Trump's Autocracy from Hitler's Playbook



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 Trump's Autocracy comes out of
Hitler's Playbook

Listen to some Chilling Thoughts:

Before Trump & Company :

  1. Ignores all Judge's rulings.
  2. Recruits 54,000 loyal MAGA Republicans to replace existing federal civil servants 
    ( straight from PROJECT 2025 )
  3. Takes total control of the
    bulletJustice Department
  4. Replaces Head Ranks of the Military with Trump Republicans.
  5. Orders the IRS to audit the tax returns of  Political Foes, Media Owners.
      Fabricate millions of dollars of outstanding tax liability.
    Ignores any court ruling against it.
  6. Attacks NY Times, Washington Post, CNN to drop criticism of Trump.
  7. Threatens owners of Facebook & TikTok to allow lies Trump propagates and censor opposition.
  8. Attacks owners of NBC, CBS, ABC to drop Late Night Talk shows that criticize Trump.
  9. Weaponizes the Dept. of Justice to frivolously sue anyone they chose who is critical of Trump.
  10. As good as "creates laws" beyond the Constitutionally allowed power of the Presidency without any opposition from the Republican Majority in Congress.
  11. Included in these laws is:-- makes it as good as illegal to criticize Trump.
    1st Amendment lawsuits against this will be ignored.
  12. Raises a Militia   ( starting with  the 1,500 Jan 6th Rioters).
    They would be immune from prosecution by the Dept of Justice.

Turning Democracy into an Autocracy - Project 2025

“We are in the process of the
2nd American
Heritage Foundation
’s president,
Kevin Roberts, warned !


The Nazis became a Dictatorship in Germany by:

bulleteliminating opposition,
bulletpassing the Enabling Act, and
bulletmerging the powers of the chancellery and presidency. 

Eliminated opposition

bulletHitler arrested communist deputies and intimidated other parties with the SA, the Nazi Party's militia 
bulletThe Nazis passed the Reichstag Fire Decree, which limited civil rights 

Passed the Enabling Act 

bulletThe Enabling Act allowed Hitler to create laws without the consent of parliament or the president for four years
bulletThe Enabling Act was the cornerstone of Hitler's dictatorship

Merged powers of the chancellery and presidency   

bulletAfter Paul von Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler became dictator by merging the powers of the chancellery and presidency
bulletA 1934 referendum confirmed Hitler as sole Führer (leader) of Germany

Centralized power

bulletHitler's word became the highest law in Germany 

The Nazis used propaganda to spread their ideas and control public opinion