ability to change my mind in
light of skeptical science. I have turned a 180 on the medical industry ini
the past 2+years. I have actually read and tried to understand actual
experts who were brave for standing against orthodoxy, and being punished
for simply speaking out.
And I started listening to crazies like Alex Jones, who makes mistakes, some wild
claims, but brings the goods more than not. He talked about the World Economic forum, how it was founded by a student of Kissinger and the
Trilaterals, and all this conspiracy stuff. Found most of it to
be accurate. How did Jimmy Carter
really become president, just 3 years
after being a founding member of the Trilateral commission? A nobody.
I started learning how.
So sources that used to be authoritarian to me, no
longer are. I know how scientific papers have been withdrawn for “political
pressure”, how people like scientist Andrew
Wakefield, where corrupted by Money and Fauci to do a 180
on the claim that Covid was “natural”, after
some private calls. The scam was on early.
The problem is NIH and CDC are not reliable sources for anything. They
are “captured”. Same with FDA.
They are taking royalties from this
vaccine and other technologies.
You have to read skeptical analysis of papers, not
trust anything. You need to find out what the paper actually says, not the
headlines, which can be two things. You need someone who knows how to
analyze how the study was put together, as you can get any result you want in a paper/study
by manipulating the cohorts ,etc. Ben Goldacre described this process
well, a fabulous set of books I read in 2014.
Remember the FDA/CDC/HIH
saying Ivermectin is “horse medicine”?
There is a clear explanation why they took a safe, Nobel Prize winning medication, named by The Who as
a miracle drug that have saved millions of lives and tried to
destroy its reputation.
Now the FDA walked back,
and say doctors can prescribe it for Covid.
The reason for this scan was clear.
Ivermectin is near free. Its generic and one
can buy a kilo for $100. However, if ANY drug, medicine or treatment can
treat a disease, that means there can be no “emergency Use authorization”
for any vaccine. Its the law. So they went all out to kill Ivermectin, going
to the extent of buying all available stock in the US for Ivermectin
adn Hydroxychoriquine and taking it off the
market, making them scarce.
Now that they have their vaccine on the childhood
schedule, they do not care.
However, they are still persecuting doctors who had the
audacity to promote/prescribe Ivermectin. My own doctor told me he
was threatened if he prescribed ivermectin. He would give some away to
patients. That is why I found a source and bought it direct. What is worth a
million dollars “on the street (at pharmacies) for just $100, plus air
Its an insane world now. I trust nothing about
medicine, until I read some skeptical analysis and can make my own mind up.
Google, et all are NOT my friend, they
are enemies. What is at the top of the search results on any such subject, I
know has been scrubbed, and “forbidden views
Especially not only Covid,
but autism, vaccine issues, medications, finance, politics, etc. I guess you
can say I took the red pill in the matrix. I offer you the same opportunity,
take the red pill, look at all this with understanding that forces (bad
actors) are blinding all of us of what is really going on.
Its disgusting how corrupt medicine is. Its bad enough
that nearly every published paper cannot be
reproduced (its fake/fraud/badly designed intentionally), now
they are rubbing it in the nose of any intelligent person by claiming “its
Its disgusting. Now they want to mandate the “new” vaccine, which is totally not effective against any new variant (it
was designed to hit “omicron”, so millions more can die.
You do know that the Covid
vaccine never worked (could not work) for another reason? It
targeted an extinct variant! Its like taking last years
Flu shot, except worse.
In short, the Covid shot
teaches your body to deal with the spike protein with antibodies, not
T-cells. Antibodies are the “all hands on deck” last defense of the body’s
immune system. Its very destructive. That is why an antibody approach is
dangerous. T-cells are the surgeons, fighting infections constantly, to keep
them under control. Only if an infection becomes endemic to the system are
antibodies called in. That is my
layman’s understanding of what doctors discussed on podcasts. It
is eye opening to start understanding how the immune system actually works.
There can never be a vaccine against a respiratory
virus. It evades the “vaccine” too quickly.
Did you know Corona virus was identified in 1960 as a
genetically manipulatable virus? And the US government first
bioweapons test was ini 1961 with Corona
They have been performing gain fo function for 60 years
on it. Sars 1 was an earlier version of Sars 2.
And guess what? The government KNEW Ivermectin wa
effective against corona viruses, as
Ivermectin was the treatment for SARS 1. Coincidence?
If you actually studied how the
MRNA vaccine is supposed to work, you may open your mind to its
The inventor of the technology, whom the cabals have
been trying to destroy, Robert Malone,
early on posted the dangers of this technology. He has 17 patents on the
MRNA technology and is considered its inventor (before he opened his mouth,
now it is said he “falsely claims to have
been involved with the creation of MRNA
Ask yourself another honest question. If the vaccine is
“saving lives”, why are “all cause mortality”
death rates rising?
This is according to both government data from
countries will to publish data, Even better, insurance companies, who are
taking on devastating losses from payouts.
You may not find any of this in your google searches
unless you go to like page 100. Maybe not even then. But I have spent a
couple years listening to real people, people who’re among the most cited Cardiologists, ER doctors, etc in the
country and the world. I take their evidence
over the corrupt CDC, etc.
when properly fitted, they stop large particles, and
bacteria. Masks have never been known to stop
viruses. Fauci even said so in early 2021, before he
And they did not test whether they prevented
transmission. Here is a clip, under oath, of Pfizer VP’s in the EU, under
examination, acknowledging they NEVER tested this:
Ignore the “fact checkers” first, but watch this
interesting discussion. I learned to respect the HighWire episodes,
as every episode, they give full references for all the science quoted on
the show. If you want skip the first 7 minutes, which is a montage of young
athletes dropping dead suddenly. Then the interviews start.
Peter McCullough is one of the highest cited physicians in the world, especially in
his field, with I believe over 600 published citations. He is good at
explaining things.
Death rates of
healthy (worked class) people are also up, in
direct proportion to vaccine rates.
There has only been one long term vaccine followup, (Pharma
does not do any), where they took a country, I thinkBurkina Faisal,
which happened to have 50% take the MMR vaccine some years ago. It turned
out to be a perfect random study, as there were equal amounts of villages
and cities that did and did not take the MMR.
(I cannot find the MMR
study, but here is a NIH publication discussing adverse events with MMR, including
Asthma, and other diseases “vaccinated children
showed higher odds of being diagnosed with pneumonia,
otitis media, allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders.” The side effects
are downplayed, but the fact anything is discussed is interesting: pmc/articles/PMC7268563/)
What was revealed was astounding. Among the vaccinated,
yes Measles, Mumps and
Rubella rates were way down among the vaccinated. However, “all cause
Mortality” was greatly reduced. I.e, taking the MMR
may have reduced incidence of the 3 diseases, but damaged the recipients
immune systems whereby they literally died younger. I think this was a 20
year followup, but my memory was not clear,
I listed to the doctor talking about this on a podcast.
Google all you want. Did you play with the Excel? To
me, that is incredibly damning, as a simple maths trick replicate both the
efficacy rate claimed, but also, the exact curve of lowered efficacy over
time, where “boosters” are required.
Have a laugh… here is Dana Carvey talking about Fauci’s
It seems everyone I know with full “booster” cover shots has had Covid multiple
times. It seems non vaccinated people
caught it one time and rarely, if ever, catch it a second time.
The second is irrevant. However if the vaccines “work”,
why do people catch it so many times?
Don’t say it prevents
hospitalization. The media/government
blasted us with “get vaccinated so you do not spread
Covid.”. Once it was obvious, the Covid shots were useless, the
claims changed to “prevents hospitalization”. You cannot fight a moving
target easily.
COVID-19 vaccines are a much safer way of acquiring immunity than
infection, which requires exposing the person to risks from
NO: Natural immunity is NOT far superior to COVID-19 vaccines – as stated
by Del Bigtree
There is no evidence that vaccines cause autism; the U.S.
CDC didn’t change their stance on the subject. – not as stated by
Del Bigtree, ICAN
Contrary to viral Facebook claim, numerous studies show vaccines
don’t cause autism. -- not as stated by Del Bigtree
Contrary to popular video claim, vaccine ingredients are safe, not linked
to encephalopathy not as stated by Del Bigtree, The Highwire
The messages Del Bigtree delivers are rife with misinformation,
fabrications, and outright lies.
For instance, Bigtree claims that no placebo-controlled trials of
vaccines have ever been conducted, which he says is proof vaccines are not
However, this is false. The reason vaccines are not typically tested
against a placebo is that it is unethical to knowingly expose a control
group to the risks of a vaccine-preventable illness. No such trial would be
ethically approved.
This is just one example of an artificial, manufactured controversy
employed by anti-vaccination advocates to manipulate, influence,
and persuade.
Anti-vaccine activists are dedicated to growing audiences on social media
and figuring out how to maximize the total number of clicks, likes, and shares.
Rising rates of measles outbreaks in unvaccinated populations of
developing countries shows that these messages are having an impact.
Geert Bossche’s idea that the coronavirus will simply continue moving from person
to person and that vaccines will only prevent severe disease --- is
contradicted by the data that is accumulating.
Jay Battacharya senior fellow (courtesy) at the
Institution. “Great Barrington Declaration,” was denounced by
top health officials and thousands of researchers and scientists around the
world, who called the approach unethical and nearly impossible.
It was denounced by top health officials and thousands of researchers and
scientists around the world, who called the approach unethical and nearly
Not practicable — not when
·so many people live in intergenerational homes,
·older people need carers who of course themselves live in the
community, and
·young people can suffer the debilitating impact of long COVID.
·The number of Hospital’s Intensive Care beds are insufficient
If we let this virus continue unchecked, the loss of life would be simply
too great to contemplate.
It does not matter if you think Del Bigtree is a fraud, or Mccullough
and Geert Vanden Boscche are “discredited”. They talk science in a
way that is very educational. You can skip the intro video about all the
athletes who have died in the past 8 months, I am sure you think it is
coincidence, but Bigtree was a producer at ABC news and a documentary
producer (award winning before he went over to the dark side of questioning
the Pharma industry.
Its long. But highly valuable information.
If you can listen or watch, you will have additional
background on the virus.
And perhaps consider one point made by
Geert Vanden Boscche, which is forget about whether the virus was
created with gain of function research, that is the past. By vaccinating
repeatedly billions of people with a “leaky” vaccine (it does not strop
transmission), we are forcing gain of function, in a experiment on all of
Pfizer corrupted
the data. They falsified data in the trials, then destroyed the control
They disallowed pregnant women from the trial, then
started dosing them (maternity mortality rates are through the roof)
They knew myocarditis is a side effect of MRNA
from years of prior research (Robert Malone, inventor of the
This is a military operation in part, in part by the
Money is a huge motivator
It really only takes a few hundred. People are sheep.
The evidence is there, but you won’t see it on Rachel
Maddow, who lied to your face saying get the shot, you won’t get the virus.
Most everyone I know who has gotten to the booster
stages, has had Covid multiple times.
How many times does someone need to catch
Covid before they figure out the shot does NOT
Myocarditis can
never go away. Here is why, every cardiologist knows this. If an organ gets
damaged, there is scar tissue. It never goes away. Ever get hurt when
younger and get a scar? You still have
it, right? They never go away.
When you have myocarditis, that at minimum creates a
small scar in the heat tissue. Its permanent.
Now, for non athletes, who never exert themselves, you
may never experience symptoms. That is why the main “suddenly died” are
among athletes.
I can loan you the book Suddenly died. It was written
by Edward Dowd, a data analyst from Blackrock capital. He has research the
insurance end of this primarily, he is not an MD, but a data scientist.
Life insurance from publicly traded companies is public
data. They are notifying shareholders that working class mortality rates are
at multi sigma levels. Why?
Did you know that Deborah Birx was a Military
officer? Not a random choice at all to drive the pandemic response. I think
she was a colonel, its easy to check, at National intelligence. Why is an
National intelligence officer running the response for Covid?
You need to be willing to look at the evidence to even
see there is a red pill.
I can point you to doctors or books that point out the
Kennedy’s book is
very well referenced and is clear on Fauci’s role in all of this, but
despite the fact he gets royalties from this crap, I do not think he is the
Did you know Moderna never
had a product before Covid? Did you know Modena is a
CIA financed operation? Probably not.
There is so much info available, you need to be willing
to investigate only one small area of all this. If that has a different
conclusion than you expected, maybe you will consider some of the other data
is false.
I am sure the media
told you:
Ivermectin is useless and dangerous
There are no published
studies proving Ivermectin works
Vaccines have 95% efficacy
There is no myocarditis increase in the youth
Vaccines cannot possibly trigger autism
Pharma companies are strongly motivated to make safe
Vaccines undergo full placebo trials before they are
There is no such thing as
long covid caused by Vaccines
There are virtually no adverse events
Pfizer has agreed to released its documents
Masks are safe and very effective
Lockdoes worked and saved civilization
Millions died directly “from” Covid
Hospitals gave best treatment to Covid patients
Remdesivir is an effective treatment against
There are no simple treatments for Covid (even in
Vitamin D is not effective at preventing
serious cases of Covid
Vaccinated people do not transmit Covid
Most hospital deaths from Covid are the unvaccinated
Pick any small subset subject that you are confident
on. It has to be small enough we can focus on only that claim and that if
demonstrated to be “narrative, it will shake you r confidence in all the
Covid claims.
I will try to pry open the rabbit hole on that one
subject. Make it one that if I can show what is to you, compelling evidence
on that one small medical area, that your world view might shift a bit on
Pharma. It does not have to be one of these above, I just rattled off some
common false narratives. If it is something I agree to focus on as a “false
narrative”, lets try that subject.
But you cannot “naysay” every researcher, just because
Big Pharma says so. I will use as much as possible people who were highly
credible before Covid. If the Media or Pharma discredits them because they
speak out, that does not mean they are wrong, it might mean they are over
the target.
McCullough is an
example, top of the class, until he strayed from the narrative, Jay Battacharya (
was demonized for the “Great Barrington Declaration" at
Stanford is another, etc.
Or take any claim by Del
Bigtree, he has hundreds of podcasts, with controversial
subjects. He is not a source, but always gives the sources.
SEARCH miscarriage vaccinated
while pregnant –covid
AGAIN please do not reply without links to backup
assertions !!!
Do you know what the
miscarriage rate is with woman who are vaccinated while pregnant?
Its shocking.
Oliver, a
“silent war” by generations of politicians to take “total control of the
people” and impose a “one-world government”. The idea seemingly
echoes a noted conspiracy theory
document called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, supposedly a secret manual
for world government found by chance in 1986. This has a long section
on the role of the Rothschild banking dynasty, a common antisemitic
Oliver…, arguing that the fact that Pfizer’s
Covid vaccine was not tested to assess whether it reduced transmission
showed “the whole psy-ops, nudge unit campaign to shame people into taking
the jabs and force them on the kids as well in the spirit of protecting
others was a lie”. ----- Oliver claimed the government’s
cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) in combating
future pandemics amounted to letting “unelected, unaccountable non-entities
living tax-free in Switzerland and protected by diplomatic immunity shut us
in our homes”. For good measure, he also described net zero – cutting
greenhouse gas emissions to nothing – as “a suicide note”.
Please google “Neil Oliver” and read all the
reputable criticism .
Subject: Neil Oliver
Do you ever watch his commentaries?
I found his vocal tempo hard, but this is a good
overview of the world.
Several large studies have not shown
that saw palmetto reduces the size of the prostate or eases urinary symptoms.
Two large, high-quality studies funded by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), each using a different preparation
of saw palmetto, found it was no more
effective than a placebo for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Many of Mercola’s articles make
unsubstantiated claims and clash with those of leading medical and
public health organizations.
For example, he opposes
·immunization [11]
·fluoridation. [12],
·mammography [13], and
·the routine administration of vitamin K shots to the newborn [14,15];
claims that amalgam fillings are toxic [16];
and makes many unsubstantiated recommendations for dietary
He has also given silly advice, such as minimizing exposure to
electromagnetic fields by avoiding electric razors, microwaving of foods,
watches with batteries [18].
In 2005, the FDA ordered Mercola
and his Optimal Wellness Center to stop making
illegal claims
for products sold through his Web site [26].
The claims to which the FDA objected involved three products:
·Living Fuel Rx, claimed to offer an “exceptional countermeasure”
against cancer, cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, autoimmune diseases, etc.
·Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil, claimed to reduce the risk of
heart disease and has beneficial effects
against Crohn’s disease,
irritable bowel syndrome, and many
infectious agents
·Chlorella, claimed to fight cancer
and normalize blood pressure.
In 2006, the FDA sent Mercola
and his center a second warning that was based on product labels collected
during an inspection at his facility and on claims made on the Optimum
Wellness Center Web site [27].
This time the claims to which the FDA objected involve four products:
1.Vibrant Health Research Chlorella XP, claimed to “help to virtually
eliminate your risk of developing cancer
in the future.”
2.Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, claimed to reduce the risk of
heart disease, cancer, and
degenerative diseases.
3.Momentum Health Products Vitamin K2, possibly useful in treating
certain kinds of cancer and
Alzheimer’s disease.
4.Momentum Health Products Cardio Essentials Nattokinase NSK-SD,
claimed to be “a much safer and effective option than aspirin and other
pharmaceutical agents to treating heart disease.”
The warning letters explained that the use of such claims in the marketing
of these products
violates the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
In 2011, the FDA ordered Mercola
to stop making claims for thermography….. to diagnose or screen for:
Breast cancer, Inflammation, Cancer , inflammatory processes, neurological
and vascular dysfunction, musculoskeletal injury, Arthritis, Immune
Dysfunction, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, Irritable bowel syndrome,
diverticulitis, Crohn’s, bursitis, herniated discs, ligament or muscle tear,
lupus, nerve problems, whiplash, stroke .
In 2016, Mercola,, LLC and Health
Resources, settled a FTC complaint by agreeing to stop selling
tanning beds and to pay to $5,334,067.
The defendants were charged with falsely claiming that their indoor tanning
devices would enable consumers to slash their risk of
In August 2020, the Center for Science in the Public Interest and
other nonprofit legal groups urged the FDA and FTC to stop
Mercola from marketing at least 23 products with false claims
that they can prevent or treat the COVID.
It also offers “medical” advice, including the extraordinarily dangerous and
unsubstantiated recommendation that individuals actually try to contract
after using the supplements it sells to ameliorate the symptoms.
In February 2021, the FDA ordered Mercola to stop
suggesting on his website that “Liposomal Vitamin C,” “Liposomal Vitamin
D3,” and “Quercetin and Pterostilbene Advanced” sold through his site are
effective in preventing or treating COVID .
In March 2021, the Center for Countering Digital Hate placed
Mercolafirst on
its list of
“The Disinformation Dozen”
who “do not have relevant medical expertise and have their own
pockets to line,
who are abusing social media platforms to misrepresent the threat of
Covid and spread misinformation about
the safety of vaccines.”
His funding of organizations that promote unscientific practices
and/or oppose proven public health measures make him “the world’s most dangerous supplier of health misinformation.”
Dr. Mercola has
been deplatformed, threatened and his web site threatened for talking about
healthy alternatives to drugs.
If not for Mercola, most vitamins and herbs
would have been banned by the FDA, starting in the 70’s. Mercola was
the leader of the fight against the FDA, who, at Pharma’s beckoning, wanted
to prohibit most herbs, and restrict vitamins and the “allowed” doses.
It was an incredible power play by Pharma that
thankfully, they lost, but keep trying. Its been a tireless fight by Many
others besides Mercola now, but we need to credit him for being able
to purchase herbs like Saw Palmetto
for Prostate (that was one of the early
targets of the FDA).
So you can hate the new Mercola, but he has been
in this field for a long time. His entire web site had to be taken off the
web (he will post for 24 hours, then articles are removed) because of
threats, etc. (a legal threat is a threat, these are not “I will kill you”
threats, but “I will destroy your finances” kinds of threats.)
Anyway, just to give this summary some credibility…
Mercola is a natural foods/supplement “good guy”
Read the Kennedy
book (Or Pierre Kory’s new book, “The War Against Ivermectin” to understand why Big Pharma,
Fauci etc, had to destroy
Ivermectin so they could release the
Covid shots)
Ivermectin is truly
a wonder drug. Nearly free in most of the world, it has saved millions of
lives and not only works against parasites, but many viruses.
Some research indicates
Ivermectin helps your body fight cancers.
I have an anecdote on
Ivermectin. I have had a “mole” growing on my thigh for years and
years. Slow growing, so I never seriously worried about it. But it had
gotten fairly large, about an inch across.
When I started taking
Ivermectin, in 2 weeks it started looking different. In a month,
it fell off. In another month you can not tell I ever had this infection at
all. To this day, it is gone.
Pretty amazing.
The story behind it is amazing. It is produced by
bacteria and discovered on a golf course in Japan by a researcher sampling
odd places for new bacterial medicines. Purely accidental discovery.
While the studies the Harvard team reviewed
(Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity)
IQs among schoolchildren,
the data is not applicable here because it came from foreign (Chinese) sources where
fluoride levels are multiple times higher than they are in American tap
Studies didn't screen for other toxins.
US fluoridation
does NOT reduce
the claim that there are scientific studies that support the notion that
water fluoridation can cause developmental
problems in children that result in lower IQs is false.
No studies that actually investigate that specific question have reached
that conclusion.
Several social media posts question the
safety and effectiveness of a mammogram.
We found various posts which state that mammograms are harmful and
We fact-checked and found this claim to be Mostly
The low-dose
X-rays used in mammograms expose women to a small amount of
radiation, which can potentially increase the risk of radiation-induced
breast cancer if the doses are in high amounts and frequency.
It is important to note that mammograms are
generally considered safe as long as the woman goes to a facility
that is certified by the regulating agencies and is done under the guidance
of a healthcare professional.
Despite these risks, mammograms are recommended for
breast cancer screening, .....
Do your own research.
Relying on fact checkers is for the uneducated.
You are better than that.
Most of what
Mercola claims,
I support. Not all, but there is probably no one I can 100% support, I
question everything after I have had time to contemplate and if motivated,
ummm…. Floride has some
serious side effects. Like reducing IQ on children.
Seems like a show stopper, However Floride has
a huge lobby, as it is how we dispose of toxic waste byproduct of aluminum
Even if Florida was support great, why are we
not using a safer version in our water? We use the toxic sludge version.
Just another biased source here:
Vaccines are clearly the
trigger for the epidemics of asthma,
autism, allergies,
weakened immune systems, etc.
If you do not think there is any link at all between vaccines and for
example, Autism, tell me how it is possible
that 1 in 35 kids become austic (used to be 1 in 30000 before the vaccine
schedule), while essentially zero Amish have Autistic children.
Yet, it is indisputable that vaccines do not and cannot cause autism.
Go ask some parents of autistic children. Your own research survey. I would
guess s75% would say it started right after a “wellness visit” to the doctor
(vaccine). And I think 2/3 of mothers think they had something to do with
their Childs problem.
But trust Big Pharma. They are always ethical. They have no conflict of
interest here, do they?
Mercola’s EMF
claims are a bit harsh. Its (scientifically) clear that 5G has additional
harms (signals, not proof) we are not objectively looking at. And EM fields
are interfering with our own internal EM fields. Is it something to be
worried about? I don’t know. But I reserve judgement. I wait until I can
find my own evidence one way or another, I don’t look
to fake fact checkers.
AGAIN, if you take ANY vitamins, you owe Mercola
a huge debt.
Do you believe everything in Pharma is honest?
Pfizer in particular is a criminally convicted
felon corporation. Then they got total immunity on
Vaccines. So in your opinion, they absolved themselves and are now
acting honestly, when they have a criminally convicted history of hiding
evidence, fabricating trial data?
OK. I happen to believe they are corrupt until proven otherwise. Once you
lie, you are a lier forever. Trust is not to be given to such companies.
A best selling science book of I think 2018, was about the total lack of
reproducibility of Studies. Go read it. NYT best selling science book of
2018 or maybe 2017. I read it. Did you?
You are a great “fact checker”, but have not done much independent research,
it appears.
Indoctrination mostly from
scammers with a political Agenda
I read
all your scientific theory and would not dream of trying to provide any
scientific details myself. But I googled some of it.
I like
to think I know what I don’t know and thus rely on experts most of the time
to make my conclusions.
is warming from man-made change.
I'd be
very silly not to believe 99% of scientists.
SEARCH: climate studies does a larger amount of co2 get progressively
less effective ?
As CO2
concentrations increase, the absorption at the centre of the strong band is
already so intense that it plays little role in causing additional warming.
sure, it appears that the CLOUD EFFECT is not completely represented in
these models, -- but that wouldn’t lead me to conclude that the consensus
prediction from all these models, of the earth’s warming trajectory, is
certainly there is plenty scientific evidence laid out in the links above (
not “minimal evidence” nor “not science”)
sun is a
“constant” SEARCH: do climate models say the sun is a constant ?
warming due to increasing greenhouse gas levels in the coming decades will
overpower even a very strong Grand Solar Minimum.
These books are insidious because they appear credible and insist they accept
the consensus among climate scientists. But a closer look reveals that in
order to support their claim, they have to twist the facts in ways that can
easily fool non-experts.
Shellenberger said the fires on the West Coast happened because there
"more people and more electrical wires that they've failed to maintain because
we've focused on other things like building renewables"
Carlson and Shellenbergerwere just
Morano in Green Fraud asks "what criteria" will be
used to decide when enough is enough.
criteria are actually laid out quite explicitly:
We are
trying to
power the U.S. with 100 percent renewable energy and
--- make
sure that everyone in the country is paid a living wage and has a high
standard of living'
When the
country is powered by renewables and its people are taken care of, the need
for the GND ceases.
Morano’s Climate fake news Morano’s only evidence to dispute the
expert consensus on human-caused global warming
is to quote an economist who agrees the consensus is 90–100%, and that the
experts are correct that humans are responsible
for global warming.
I was
hoping you had SOME kind of rebuttal to the
of not committing to major climate spending will be even more
argument ?
So many false assumptions, I will try to make some
The problem with progressives is they lie, obfuscate
and hide. A simple example is the acclaimed Michael Mann, climatologist from
Norwich of all places. Caught with his hand in the cookie jar when his
emails were hacked and we discovered all his “science’ was falsified data.
So any claims must be taken skeptically, when the promoters of these
theories have been caught, in more than one event, lying and falsifying
data. Only a fool trusts a lier to stop lying.
I need to assume you want an “honest” debate where
science and objective analysis is worth discussion.
The entire “green new deal”
is a scam is my first claim. So my job is to convince you of that, or just
point out a few flaws and inconsistencies.
I doubt I can convince you that the entire
CO2 premise is a fraud. But if you remember
your maths, and logarithmic curves, you can understand why a small amount of
CO2 can have a large effect on
capturing/remitting heat, but a larger amount is pregoressivly less effective, until you are
near zero. It explains why earth had over 3,000 ppm of CO2 in the past,
without ‘melting”.
Above about 300-400PPM there is near zero impact of
adding more CO2. If you look at earths history, we are at a global low in
terms of atmospheric CO2.
And the “climate models” (which are not science, just
speculations) both assume 400PPM is “optimal” and dangerous to go above. As
it turns out C02 is helpful for crops, more CO2, more crops, more People can
be fed. So an increase in C02, even if “bad” has to be measured in the
context of what benefits go along with it. One has to assume none to justify
spending trillions on remediation efforts.
To me science means you have a theory, that can make a
prediction. The theory must be provably false. Science attempts to prove any
theory false. As long as it is not proven false, it is a valid theory. But
it must be “testable”. The first evidence “global warming” is not science,
is you cannot prove it false. If eons ago, with far more
CO2, earth could enjoy today’s overall climate,
it is up to the claimants to prove why that was different, not butter it
over. If I claim “god exists” as a scientific theory, I must be able to
prove god does not exist, for this to be a scientific theory.
So understand that while I can prove “global warming”
is not science, and I also believe it
is a scam, the claims are clearly a problem. Especially since we have a sun,
and we have H20 in the atmosphere,
which is a far bigger influencer in the climate than C02, which is at 400
parts per million.
Climate fear mongers need to demonstrate that the sun is a “constant”, which is provably
false. They also need to account for
water/clouds, which their computer models do not account for.
So it is up to the climatistas to demonstrate/prove
that H20, a far stronger “green
house gas” than CO2, and which the atmosphere has quadrillions of tons, has
no impact on climate?
Extraordinary claims require solid evidence. There is minimal or zero evidence, let alone proof.
In order for climate change to be even considered, the
warming of the 30’s has to be “adjusted” out of the temperature records. The
medieval warming has to be ignored. The fossil records have to be distorted.
Rather than just say the climate varies a lot.
We are in a glacial interstitial. Meaning an ice age,
where the ice is temporarily melted.
The real question to ask whenever someone wants money
to “fix” something, is Who gains? Who loses? Follow the money. Its much
simpler that way.
BTW: I scanned this pages of your link so far, at least
he is mentioning a couple honest people, Morano
and the very progressive Michael Shellinberger,
who’s book on “San Fransicko” I just read. I don’t agree with SHellenberger
on much, but his San Fransicko book was an honest evaluation from his
perspective on what is wrong with our approach to homeless and drug use and
well researched, so I consider him an honest author. Morano, I have read
his work here and there for years.
I’m sorry but up till now I have picked all the
arguments you’ve made and replied with proper rebuttals and always with
links corroborating them.
But I’m not getting that from you ! And your
replies are turning more into a Rant ! Let’s stick to facts?
Where are the responses ( with corroboration) to :-
·Contrarian Nonsense to --- Climate is warming from man-made
·CO2: However, more energy is absorbed in the weaker bands and in the
wings of the strong band, causing the surface and lower atmosphere to
warm further.
·2021: The authors note that the newest generation of global climate
models – the sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) – 49
different modeling groups
·And certainly there is plenty scientific evidence laid out in the
links above ( not “minimal evidence” nor “not science”)
·CLOUD EFFECT …. but that wouldn’t lead me to conclude that the
consensus prediction from all these models, of the earth’s warming
trajectory, is wrong. ( more so now that I’ve debunked the CO2
·Projected warming due to increasing greenhouse gas levels in the
coming decades will overpower even a very strong Grand Solar Minimum.
·Rising amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide have postponed the next
Milankovitch-driven ice age by at least tens of thousands of years.
infrastructure are sufficient for even the highest-demand scenarios.
I can’t believe I now have to provide evidence that the world is in fact
warming let alone that its man-made !
And that the argument against ANY warming is based on data from a NY Tower
Roy Spencer believes in the pseudoscience of intelligent design (
Dr. Spencer suggests that global warming is
mostly due to natural internal variability, and that the climate system is
quite insensitive to humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Spencer's model is too simple, excluding important factors like
ocean dynamics and treats cloud feedbacks as forcings.
"It's cooling"
All the indicators show that global warming is still happening.
"It's a natural cycle"
No known natural forcing fits the fingerprints of observed warming except
anthropogenic greenhouse gases.
"IPCC is alarmist"
Numerous papers have documented how IPCC predictions are more likely to
underestimate the climate response.
This person, Roy Spencer, has theories that are TOO SIMPLE and plain
wrong. But all dressed up in scientific terminology that appear to be making
the case but in fact are misleading or wrong.
That boils it down to just about every argument(opinion) I’m hearing !
Sources that have been debunked for their simplicity, misleading or plain
All this pseudo-science about “black body radiation increasing its
diameter. CO2 spectral absorption”:
when, my rebut shows clear scientific evidence that the more CO2 ---
the warmer it gets. There is no leveling off. I hope u
followed the link ?
Thinking that Spencer knows more than 100’s of doctorate scientists
who have studied this for years ?
But it goes beyond that. When I’m offered a webpage with outlandish
predictions ( that of course didn’t come true) and use that as an argument
to prove Climate Models are the same (and will not work) ! That’s
politics !
Denying Global Warming so that politicians can get more funding from the
Corporations that are solely responsible for Republican’s presence in
Congress ( all with the money spent misinforming the ignorant masses to get
them, through Wedge Issues, to vote against their own interest ! ) - IT’S
With total disregard for the damaged world they will leave their
children !
I suggest sleeping on it. Re-read the rebuttals and the links corroborating
them. Take a week.
You’re a backgammon player.
What is the probability that those 100’s of top scientists are ALL using
wrongly adjusted data? Or are in concert deliberately falsifying data? And
that only one person knows the right answer ?
There is 'No doubt left' about scientific consensus on global warming, say
Scientific evidence continues to show that human activities have
warmed Earth’s surface and its ocean basins, which in turn have continued to
impact Earth’s climate.
This is based on over a century of scientific evidence forming the
structural backbone of today's civilization.
Are you adding NASA to the list (
CDC, NIH ……… ) ?
I have rebutted most of the , (no more than), opinions ( and all of the
dubious theories ) that have been presented --- with reputable sources.
Reputable sources that I hear being called corrupt or
ignorant – but no proof of THAT is offered. Just more opinions.
I really don’ have the time it would take to refute
these silly claims. I will try, but it is time consuming and I have a job.
I included some easier to find sourcing. People like
Dr. Roy Spenser have blogs, but do not try to
refute point by point.
He made a great point in a post a couple weeks ago.
Maybe you saw once the math question, where you can prove 1+1 = 3? I can
show you if you never saw it. The trick was, once you enter a division by
zero, even using variables, you can get any answer you want.
Same thing with climate modeling. Once you ignore the
laws of physics, like the “conservation of energy", you can model any
climate you want.
I think Spenser was the scientist who created
the XL I referenced a couple posts back, where he added cloud cover to an
Excel to resolve climate models. (I am starting to remember, the problem is
the “forcing” is all wrong in climate modeling, so he adapted a simple
excel, adding cloud cover and normalized the equations. In physics, the lack
of understanding of how to calculate quantum effects is called
“renormalization”. Its short for "we have no idea what happens in reality,
but by cancelling out the divisions by zero in an arbitrary, we can make
these equations work out”. Every physicists knows renormalizations is
nonsense, but they do it anyway, or solving quantum equations is literally
impossible. And over time, renormalization has been accepted as “thats the
way it is” and younger physicists think nothing of it. But its still
cheating, because no one to this day understands quantum mechanics.
I think QED is slightly more complex than climate
modeling. But the same principal is used, we do not know how to model, so
lets make all kinds of assumptions, ignore physics, ignore clouds, ignore
C02 natural cycles, ignore the sun, volcanoes,
and all that messy stuff, lets make a “simplified” model to prove what we
already know. The climate is about to go out of control.
Which means, if you think about it, if we were paying
climatologists “grants” to prove the opposite with their models, they could
do so, easily. That is because modeling is not science. Its out of control
excel spreadsheets!
And Dr. Spenser proclaims the climate is
warming! (Which I don’t even go that far)
This is a power summary of where we stand, in his PhD
….. This
website describes evidence from my group’s government-funded research that
suggests global warming is mostly natural, and that the climate system is
quite insensitive to humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions and aerosol
Believe it or not, very little research has ever been funded to search for
natural mechanisms of warming…it has simply been assumed that global warming
is manmade. This assumption is rather easy for scientists since we do not
have enough accurate global data for a long enough period of time to see
whether there are natural warming mechanisms at work.
He has a page of citations on climate in peer reviewed
papers he has written or co written. More than 30. Give him some
credibility. He is smarter than either of us.
Here is something he wrote as a primer on “global
warming” from a PhD perspective, written in straightforward, understandable
English. You can disagree with some of his points, but they are evidentiary
based, rooted in “mechanics” and (in my opinion) objectively written as a
scientist should write, to educate the reader.
I am not against modeling;
models are necessary to understand complex processes in the climate system.
But, while the models are useful and necessary tools for studying climate
change, I do not think they can yet be relied upon for major changes in
energy policy.
Lets starve all the poor around the world, so we can
reduce global population, so use Americans can use the Chinese and
African/Indian populations as economic slaves, and live in our solas powered
cars and houses. Very practical. Who suffers from our policies? Congolese
peasants who manually dig up coal? Slave labor Uighers digging up
Lithium and other metals?
Certainly the needs of the few, outweigh the needs of
the many.
The main problem is normal sources are fraudulent. And
you have me at a disadvantage, I remember a bit, but have not been saving sources for discussion.
Pro arguments are boosted by search engines, anti arguments heavily
suppressed. So I cannot easily, with out major effort post source data. Its
But I have common sense. Claiming something as
incredible as “man is warming the earth and we can prove it” is like saying
“I proved Moses parted the Red Sea”
The emperor has no clothes. You think he is wearing a
suit that only you cannot see. It took a little boy to expose the fraud
Now we have respected
physicists, who have studied this, and found it wanting. The
result is they are defunded, hounded, called
names and tenure removed. The only people left are the :
climate terrorists”.
So I do not need to accept the premise, as it makes no
scientific sense, even if the laughable 99% believe it (which is a cherry
picked fraudulent number, of course, discredited immediately. However, google disappeared the refutations, by
freezing our their blogs. Convenient….)
The left has no problem
making up facts, then calling anyone who disagrees a “denier” or
Even when leftists get caught with their hand in the
cookie jar, it is ignored.
Science by its nature is skeptical. If you cannot show
skeptical arguments balanced against your pro arguments, you have nothing to
say. So quoting “google” to justify
your beliefs is not adequate to make
an argument. You need to show me the other side of your argument. And an honest discussion / evaluation on the theory,
attempting to prove it wrong, in an attempt to justify the theory.
Global warming was a
‘proclamation”, not a theory. That is not science.
And no amount of people agreeing make it “settled”.
That is how physics works. Unfortunately “climatology” is not a real science
judging by the claims made.
Indoctrination mostly from
scammers with a political Agenda
Yes, we have enough materials to power the world with renewable
The core issue here for a green energy future is not whether there are
enough elements in the earth’s crust to meet demand;
there are.
However, as the World Bank cautions, the materials implications of a
“clean tech” future creates “a new suite of challenges for the sustainable
development of minerals and resources.”[17]
Some minerals are difficult to obtain for technical reasons inherent in the
It is in the underlying physics of extraction and physical chemistry of
refinement that we find the realities of unsustainable green energy at the
scales that many propose.
Researchers have found that recycling electric vehicle batteries can
reduce the need for new mining by 25–55% by 2040.
the current discoveries by the MIT team highlight the fact that the
precuring capacity of concrete to
sequester carbon dioxide has been largely underestimated and
"Our new discovery could further be combined with other recent innovations
in the development of lower carbon footprint concrete
admixtures to provide much greener, and even carbon-negative construction
materials for the built environment, turning concrete from being a
problem to a part of a solution," Masic says.
There is no doubt that acquiring the necessary metals is a huge challenge
and its not totally clear what the path is to that goal.
But what history has taught us is that technical innovation usually finds a
way when the necessity is great.
Other more common elements might replace some of these metals, recycling
might become more doable, processes get improved….
I look forward to the responses to Global Warming issues as requested above.
The only argument left is the CLOUD EFFECT uncertainty which alone is not
enough to discredited all the hundreds of scientist who have acknowledged
and tried to include this uncertainty in their models.
The systems of mineral cycle, energy transition, and climate change are
strongly interlinked.
This study aimed to explore such a nexus with three-fold efforts:
1.Firstly, a novel MEC nexus framework was proposed with the
introduction of various quantitative approaches such as IAMs and the
stock-driven model.
2.Secondly, for the holistic analysis of critical mineral constraints
in achieving global 1.5 °C targets, six
state-of-the-art IAM models were applied to obtain future development of
wind and solar power and its corresponding annual requirement of six
types of minerals (i.e. Nd, Dy, Cd, Te, Se, In).
3.Thirdly, different settings of factors in material system, and
technology energy were combined under different SSPs for such analysis.
We find more stringent climate targets and more sustainable SSP call for
higher mineral demand which are within the physical mineral storage luckily.
·geo-political constraint,
·production capacity expansion below anticipation, and
·limited economic mineral reserve
may derail humanity from a more sustainable trajectory towards 1.5 °C
This study proposes to incorporate the mineral sector to IAM models, taking
the availability of mineral to energy transition and the offset effect to
carbon emissions into account, as well as factors like
·uneven geo-distribution of minerals,
·environmental pollution,
·geopolitical, and
·uncertainty of technology evolvement, etc.
Yes, we have enough materials to power the world with renewable
Production of dysprosium and
rare-earth metals used in the magnets in wind turbines,
will need to quadruple over the next several decades.
Solar-grade polysilicon will be another
hot commodity, with the global market predicted to grow by 150% between now
and 2050.
But for every scenario the team examined, the materials needed to keep
the world under 1.5 °C of warming account for “only a fraction” of the
world’s geologic reserves, .
The researchers found that emissions impacts from mining and processing
these crucial materials could reach a total of up to 29 gigatons of carbon
dioxide between now and 2050. Most of those emissions are attributed to
steel, and cement.
The total emissions from mining and processing those materials are
significant, but over the next 30 years they add up to less than a year’s
worth of global emissions from fossil fuels.
That up-front emissions cost will be more than offset by savings from clean
energy technologies replacing fossil fuels, Wang says.
Progress on cutting
from heavy industry, like steel(7-11%) and cement(8%),
could also help reduce the climate impact of setting up renewable energy
This study only focused on technologies that generate electricity.
It didn’t include all the materials that would be needed to store and use
that electricity, like the batteries in electric vehicles or grid
Demand for battery materials is expected to explode between now and 2050.
Annual production of graphite,
lithium, and
cobalt will all need to be ramped up by more than 450% from 2018
levels to meet expected demand for electric cars and grid storage, according
to a 2020 study from the World Bank.
Even considering battery materials, the basic takeaway is the same, Wang
says: the world’s reserves of the materials needed for clean energy
OK, no global warming, but that is the justification
for this total nonsense.
There is no debating this, its arguing about religion.
You cannot change the minds of fanatics.
On Aug 28, 2023, you wrote:
We are trying to
--- power the U.S. with 100 percent
renewable energy
Physically impossible. There is not enough cobalt, neodymium and other rare earth metals
to achieve just California, let alone “the world”
Or maybe Elon Musk will capture an asteroid and make
all the solar panels from it.
Fossil fuels are compact
energy, low in pollution, now that we
know how to get them out cleanly and destroy less land and the environment
than any other fuel, outside of nuclear.
Micro nuclear plants
hold better promise, but will never be allowed, they are too efficient. If
the “green new deal” talked about mass producing micronuclear power
plants, I might believe they did not have an agenda.
All this goal does is enslave more children slaves, in
places like Africa and Ughurs in China,
toxic pollution around the world, while dilettantes in the US and
Western Europe enjoy the benefits and sump the poisons on the children of
poorer countries.
Makes everything more
expensive, so poor people suffer. Like our “ethanol” subsidies.
All it accomplishes is causing more poverty in South America, where Maize is
their main crop. But who cares about them?
If they were serious, they would be pushing for more
nuclear and more fossil fuels being developed in the USA (and the west),
where environmental concerns are better met.
They want to displace their toxic waste to Africa
and China. Very noble.
I blow my nose at the “green new deal”, very 1984 of
--- make sure that
everyone in the country is paid a living wage and has a high standard of
Socialism never
works. Lets just do it “right” next time.
The minimum wage
is zero. That is what happens when businesses
cannot afford to pay government mandated wages, employment goes
down among minorities, jobs are mechanized, and more jobs are part time. And
the low skilled are totally left behind.
While the geniuses behind this drink their $8
If you believe this bunk I can legitimately describe
you as a socialist or fascist (corporate
control of government). ISorry, if I insult, but I have to call out
Think it through.
When the country is powered by renewables and its
people are taken care of, the need for the GND
What a gas. Its absurd on its face.
How do we recycle solar panels
and wind turbines?
How do we get China to stop making
coal plants?
This is an absurd argument by people living in clouds,
ignoring the impact of their goals on all of humanity.
These are the same people who want to reduce the worlds
population by 70 to 90% so they can live happy.
Enslave the masses, so the privileged can be happy.
Please, this guy and those like him, are total idiots.
We have major problems in the world, and getting
government to try to “fix” them will only make it worse. As usual.
Why do you think we are about to start a war in Niger?
That’s the green new deal in action, in my opinion.